Friday, September 15, 2017

Latest Reversals: Peking threatens to nuke America over McMaster aggression in North Korea

Don't worry Don, when I start a nuclear war,
you can live in a bunker called Mar Largo Smells Like Rat Shit

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Richard Nixon threatened to nuke China over the Chinese Indian War in the 1970's. In reverse speech, Mad Dog Mattis has confirmed that if Donald Trump bombs North Korea first, that Peking will bomb America, as in Peking will nuke the United States.
Mattis states that any threat will be responded with a massive military response in a nuclear response to any Asian nation, from North Korea, to China to Russia.

The Trump Junta is speaking of nuclear war literally. This point must be understood by you bleaters. This incorrect policy that Donald Trump has been manipulated into for North Korea by McMaster and for China by Jared Kushner, has had a nuclear line drawn in the sand.
It is why the United States has not shot down any of Kim's missiles.

This has been an incorrect policy from the beginning and McMaster has now had Mr. Trump humiliated by the Chinese.
You will notice that Mr. President has gone silent about his "good guy Xi" that Kushner loves. It is because Xi has threatened nuclear war over McMaster aggression.

Hillary Clinton

Just relax - I have never lied in my head (pathological in she only lies in her heart)

Interest in the far right and far left - We're not in the mud

Easier to vote - Crazy it ended

So our democracy functions - Forgive ha ha ha

Going after Bernie - You're still upset

She's gonna get locked up - Smashed and you get my ass


Mad Dog Mattis

We have two rails, diplomatic - And I'm afraid to kick you (Mattis is afraid of North Korea)

Important to recognize - Die in mud, the mud, mud (US policy is stuck in the mud and America will die in the military option.)

We had a small group - China will bomb. (Peking has threatened to nuke the United States.)

Better in artificial intelligence - Get neighbor

Voting unanimously - He's seen the power (Kim Jong Un)

Think differently on the west coast - They look angry

Don't tell enemy what our moves are - They lost more data (North Korea)

Any threat to the United States or allies - Now we nuke it

Donald Trump

Kuwait bought 777 jets - For your villain

Assad would do that again - No fed up

Visited North Dakota - Use a dealer

Responsible nation to strip terrorists of funding - He's the lie (Trump speaking about himself)

 Justin Trudeau
Put a price on carbon - The Bullshitter (Trudeau damning himself.)

Government costs - They are ill and it's not suicide

Steve Bannon Interview Charlie Rose

(Rose) The election lost - Soros

(Bannon) This whole scam - My source

(Rose) Build a new media empire - So much blood

Mike Pence

This is our time - Kiss them all lucifer

John Brennan

Fossil fuels - Hillary is still on the unit, I will talk to my wolf
