Saturday, September 16, 2017

German Shorthair Cake

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I usually make German Chocolate Cake with Coconut Pecan Frosting for my birthday. Last year it was strawberry cheesecake, so it is not all the time, but as I love this cake, the only one I could really eat as a child as I hated cake, I am going to share a recipe.

Now this recipe is not without connections to disappointments, betrayals, sorrows and memories I care not to recall, as the sender was from a former prostitute, Mormon, who still had adultery and satan knows what on her agenda, but she  thought enough of me to send me  this in 1999 in March, and as it is the best recipe I have come across, I share it with you. After all, how often do you get to eat whore cake on a birthday which is not your own eh.

German Chocolate Cake

1/2 cup boiling water
1 4 ounce bar of semi sweet chocolate.

Boil the water, add the broken up chocolate, cover and let sit on the burner turned off, to melt.


2 cups sugar
1 cup butter
4 egg yolks
1 teaspoon real Vanilla
1 cup buttermilk (I can not eat that crap, so I use regular milk with a teaspoon of white vinegar added.)

After this in another bowl:

Separate out the egg yolks from the whites, put in a metal bowl, and beat to stiff peaks on high.

Now back to the batter.

Add 2 1/2 cups cake flour
In the last cup mix in:
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda

Beat this is best with an electric mixer which you have dirty already from beating the egg whites.

Gently fold in, in two parts the eggs whites into the batter. You will do best to go ass backwards, with the back of a spatula, and scooping from the sides down to the center of the bowl, and then lifting up the batter over top of the egg whites.

I bake my cake in a deep 9 x 13 inch aluminum pan I can cover. Butter the bottom.

If you want girly cakes then grease 2 - 8 x 8 x 2 or 9 x 9 x 2 pans, or three round pans, placing parchment paper on the bottom. Crisco is used on the bottom of the pan to help keep the parchment paper from sticking.
If you are poor as dirt, Mom used brown paper bags from the grocery store which were oiled.

Bake at 350 degrees
8 inch pans 45 to 50 minutes
9 inch pans 40 to 45 minutes
8 inch rounds 35 to 40 minutes
The 9 x 13 is 60 minutes plus depending on oven and altitude.

Always check with a toothpick. The experts say when it springs back to touch, but stick your fingers in hot batter that breaks from a thin crust and you will find out what lava hand feels like.

Coconut Pecan Frosting

1 cup sugar
1 cup Carnation Evaporated Milk
1/2 cup butter
3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon real Vanilla
1 1/2 cup flaked coconut
1 cup chopped pecans

Mix sugar, milk, butter, egg yolks and vanilla in a least a 1 quart sauce pan, until it reaches bubbly stage. You must keep stirring as this will burn and stick very easy. Good things come to those not off watching the lezbo Young and the Restless, burning up the frosting and the house.

Turn down to medium heat and allow to thicken, stirring for about 12 minutes.

Remove from heat and stir in the pecans and then the coconut.

Let cool and stir until it will spread on the cake. I am lazy and will not stand there beating it until it cools.

When at room temperature so it is not setting up and you can not spread it, pour onto the cake and spread it to your heart's content.

This makes a big ass cake and you will get enough of it to eat for a week.

That is the recipe from a person who was colorful in her experiences.

Nuff Said

