Friday, October 27, 2017

Billy and Kimberly King, Eyewitnesses of the Las Vegas Massacre

This is clearly in forensic examination an EXIT WOUND.
This is also a 30 caliber or larger bullet, non expansive.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Billy King was shot at the Las Vegas massacre. His eye witness account of being shot, was that he was on top of his wife, protecting her. He stated he was facing NORTH. His bullet entered his back and exited his chest as he was propped up in a push up position.
That would indicate a ground type trajectory and there is absolutely not any way that Stephen Paddock could have fired that shot, as like the fictional shot at Jesus Campos through the door at 90 degree angle, would mean that Stephen Paddock's bullet would have had to have made a 90 degree turn.

His wife Kimberly stated that the firecrackers first seemed further away. The gun shots sounded further away, and as they moved, the shots sounded as if they were getting closer. She stated that the shots seemed to be following them, the sound was following them, as if the shooter were moving.

She did not feel safe in the hospital. She wanted to get out of the hospital and take care of her husband herself as it seemed they were coming after her.
She could not understand how one shooter could do this.

Kimberly had a harrowing experience in a woman was shot beside her. She was shot from the vendors away from Mandalay Bay. Kimberly thought they were running toward shooting.

She was seeing people falling and others running over them.

Kimberly King was an amazing woman and witness. Billy was not as aware in flight mode in being shot. She though gave detailed and unshakeable recounting. She is a most remarkable person.

Billy King was shot with a full metal jacket bullet. If this was a frangible or a soft point, mean expansive bullets. This bullet entered the kidney area, and barely missed his aorta, and missed the lung. Why it is important to understand in this, is soft point bullets transfer energy of a thousand plus foot pounds to liquid energy, and like a balloon being popped. If that bullet was anything other than FMJ the shockwave would have blown out Billy's lung and aorta. Her face was covered with blood from him, but this blood was like "exhaust trail" being pulled along in the wake of this bullet. The blood was sucked from his body.

This interview was thankfully conducted by Jeff Rense who has been cataloging eyewitness accounts in piecing this story together. Kimberly King though can not be discounted in her accuracy. She is now enduring these MOGS who are spreading these cover up lies of "crisis actors" and this was a false flag. The King's are real people and her husband was almost murdered. For this couple to be attacked by these paid trolls is what this nation has descended into.

There is absolutely without a doubt that there were multiple shooters and equally important is the shooters were MOBILE. Kimberly made a phone call during this time after leaving the venue, and the caller could hear the shooting on the phone as it was that close.

It is only through brave Americans as the King's will provide a semblance of the facts which will drive this, so that in time more and more piecing of this mass murder will be understood, and eventually someone will talk.
