Friday, October 27, 2017

Citizen Flake

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I remember the footage of the Red Scare and that whining traitor droning on at Senator McCarthy about not having limits or boundaries. That drama worked as Americans were tired of the hunt for communists and the communists in media were ready to crucify Americans as being mean.

That type of manipulation works when the public is weary of the fight and that is where this whiner Jeff Flake made his mistake, because America is a generation of 95 million forgotten, 300 million betrayed, and Donald Trump is going through the same abuse every American endures daily, and into this Jeff Flake walks into the Senate with thee most pathetic "Oh Cruel World" screed, with the very #NeverTrumper traitors who would have elected Hillary Clinton.......the same Hamrod who is now proven to have taken over the Trump Dossier funding from a Republican.......and the two Republicans who seem to be joined at the hip in starting this were the original President and Vice Presidential duo of Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, as the funding of the dossier appears to trace to them.

So we have  the harping of Hillary Clinton, the backstabbing of John McCain, and if you notice in this, Lindsey Graham has been wronged and his group are flexing their power after McCain humiliated Graham on Obamacare, and into this walks Jeff Flake, after Bob Corker is a real bastard being a prick on Twitter to President Trump.
For the record, Americans do not like their Presidents pissed on by lower politicians, no matter the party. Americans did not like it when Teddy Kennedy challenged Jimmy Carter and Americans did not like it when even Pat Buchanan challenged HW Bush.

Again, this is what that stooge Jeff Flake walked into. Flake has been propped up and paid for months to set up the #NeverTrump resistance on the right. Flake with his attacks on Trump was to be the moral quiet voice against the loud contentious Trump. No one cared, and in fact Flake was so unpopular in Arizona that he was going to be primaried next year. Flake assessed the situation as did McConnell, who just blew 32 million of the #NeverTrumpers in losing to Roy Moore, so the writing was on the wall that Flake will take retirement in some 7 figure lobby job and McConnell will in the deep state see how to blackmail the person who replace Flake.

There is a pattern in this in those who jousted with Trump and were skewered.  This whining Charles Sykes who destroyed his family members chance at the Supreme Court, is still limping around whining about Trump and begging everyone to cry for Jeff Flake, who is such a loser that they have already left the building. They are like Bob Corker, becoming a greater pariah and elevating Trump to a stronger position.

What has stunned me from the start of this, is how absolutely worthless these Neocons are. Bill Kristol was the frontman in this from the start in those who funded this in Bushfam. They failed in Jeb. They failed in their 100 days. They failed in Pissgate. They failed in dampening down the American ire of these leftist RHINOs and they simply look pathetic and girly.
Ben Sasse is not man enough to speak out, but instead whines in private. This entire caste of political whores are nothing which inspire. They are ill timed. They are feckless and they keep piling up like British officers sending British troops to take German machine gun nests in World War I.

I welcome the idea that Jeff Flake will try and primary Donald Trump, a no name Senator with the worst possible name from a nowhere state in Arizona, which is plagued by John McCain's treason, and this is what is supposed to show up in Iowa and New Hampshire to unseat Mr. Trump.

Flake needs to go back to his birthplace in Snowflake Arizona as he has had his meltdown and appears to be the perfect dirty old baby boomer of the modern worthless snowflakes.

Flake was born in Snowflake, Arizona,
What an absolute empty suit and an empty seat in the US Senate.
