Friday, October 27, 2017

The Truth About The Trump Economy

 All I put down was your flesh America for Shylock's 30 pieces of Silver

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Take a look at the Drudge Headline links in how great the United States economy is as it is made Great Again. As you bask in the euphoria of this in adoring President Trump, I do have a question for you, in are you happy that gas prices have gone up 30 cents a gallon and have not come down, since those hurricanes drove them up, and are you pleased that fruit is up a dollar a pound, that sugar is back up to 2 dollars for four pounds and that your eggs a smaller and your toilet paper rolls are bigger in the interior cardboard roller and the sheets are smaller?
The Trump economy is great again though right eh?


Economy shrugs off hurricanes...

Do you know why GDP is up? It is because of another Trump economic feature.

U.S. dollar drops sharply after President Trump calls it 'too ...

U.S. dollar drops sharply after Trump calls it 'too strong' ... or Japanese products when the dollar's value is ... worth drops $600 million ...

See if you have lumber for your house growing on your government lands, oil under your dirt, and grain in your fields, and the dollar drops, that means the Eurasian dollars can buy more lumber, gas and grain.

Do you know what that means for you? Well, your dollars are worth less and things from China cost more as China fleeces you, and China buys up all those lumber for your house, so you are on the street, and you don't have the money to fill up your gas tank, because Mr. President has not gotten rid of Obamacare.

So all of that GDP going up is because of drought in the West where all of your beef went to China, all of your lumber is going to China to be made into things and sold to you at high prices, and gas prices go up, because you remember Mr. Trump started selling all of your coal, oil and gas to Europe and Asia, so your prices are spiking, and that is called INFLATION robbing you.

For most of you reading this, La'me Cherry is now going to give all of you Trump bleaters a history lesson from Ronald Reagan. Do you know what happened in Reagan's economy? Things got prosperous, GDP went up and people had money. Want to know what happened? I have it in the archives but as you are rich and lazy, I will post it here.

Ronald Reagan increased the value of the dollar, but his economy lowered taxes so business engaged in production where the profits were, instead of gouging the public. Interest rates came down from Jimmy Carter's 23% to 8%, which kept people saving money prosperous, and people borrowing money able to pay off loans as the economy expanded, and here is the hallmark of Ronald Reagan, THERE WAS DEFLATION, in all the costs of American living went down from energy to food.

Now do you judge Donald Trump's economy great where you are being screwed over or is Ronald Reagan's economy great where you actually had money and things started costing a great deal less?

If you want to be a Trump Bleater, then realize that you are dumb as a sheep if you think a great economy is where China gets your food, lumber and gas, and you get high prices, being rationed to death by Obamacare as Mr. President points to a fraud stock market where that 1% are getting Treasury prop up payments to keep things this high.

I have news for you, Trump's economy sucks as bad as HW Bush's, is worse than Bill Clintons, is lackluster like Bush43's and is one step up from Obama's Super Depression, as there are still 95 million people out of work, gas is where Obama left it, and we have still the same in no one is building coal plants for cheap electricity.

I have a further reality for you, and that is if Hillary Clinton had been elected President, the economy would be performing much better as it did under Bill Clinton, and Obamacare would have been fixed.
I am no supporter of Mrs. Clinton as I probably would have been dead by now, but those are the facts in Donald Trump is doing worse than if Hamrod was President, as all of us are being screwed over by Trump cheap dollars, Wall Street gouging you, China getting richer and you getting poorer.

Donald Trump is Peking's man in DC. He is no Ronald Reagan and what we have are the same Bush Clinton rapine economy impoverishing Americans. This is not great again. This is the continuing Obama Depression which is now the Trump Depression as he is responsible for the dollar drop, the looting of American goods for China and high gas prices.

Donald Trump tweeted away an entire year as Americans languished and that goddamned Shylock Gary Cohn is trying to raise gas taxes, and Donald Trump is not firing that flesh carver.

Gary Cohn Is Correct: It Is Long Past Time To Raise The ...

Oct 26, 2017 · White House economic adviser Gary Cohn's suggested increase in the gas tax as a way of helping pay for the administration's infrastructure plan makes ...

Yeah Gary Cohn is right for Wall Street tax cuts where the poor people are paying for the billionaires tax cuts.

That is the Truth of the Trump Economy. It is nothing but Economic Rape.

Ask yourself are you better off under Donald Trump, than Barack Obama? Same deal isn't it.

Are you better off under Donald Trump or Bill Clinton? Yeah Bill Clinton.

Nuff Said

