Saturday, October 28, 2017

If you were an indictin' son of a bitch like Robert Mueller....

The key to indictments is apples. Eve ate one in the first crime, so I always look 
to indict apples first as they came from Russia. Pippins are 
the worst criminal apples in bunches.......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So Robert Mueller, feeling the heat of his collusion in covering up Uranium One Hillary Clinton, fast tracked some indictments on Friday to save his ass.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter. The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are. A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment. Mueller was appointed in May to lead the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

There is a growing chorus for Mueller's head. Logic would dictate that the Bob would need a good bluff now would he not?
Who would be a good bluff to grab the headlines and save Robert Mueller's arse?

Paul Manafort? No he is too Podesta and Hillary Clinton. Can't be indicting him right off the bat or Podesta and Clinton will be the screams of the mob next.

Someone in the Trump campaign? Not likely as no one colluded.

Mike Flynn or his boy? That would be  more Scooter Libby stuff, in more lightweight charges that has nothing to do with anything Trump.

No this is a Russian investigation, so the Bob will have to indict a Russian won't he? Sure he will, a nice Ruskie sounding name, a real Vladimir Putin bankster, but not the kind romping around in Don jr's  office as we don't want to be reminded of Pissgate Dossiers or Hillary Clinton crimes.

Who would really draw blood in this. Who would have the leverage to get at Mr. President. Who would grab the headlines and taint Mr. Highrise? Who is a big enough trophy to save Robert The Bob Mueller's ass?

Ok we got three indictments, as we got to have a mafia in this of criminals.

Rub a dub dub
Three crooks in a tub
And who do you think they may be?
The Russian, the Homemaker and the Jared Kushner faker.........

How does Robert Mueller and his goon squad save themselves? Have to hit paydirt and who would make Donald Trump pay more for, than Jared Kushner, as it would leverage tearful Ivanka, wailing to Dads and put the presidency in jeopardy as Trump would pardon him.
Remember Mueller's thugs were researching presidential pardons. They were looking at pardons, because they knew it would be a pardon which would come fast and furious, and that is how they would trip up Trump and that would save them by creating a crime, they could snare Trump on.

We shall see if logic prevails as inquiring might be considered cheating. Their motive in operation is to sully and to blackmail, that means Russians and family members. That is Mueller's pattern.

IS GEN. FLYNN THE TARGET? Deep State Briefed Mueller On Flynn’s Business Dealings Before First Charges Filed

Then again if you had a stick and the Bob, and asked who the smart one was, it would be the stick ten out of ten times.

