Saturday, October 28, 2017

New York Times Posts FBI Is Lying About Las Vegas Massacre

Odd the New York Times is featuring a photo with only one window knocked out of the Mandalay Hotel in Las Vegas......or is it.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

No less than the New York Times has now weighed in the Stephen Paddock investigation, and by inference has stated that the FBI is lying in a cover up. One has to know what this CIA controlled publication is stating, but it is in the highlighted in bold

On Wednesday, information emerged that adds to the complexity of the case. Mr. Paddock apparently removed the hard drive from at least one computer found in his room at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, according to a law enforcement official.

Complexity of a case is code for intelligence community involvement, because in the cover story released, it was stated in this narration that Paddock mowing down hundreds, in a stand off with SWAT, decided to get out a screwdriver and take apart a computer, and somehow eat it, flush it or have UPS do a pick up, as the hard drive vanished.
It is the way this entire case has gone, in the narratives blow apart upon examination, and the reality is in the original documents of evidence recovered one does not find a screwdriver to undertake this 10 minute destruction of a computer.

The Lame Cherry is going to tell you something that the New York Times knows, that all law enforcement knows and that each of you know, and that is on your computer in System Files is a folder which says SYSTEM INFORMATION, which is your Social Security card number on the internet. EVERY COMPUTER HAS IT, and it is how you are tracked just like ONSTAR tracks automobiles.

To prove I am telling the Truth about my poverty and old computer, here is a screen grab, minus my operating number, just like you can find if you go into system information.

See XP Pro, the service pack, Dell D430, X86 genuine Intel down to the BIOS.

Whenever you are online or you save a picture or file, your system codex imprints onto the files, and when you visit sites like Google with Ad Cookies, that is how you get all those Facebook ads tracking you and giving you tampon and porno ads on Facebook.

Your System Name is probably, something like Stephen 8833800, because people always are putting their name onto their computers when Windows installs on your system and you type in your name.

Now some of you might be saying now, well I use a proxy, like Tor Browser. Ok you can say that, but let Perry Mason put you on the stand, because here is the reality. You put on any stealth or inscription and the NSA monitors all the CISCO hubs or Verizon AT&T, and when packets of information start flowing from bin Laden's memorial page through a proxy, the NSA alerts and includes information in those packets, so it tracks through the proxy and sends out a homing beacon on the other side to your computer.
It is more simple than the old way of just looking at packets going into proxies and then matching them downloading on the other side of the proxy.

Ok I will explain this in another level of how this all works. Your computer is named Junior Samples BR549. That is your Social Security number on the internet, leaving your fingerprints everywhere you go. Hosts of cookies are sent and installed on your computer, so you are tracked. You though think your a smart in deleting them or proxy servers. You still have your name though on your computer.

Every file you receive is in CODEX or computer language. It sends in packets like a grocery bag. It is all unique and the NSA can track say a John McCain photo as you adore him, it goes into the proxy, and out the other side and into your computer, as you are on a HUB and that information comes to your computer where you are which is your ISP, and then Homeland shows up on your doorstep.

Stephen Paddock's computer still has the NAME on it as that is in the motherboard, not the hard drive. All the FBI had to do was install a hard drive, fire it up, find the number of the computer on that motherboard and they can track wherever that Paddock computer was on the internet.
So it is bogus that the FBI is stating that no one can find where Stephen Paddock is, but then they are not, they are saying COMPLEX, as in this is just one more step in using a search engine all of these agencies have that specifically looks for computers, like yours.

So it is a lie all of these stories about terrorists removing hard drives or sims is bogus and the Times knows it. It knows it, because it tracks everyone on their sit. Because each unique visitor is still on a system with their very own SERIAL NUMBER which marks exactly who each of you are.

Here let me show you who you are. Here  this is you reading this site for the moment as tracked by Google.

Pageviews by Browsers

12833 (34%)
12617 (34%)
7444 (20%)
1331 (3%)
Internet Explorer
753 (2%)
599 (1%)
463 (1%)
Mobile Safari
319 (<1 div="">
272 (<1 div="">
135 (<1 div="">
Image displaying most popular browsers

Pageviews by Operating Systems

12970 (34%)
8547 (22%)
7087 (19%)
3484 (9%)
3184 (8%)
1240 (3%)
362 (<1 div="">
Android 7.1.1
180 (<1 div="">
Android 6.0.1
133 (<1 div="">
iPod touch
43 (<1 div="">
Image displaying most popular platforms

That is just the first level of information that Google collects for the NSA. With this an astute investor could watch the trends of each of you in what you are investing in, and that in turn means those stocks would be the ones to purchase. You can see that even  though Microsoft is still the NSA's choice for an intelligence community door into your system everyone has dumped Internet Explorer. That though is a side issue and the point is to show how many deadbeats are on this site each that was not it, it was to prove that all of this information is tracked, and Stephen Paddock's computer serial number is still in the NSA files.

So that means one of three things:

Stephen Paddock who knew all of this, would know that removing that hard drive was worthless as he worked for the defense department. So if he did remove it, it is somewhere in a probable dead man's switch protecting his family from being made scapegoats as it tells the real story of Stephen Paddock in who he was really working for.

Two, a terrorist removed the hard drive and walked off with it right past Jesus Campos.

Third, the FBI or CIA walked in and removed that hard drive, to hide what was contained on it, as it left tracks in communications which were received.

Additionally, housekeepers had visited Mr. Paddock’s room, where he fired on the crowd below, more than once in the days before the shooting, but did not notice any sign of his large stockpile of weapons

Next up, where those weapons appeared from in probable deduction, as no one is being forthcoming in this and the New York Times is smelling a skunk in the rat's ass pile.
