Friday, October 27, 2017

Mike Pence and his Nuclear Warfare Visit Today

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you were not donating to this blog again today in stealing content and were busy diddling the day away, I was on the alert and have a message for you, and it is Mike Pence.

Do you know where the President sent Mike Pence today?

Minot North Dakota.

The morons of you will think big deal and nothing is there, but what resides there is SAC. The 5th bomber and 91st missile wing of the Minutman III. This is the 3rd leg of the Nuclear Triad, which has gone on alert and Mike Pence appeared there today.

I was thinking of writing of this in a fuller context and content, but will state the B 52's of Minot will be in action to deal with North Korea. That is why Pence was out their cheerleading.
When the United States attacks North Korea, it will be on the Nixon Doctrine, which means the dial up nukes of low grade tactical nuclear payloads of mile wide incineration of North Korean sites, in close does count in nuclear warfare when one needs to quickly address what Kim Jong Un has deployed.

Nuclear heat trumps biological and chemical weapons. Nuclear pollution keeps China from occupying the hot zones.

If  North Korea attacks America, it will be along the coasts in submarine warfare, and it will be to destroy the infrastructure in an attempted EMP, and it will strike Minot, as will all other nuclear powers from Russia, China to Tehran, as that is the reason that base is in the middle of nowhere, it is the American kill zone.

That nuclear pollution which is the danger will pollute the Missouri and Mississippi to New Orleans. Fall out will be from the Twin Cities, to Chicago, to Cleveland to Nashville to Pittsburgh.

Mike Pence was at SAC today, as this is about nuclear warfare on the discussion. You diddled your way  away again today and were not paying attention in the message being sent.

The B 52's carry payloads  of cruise missiles. Gravity bombs are gone. They will fly at 200 feet, to within 1000 miles of  their target and launch their salvo. They do not state this in public, but they will not return to Minot, because it is determined Minot will not be there.

Some popular girl was paying attention to what the United States was stating as public policy today.

The Vice President does not go to the middle of nuclear nowhere unless that option is now live to prepare those Soldiers to die.

Nuff Said
