Friday, October 27, 2017

Regime Sponsored Grid Shut Down on Antifa's November 4

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not like, no more than on 9 11 that the US Defense stood down in an operation, and now Antfia has promised a revolution in America on November 4th, and who appears but the DOD shutting down the United State grid. on the same day.

According to The National Association for Amateur Radio (ARRL), elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will simulate a  “communications interoperability” training exercise across the United States on November 04-06. The announcement released on October 24 has not been widely distributed to the media, because the drill is simulating a total grid collapse and could spark public fear.

Yes the day Antifa picks, is the day the DOD picked for a two day drill, but is not telling Americans as it might terrorize them on November 4th.

This is beyond troubling, as with North Korean threats of EMP, Antifa revolution, and the DOD is not telling Americans what they are engaged in, so Americans will jump to another War of the Worlds hysteria.

This is exactly what a deep state operation would look like in a very American Coup. Not inform the public, shut down the grid, shut down communications, create a panic and a freezing of the populace and next thing you know Robert Mueller is President.

There is no such thing as coincidence.

Nuff Said
