Monday, October 2, 2017

Schizophrenic Junta of Reverse Speech

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

These are the latest reversals by David John Oates on the Rense Program exposing that Iran is the target. This fits with the inquiry results I have been getting.

The President is not the person from 2016. He is questioning himself and everything is coming up nuclear war.

Donald Trump

Tax reform rates - Now fear it

Individual taxed on 12,000 - We'll fuck Iran

We will cut taxes on all working families - You don't sell allah

US has done well after election - Yes that I may deal

Some of the serious threats - Shield not heed

Marshall Plan, nations safer stronger - I fierce a world war

Strong sovereign nations - Save NORAD (nuclear monitoring)

Greatest words are We the People - Did I mean it?

Elected to give power to the American people - I get the son

A one sided deal - You're fun sex, yes

Totally destroy North Korea - You're a cunt

What the United Nations is about - They shant damn me.

Can not let a murderous regime continue Iran - See the big gang is owl

Refugee resettlement - And bless you

Salute the work of the United Nations - Did I need the gold

Famine prevention - Borrow a deal I've seen

Governments with human rights records - Did I need this it's sad

United States pays 22% budget of UN - Did I mean it?

Carolyn Kennedy

How he would judge politics - I can not give you that money

So inspired by Kenedy vision - The crime of fun

Sharing with another generation - What a sin

Hillary Clinton

He shot his gun off in pizza place - I am nice

Russian hacking - They will off

Talk about radical change - Then you're not afraid

Half can not policies - You lost Hillary


Patriots such as you at AFA - And I'm losing

Good to have your mind opened - Bad nukes

All wars are local - They are small

Truth does not change - They want me show

Adapt to the new realities - See the lie

Speak truth to the power - Sell credible


We need nuclear power - Dead whirlwind


Iran support for terrorists - He's awkward
