Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Paint it Jesse Jackson Black

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Can we not all agree that some men are just above sexual harassment claims. I mean when the FBI released documentation that Michael King jr, aka Martin Luther King jr, was a sexual deviant, a communist sexual pervert, an adulterous degenerate fathering babies like bunnies, that there was not any call for removing his statue from Washington DC, like Confederate Christians were having their memorials torn down, nor in removing his national holiday, as this was the Reverend  Dr. King, who was just bigger than all of this.

And yet, now  here  comes this unattractive black woman, looking to tear down the Reverend Dr. Jesse Jackson for grabbing her thigh and telling her that he liked all of what she had, and she laughed, and Jesse laughed as he said it was a joke. I am sure the Dr. Reverend Jackson was just trying to give an ugly black woman some self esteem, so she would grow up to be Anita Hill or something, speaking of Coke cans and pubic hair before Democrats in Congress  as they were really interested in this subject.

America and especially Blacks owe Jesse Jackson everything in their existence. When Martin King was out hiring whores, being communist and teaching women how to do anal penetration, it was Jesse Jackson who kept things on track, and working for the FBI, was there to pick up the pieces of Martin Luther King's violent revolution and made it all FBI peaceful, so the Black race was preserved in America.

Jesse Jackson just took it when that Barack Obama shoved the Reverend Dr. Jackson aside in stealing the White House. There was no Secretary of State appointment, not Supreme Court appointment as the Jews and lesbians all got them.
Even when Hillary Clinton dissed Jesse Jackson he took it in silence and sat with Donna Brazile in the cheap seats.
Jesse Jackson is just a man who has earned his protection from sexual harassment, just like a Martin Luther King is not having his statue removed which was made in Maoist communist China, nor being removed from a national holiday for being an abuser of women like Harvey Weinstein and Anthony Wiener. If Martin King is immune, then why is a Black sistah dissing the Reverend Dr. Jackson?

Jesse Jackson is not immune to sin. He used to spit in White People's soups in restaurant to get back at whitey. He had an affair and fathered a love child, which he paid for with funds he gleaned from corporations in shakedowns with the help of the FBI. A man like this should have his golden years in quiet honor as he led the Afriod from the Valley of Martin Luther King scandals of death, to produce such exceptional advances in Black culture which has all gone Obama Snoop Dog under the Birther foreigner.

If the bounds of protection are gone from Jesse Jackson in his being treated like Bill Cosby, then it is time to topple the memorials to the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King jr. as he was not complimenting ugly women, he was beating on them, abusing them, cheating on his wife and violating federal law in bringing young women across state lines for immoral acts.

It is time to put an end to this one way or another, as Blacks have always had excuses and Jesse  Jackson should have his share, as Jeremiah Wright had his and that Quadroon Obama had a criminal prison full of them and is still getting them.

Let us just figure that like Hillary Clinton, this is the image Obama spreading lies about Jesse Jackson so Obama is the one crowning the 2020 nominee and not the American Black, Jesse Jackson.

Let us all just stop this, before something comes out like Barack Hussein Obama was a sodomite with gay men and he liked molesting little boys as the worst kind of serial pedophile.

Born Michael King jr.: PAINT IT BLACK

Nuff Said
