Friday, November 10, 2017

Oh my God, LaDavid Johnson is worse than Cowardice

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The situation of La David Johnson of the Red Tie Resistance against  President Donald Trump is worse than Johnson as a Sgt. abandoning his Soldiers and running away during a fire fight, WHERE NO VEHICLE SHOULD HAVE EVER STOPPED, but now we have the full reason why the Pentagon was covering all of this up, and that stupid Obama Congresswoman in Florida, prodded those stupid Obama black voters to make an issue of this, and now it has all come out.

Basically, the White Soldiers held position and died at their guns begging for help.

The two Tongo Tongo villagers said they also saw the bodies of the three other American soldiers — Staff Sgts. Bryan Black, Jeremiah Johnson and Dustin Wright — who U.S. officials say were killed in action. One was slumped inside the team’s pickup truck, they said. The bodies of the other two were on the ground, one clutching a walkie-talkie, they said.
They were wearing T-shirts and boxer shorts, the two men said. It was unclear whether the militants had stripped off their uniforms.

We now know that La David Johnson was NOT WOUNDED, I repeat he was not wounded, which is my mistake in I never dreamed a Green Beret would act out in this type of cowardice.

Johnson was found  dead, with his hands bound. That means he gave up. That means he ran off from this column  as that is how he was captured, not fighting, but hiding in the bush, while White Soldiers died for the United States of America.

“His two arms were tied behind his back,” he said. The chief called Nigerien military forces, who dispatched troops to retrieve Johnson’s remains.

The village chief of Tongo Tongo, Mounkaila Alassane, confirmed the account in a separate phone interview.
“The back of his head was a mess, as if they had hit him with something hard, like a hammer,” recalled Alassane, who said he also saw the body. “They took his shoes. He was wearing only socks.”

We now know that La David Johnson was looked upon with so much contempt by John  McCain's ISIS that they did not waste a bullet on him, but used the back of an AK 47 to smash in the back of his skull. The Muslims are not yet proficient in this, in they wanted to make sure, so they turned the back of Johnson's head into mush in fervor.

The Muslims had contempt for Johnson, whether it was race or whether Johnson helped set up this ambush, ran off to his comrades and then was rifle butt smashed in contempt, is not yet come out, but the details are contemptible enough in forensic psychology that there is not any doubt. The White Green Berets were killed honorably in battle, and left unmarked. La David Johnson ran away, was captured hiding, and deemed worthless by the Muslim fighters who then rifle butted him from behind, as he stood tied, and then finished him off thoroughly.

This makes the occupation of Special Forces worse, as the enemy now knows the story of La David Johnson and the Walmart affirmative action Obama Green Berets and they will graduate to Christopher Stevens methods of entertaining themselves for the contempt they will have for US Soldiers.

This is a grave situation as once the Muslims get done with Vegas entertainment, they will be rampaging through American streets.

This is Obama's Resistance fault for bring this out. Now instead of John McCain's  ISIS knowing in Niger and Mali, the entire world knows and will make sport of Americans.

Nuff Said

