This is what I give bitch, lots a McTongue to the McTwat
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After reading the shameless attacks upon Judge Roy Moore, by the Conglomercrats embedded in the Republican and Democatic parties, led by the #NeverTrumper frauds of Jonah Goldberg and John McCain, it struck me in these paid whores of the 1%, in just what skeletons they have in their closets, and here is visual proof what a damned pervert John McCain is, in this creeper can not feel up women at every opportunity.
We begin with Sarah Palin, and I only list one photo, but McCain in the few months that Sarah Palin was the Vice Presidential running mate was mauling her at ever chance. Seriously, John McCain goes full body hug, strong arm bear hugs.....and this is from a guy who keeps telling us he is crippled due to POW injuries (self inflicted), but John McCain certainly is not a cripple when it comes to feeling up women. Then his arms are working just fine.
As you can see Palin has had enough of this perv after the tenth time and is shielding herself.
John McCain really likes those Palin girls, as here he is about crushing the life out of Bristol
Here is McCain in public with the full crotch contact and strong arm embrace.
John McCain takes the crotch contact wherever he can get it.
John McCain likes the public captive office to perv on women in Ben Affleck creeping.
This one is just gross in old Jew love as sometimes the mentally handicapped are not around.
But then what do you expect in a perv who whores his fat frumper daughter for votes.
More feeling up, as the wife McCain looks on like the bride of McCainstein getting off.
Another disturbing photo in John McCain and Hillary Clinton, genital contact in public and liking it.
John McCain never passing up a good feel up. Notice McCain checking the bra strap on this tard as he does some back boobie feel.
John McCain does have standards though. Doesn't let them Asian gooks get too close, just genital bump close as that is all they are good for.
John McCain, who needs a hotel room as this is for free in women think this is sympathy.
John McCain excited as he gets stopping Obamacare repeal and Tax Reform.
Have you ever seen anyone crotch rubbing and bear hugging more than that rapist Bill Clinton? Amazing is it not as John McCain is damned Arctic ice in emotions and contact, until he gets around a situation where he can take a too long embrace, and then John McCain gets all full body contact.
That is the real John McCain, unless of course he is milking the brain cancer that agrees with him as a cover for more political rape against the People of America.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Arizona Sen. Jon McCain have already said Moore's alleged behavior should disqualify him
from running
Just what is in Mitch McConnell and Jonah Goldberg's closet that has them smearing Roy Moore for cover? We can discern from the images above what John McCain is hiding in public. Bra checking a mentally retarded child?
What really is going on in private with these pervs like John McCain.