Mammy - Al Jolson (Jazz Singer performance) - YouTube
The fantastic Al Jolson performing his signature tune 'Mammy' in the finale of the 1927 film 'The Jazz Singer' and yes, it's in blackface! Great ...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
One wonders what has happened to the artistic and creative voice of Americans imprisoned by leftists, for once upon a time there was a time in America when artistic world was alive and throbbing with works now censored. It is all such a pity in such notable works which entertained everyone.
Can we not all agree that this is one of the best:

Yes, thee Best Coon Songs of all Time, as sung by Coons proudly in Coon Lives Matter, the songs of I aint blig to stan no nigger foolin'.
And how about this from Coon Bluff:

You can't bully dis er Nigger. That was a real classic for family entertainment.
Dar'll be a Nigger Missin' is simply the essence of artistic inspiration as the world of Nigger brought out all sorts of artistic creation.

Then there is this sing along in Nigger romance in, all could join in to, Every Nigger had a Lady, but me.

Yes Nigger lives mattered as the lovely song of Nigger Nigger Never Die, began with, When I was a Pikaninny and mama sent be to school.
They just do not write classics like this any more.
We find in this one, Never trust a Nigger with a gun, that all of the trouble America has had with places like Chicago could have all been stopped if Niggers simply had been under Coon Control in depriving them of guns.

Then there was the favorite of An Awful Wicked Nigger. It is a wonder that Stevie Wonder or Beyonce never recorded these timeless artistic wonders.

Then let's look at........hey how did that Asian get in here?

Any way, this is one of the favorites in children's literature. 10 Little Nigger Boys with music. Yes, yes, yes, nothing like sitting down with the pre schoolers and having a good sing along with the tots.

On the heals of the above, this is a true gem. Agatha Christie's 10 Little Niggers.
Yes, yes it was named 10 Injuns, but it was Niggers.

On this cinema heals though is The Legend of Nigger Charley. There was no flinching in these powerful performances, as there is now. It was pure Nigger power.
Lastly, this is perhaps the best of all in Boss Nigger. Yes before there was George Soros funding black death in America, there was the black man's law in a white man's town.

It is such a pity in Nigger used to be such a driving force in creative expression, and now all it is, is taking knees at NFL games like some gay boy sucking white dick.
Nigger was something we could all agree on, black and white and white and black, that Tricia O'Neil was worth fighting for.
Tricia O'Neil makes any man want to be a Nigger!!!
Then again you see why you never can trust a Nigger with a gun
as he is about to blow the twat off that gal!