Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Ryan Zinke Should Have Been President

Yes Mr. President, I am your one successful appointment because I am loyal

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following headlines just about make me gag.

Trump’s Year One stars: Nikki Haley, Ajit Pai, and Scott Pruitt

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: ‘Nikki Haley May End Up as Our First Female President’
To put it plainly, until Donald Trump does a few things for me, that liberate me, he is a failure, no matter the things he signs and things he says are promises kept. As for the above in Pruitt, Pai and Haley being superstars.........Pruitt has not undone a damn thing at EPA that needs undoing, Pai did one thing, and Haley having PMS for Jews in starting a nuke war is no different than Hillary Clinton.

There is one person who the Lame Cherry has been pleasantly surprised in, and the surprise is I never expected this uptown boy, would have amounted to a thing at Interior, and yet Ryan Zinke has accomplished more than the entire Trump administration combined.

Ryan Zinke was Don jr's discovery, and the fact is Don Jr would have made a better president than his old man and Ryan Zinke is the guy we should have probably elected as President as he seems to get things done that Donald Trump promised.

Honestly, I would prefer Donald Trump toss Mike Pence off the ticket and put Ryan Zinke on as Vice President as he actually has accomplished things, while Nikki Haley is just Tel Aviv's man at the UN.

Are there things that Ryan Zinke should have done, like disarming all of his worthless employees, along with firing all the federal game wardens and shooting every damned wolf, mountain lion, horned owl, coyote and whatever other vermin needs blasting to return American wildlife to Americans and not predators, but Ryan Zinke had a B+ year. Speaking of which Ryan Zinke is the one loyal person to Trump who did not disappear.

Speaking of grading people, that sounds like a good thing as this first year of Trump ends.

Let's start at a top with Donald Trump, he gets a D +, as for what he said he did, he did not do, and those things we were supposed to celebrate like judges, I figure they were all  ringers. All I wanted was that waiver gone from taxes and it is not gone for another year. D + and that is being generous.

Mike Pence, F, the only thing Pence succeeds at is popping up in every photo op in taking credit for some one  elses accomplishments.

Mad  Dong Mattis, D, as he failed to start a nuclear war which is a positive.

Gary Cohn, he gets a rape state A+ for betraying America, otherwise he gets and F.

Ben Carson, C, as he disappeared and did  not cause a problem.

Rex Tillerson, F, as what is the point of his spouting off things that counter Trump's spouting off.

Herbert McMaster, Just flunk this  tard as he belongs in the special ed class.

Nikki Haley, F for not supporting the President, trying to start war with Russia and now trying to start a war with Iran with nukes.

Scott Pruitt, until Durafan is no longer banned,  and Pruitt shuts down EPA, he gets an F for handing in blank sheets.

Rick Perry, F-, way to sell US energy to foreigners driving up prices for Americans to destroy the recovery.

I do not see ...........oh Jared Kushner, he got an A for being an Israeli agent to impugn Donald Trump Sr and Jr so Jew Mosaad could manipulate  the President and Jael Ivanka gets an F as she keeps trying to steal other people's work or smearing Christians like Judge Roy Moore.

If Donald Trump ever keeps his promises or ever stumbles upon the kinds of things that Don jr. espouses or even starts acting like Ryan Zinke, then I would be pleased to  give  the President A grades, but as for now Ryan Zinke is the one positive spot in a  failed Trump administration, whose only success is being the presidency that Hillary Clinton would  have ruled by.

Nuff Said

