As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In this era of Harvey Weinstein and Judge Roy Moore, you may have heard of the first real Hollywood scandal of Fatty Arbuckle, but in this, you have never heard the real story and that is what is this is about, as Fatty Arbuckle was indicted on rape and murder charges of a young woman, and in three trials he was acquitted and the jury apologized to him.
The principles in this are Arbuckle who was born in Kansas and a shy man.

And Virginia Rappe, who makes the worst three celebrity skanks you could name in Cher, Madonna and name your pick, look like chaste women. Rappe made a career out of aborticide and in drinking bootleg booze almost killed herself often.

The story of this is a wild party took place at a hotel, and Arbuckle was there with two male friends. Somewhere in this Rappe got drunk, got very sick and died.
Somewhere in this Arbuckle was accused of raping Rappe, in a mistake where he was rubbing ice on her hurting stomach, which became he raped her with an ice cube, which became he raped her with a Coke bottle which became Fatty being so fat that when he raped Rappe, he burst her bladder which caused peritonitis.
Sounds about like the expanding narrative trying to smear Judge Roy Moore in talking to teenagers has become a danger to society.
Roy Moore is not the first time a man has been accused falsely.
On September 5, 1921, Arbuckle took a break from his hectic film schedule and, despite suffering from second-degree burns to both buttocks from an accident on set, drove to San Francisco with two friends, Lowell Sherman and Fred Fishback. The three checked into three rooms at the St. Francis Hotel: 1219 for Arbuckle and Fishback to share, 1221 for Sherman, and 1220 designated as a party room.
Several women were invited to the suite. During the carousing, a 26-year-old aspiring actress named Virginia Rappe was found seriously ill in room 1219 and was examined by the hotel doctor, who concluded her symptoms were mostly caused by intoxication, and gave her morphine to calm her. Rappe was not hospitalized until two days after the incident.
Virginia Rappe suffered from chronic cystitis, a condition that liquor irritated dramatically. Her heavy drinking habits and the poor quality of the era's bootleg alcohol could leave her in severe physical distress. She developed a reputation for over-imbibing at parties, then drunkenly tearing at her clothes from the resulting physical pain. But by the time of the St. Francis Hotel party, her reproductive health was a greater concern. She had undergone several abortions in the space of a few years, the quality of care she received for such procedures was probably substandard, and she was preparing to undergo another (or, more likely, had recently done so) as a result of being impregnated by her boyfriend, director Henry Lehrman.Suite 1221 of St. Francis Hotel shortly after Arbuckle's party
At the hospital, Rappe's companion at the party, Bambina Maude Delmont, told Rappe's doctor that Arbuckle had raped her friend. The doctor examined Rappe but found no evidence of rape. Rappe died one day after her hospitalization of peritonitis, caused by a ruptured bladder. Delmont then told police that Arbuckle raped Rappe, and the police concluded that the impact Arbuckle's overweight body had on Rappe eventually caused her bladder to rupture. Rappe's manager Al Semnacker (at a later press conference) accused Arbuckle of using a piece of ice to simulate sex with her, which led to the injuries. By the time the story was reported in newspapers, the object had evolved into being a Coca-Cola or champagne bottle, instead of a piece of ice. In fact, witnesses testified that Arbuckle rubbed the ice on Rappe's stomach to ease her abdominal pain. Arbuckle denied any wrongdoing. Delmont later made a statement incriminating Arbuckle to the police in an attempt to extort money from Arbuckle's attorneys.
This has been almost 100 years and the details of this are still shocking even by today's pervert standards.
The jury though of the People in apologizing to Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle is what remains.
Acquittal is not enough for Roscoe Arbuckle. We feel that a great injustice has been done him. We feel also that it was only our plain duty to give him this exoneration, under the evidence, for there was not the slightest proof adduced to connect him in any way with the commission of a crime. He was manly throughout the case and told a straightforward story on the witness stand, which we all believed. The happening at the hotel was an unfortunate affair for which Arbuckle, so the evidence shows, was in no way responsible. We wish him success and hope that the American people will take the judgment of fourteen men and woman who have sat listening for thirty-one days to evidence, that Roscoe Arbuckle is entirely innocent and free from all blame.