Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Geert Wilders elected the legitimate leader of the Dutch

Far-right MP Geert Wilders has lost Holland's General Election to Prime Minister Mark Rutte

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If the UK press is right in Angela Merkel is celebrating the Dutch vote, then may Nationalists suffer the same defeats which are shattering the socialist communist core of Europe.

Right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders has accused the country's victorious Prime Minister Mark Rutte of treating his supporters like 'semi Nazis' after his party lost the General Election.
Rutte's VVD party won with a predicted 32 seats in the 150-seat parliament, while Wilders' populist PVV party is joint second with 19 seats, alongside the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) and the Democracy party (D66).
The anti-Islam politician has previously promised to deliver a Nexit, a Dutch version of Brexit from the EU, and a 'patriotic revolution' to the Dutch people. 
The loss represented a decrease of nine seats for Rutte and an increase of seven seats for Wilders.

I will remind everyone that Adolf Hilter came to power on less votes than Mr. Wilders and the Hungarians rightfully elected a Nationalist who not that long ago had less clout in elections than Mr. Widlers.

Geert Wilders is now the legitimate voice of the Netherlands, and the citizens there are learning to not be brainwashed nor intimidated in voting for Dutch Nationality. The world did not end with Brexit. The world did not end with Donald Trump and the Netherlands did not end with Geert Wilders crippling the fascists power hold in the Netherlands.

This is an absolute disaster for Mark Rutte and he was routed in his leftist power base was shattered in a Balkanized 32 seats in an 150 seat parliament. That is not governing, that is a Rutte Red Light Whore House, where he pays political whores with Dutch money for his power.

Those are the facts in this in Geert Wilders, the enemy of the state, persecuted and smeared, and he is now the party with momentum and thee most powerful political force in the Netherlands.

It will only require more Islamic reality of rape, murder, invasion and Turkish terrorism to teach the Dutch what is inside of them again, and Geert Wilders will be rightfully leading the Netherlands. Do not ever forget it was the Dutch who stole Manhattan  Island from Indians and the Dutch who were scalping these murderous terrorists. The Dutch have it in them to awaken what they really are and to stop being squeamish over being the race they are who once were torturing people in the Spice Islands by the original waterboarding in drowning the in a basket in making them drink water until their head swelled up.

Geert Wilders leads the bloodline which will fight, and it is only a matter of time that the sheep of the Netherlands bleat for a deliverer from Muslim Rape Cock and their liberal pimps whoring them.

The Dutch just need the stick about to show them they  have a master to obey in Geert Wilders.

Geert Wilders has been elected the legitimate leader of the Dutch.

Nuff Said

Geert Wilders has a coalition of 49 seats if he would simply acquire them by unification with the other Nationalist and Religious parties.

People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD): 32 seats -  the liberal/ conservative party of PM Mark Rutte
Party For Freedom (PVV): 19 - Geert Wilders' anti-immigrant, anti Muslim party
Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA): 19 - moderate pro-religion party
Democracy Party (D66): 19liberals who want direct democracy
Green Left (GL): 15mixture of far-left and Greens
Socialist Party (SP): 14further to the left of Labour
Labour Party (PvdA): 9social democratic party, sister party of British Labour
Christian Union:  6 - conservative religious party
Party for the Animals (PvdD): 5 - animal rights and welfare party
Reformed Political Party (SGP): 3 - Protestant party, oldest in Netherlands
Denk: 3 - anti-racist Labour offshoot formed by two Turkish-Dutch politicians
Forum for Democracy (FvD): 2 - fights against political system status quo


Als een ander Lame Cherry exclusieve in de materie anti materie.
Als de Britse pers is recht in Angela Merkel is het vieren van de Nederlandse stem, dan kunt Nationalisten ondervinden dezelfde nederlagen die verbrijzelen de socialistische communistische kern van Europa.

Rechtse Nederlandse MP Geert Wilders heeft het land de zegevierende premier Mark Rutte beschuldigd van het behandelen van zijn aanhangers als 'semi nazi's na zijn partij verloor de algemene verkiezingen.

Rutte VVD partij won met een voorspelde 32 zetels in het 150-seat parlement, terwijl Wilders 'populistische PVV is een gedeelde tweede met 19 zetels, naast het CDA (CDA) en de democratie partij (D66).

De anti-islam politicus heeft eerder beloofd om een ​​Nexit, een Nederlandse versie van Brexit uit de EU, en een 'patriottische revolutie' aan het Nederlandse volk te bevrijden.

Het verlies betekende een daling van negen zetels voor Rutte en een toename van de zeven zetels voor Wilders.

Ik zal iedereen eraan herinneren dat Adolf Hitler aan de macht kwam op minder stemmen dan de heer Wilders en de Hongaren met recht gekozen een nationalistische, die niet zo lang geleden minder slagkracht bij de verkiezingen dan Mr. Widlers gehad.

Geert Wilders is nu de legitieme stem van Nederland, en de burgers daar leren om niet te worden gehersenspoeld of geïntimideerd in te stemmen voor de Nederlandse nationaliteit. De wereld niet eindigen met Brexit. De wereld niet eindigen met Donald Trump en Nederland eindigde niet met Geert Wilders verlammende de fascisten de macht greep in Nederland.

Dit is een absolute ramp voor Mark Rutte en hij werd geleid in zijn linkse machtsbasis was verbrijzeld in een gebalkaniseerd 32 zetels in een 150 zetel parlement. Dat is niet gelden, dat is een Rutte Red Light Hoer House, waar hij betaalt politieke hoeren met Nederlands geld voor zijn macht.

Dat zijn de feiten in deze in Geert Wilders, de vijand van de staat, vervolgd en besmeurd, en hij is nu de partij met momentum en u machtigste politieke macht in Nederland.

Het zal alleen vereisen meer islamitische realiteit van verkrachting, moord, invasie en de Turkse terrorisme aan de Nederlandse wat is de binnenkant van hen opnieuw te leren, en Geert Wilders zal terecht toonaangevende Nederland. Vergeet nooit dat het de Nederlanders die het eiland Manhattan van Indianen en de Nederlanders die deze moorddadige terroristen werden scalperen gestolen. De Nederlanders hebben het in hen te ontwaken wat ze werkelijk zijn en wordt preuts om te stoppen dan wordt de race zijn ze die ooit werden mensen in de Spice-eilanden martelen door de originele waterboarding in verdrinken het in een mandje in het maken van hun water drinken tot hun hoofd opgezwollen.

Geert Wilders leidt de bloedlijn die zal vechten, en het is slechts een kwestie van tijd dat de schapen van Nederland blaten voor een verlosser uit islamitische Verkrachting Cock en hun liberale pooiers hen hoereren.
De Nederlandse hoeft alleen maar het stokje over te laten zien dat ze een meester te gehoorzamen in Geert Wilders.

Geert Wilders is verkozen tot de legitieme leider van de Nederlandse.

Genoeg gezegd


Als eine andere Lame Cherry exklusiv in Materie Anti-Materie.
Wenn die britische Presse in Angela Merkel recht ist, feiert die niederländische Stimme, dann können die Nationalisten dieselben Niederlagen erleiden, die den sozialistischen kommunistischen Kern Europas erschüttern.

Der rechtskräftige niederländische Abgeordnete Geert Wilders hat den siegreichen Premierminister Mark Rutte beschuldigt, seine Anhänger wie "Halbnazis" zu behandeln, nachdem seine Partei die Generalwahl verloren hatte.

Die VVD-Party von Rutte gewann mit einem 32-Sitze-Treffen im 150-Sitzer-Parlament, während Wilders populistische PVV-Partei neben dem Christlich-Demokratischen Appell (CDA) und der Demokratie-Partei (D66) gemeinsam mit 19 Sitzen zusammenkommt.

Der Anti-Islam-Politiker hat zuvor versprochen, eine Nexit, eine niederländische Version von Brexit aus der EU und eine "patriotische Revolution" an die Holländer zu liefern.

Der Verlust stellte eine Abnahme von neun Sitzen für Rutte und eine Erhöhung von sieben Sitzen für Wilders dar.

Ich werde alle daran erinnern, dass Adolf Hilter an weniger Stimmen an die Macht kam, als Herr Wilders und die Ungarn zu Recht einen Nationalisten gewählt haben, der vor langer Zeit nicht weniger in Wahlen als Mr. Widlers war.

Geert Wilders ist jetzt die legitime Stimme der Niederlande, und die Bürger dort lernen, nicht gehirnwäsche zu werden, noch eingeschüchtert bei der Abstimmung für die niederländische Nationalität. Die Welt endet nicht mit Brexit. Die Welt endete nicht mit Donald Trump und die Niederlande endete nicht mit Geert Wilders, die die faschistischen Macht in den Niederlanden verkrüppelten.

Dies ist eine absolute Katastrophe für Mark Rutte und er wurde in seiner linken Machtbasis geroutet, wurde in einem Balkanisierten 32 Sitze in einem 150-sitzigen Parlament zerstört. Das ist nicht regieren, das ist ein Rutte Red Light Whore House, wo er politische Huren mit holländischem Geld für seine Macht bezahlt.

Das sind die Tatsachen in diesem in Geert Wilders, dem Feind des Staates, verfolgt und geschmiert, und er ist jetzt die Partei mit Impuls und dir die mächtigste politische Kraft in den Niederlanden.

Es wird nur mehr islamische Realität von Vergewaltigung, Mord, Invasion und türkischem Terrorismus erfordern, um die Holländer zu unterrichten, was in ihnen ist, und Geert Wilders wird mit Recht die Niederlande führen. Vergiss nicht, dass es die Holländer waren, die die Manhattan-Insel von Indianern und den Holländern stahlen, die diese mörderischen Terroristen skalierten. Die Holländer haben es in ihnen zu wecken, was sie wirklich sind, und aufzuhören, zimperlich zu sein, das Rennen zu sein, die sie waren, die einst die Leute in den Gewürzinseln durch das ursprüngliche Waterboarding quälten, um das in einem Korb zu ertränken, indem sie ihnen Wasser trinken ließen, bis ihr Kopf war geschwollen.

Geert Wilders führt die Blutlinie, die kämpfen wird, und es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, dass die Schafe der Niederlande für einen Auslieferer aus dem muslimischen Rapshahn und ihren liberalen Zuhältern hupen.
Die Holländer brauchen nur den Stab, um ihnen zu zeigen, dass sie einen Meister haben, um in Geert Wilders zu gehorchen.

Geert Wilders wurde zum legitimen Führer der Holländer gewählt.

Nuff sagte

Comme une autre cerise Lame exclusive en matière anti-matière.
Si la presse britannique a raison, Angela Merkel fête le vote néerlandais, alors les nationalistes peuvent subir les mêmes défaites qui détruisent le noyau socialiste communiste de l'Europe.

Le député néerlandais de droite Geert Wilders a accusé le Premier ministre victorieux Mark Rutte de traiter ses partisans comme des "semi-nazis" après que son parti ait perdu l'élection générale.

Le parti VVD de Rutte a remporté avec 32 sièges prévus dans le parlement de 150 sièges, tandis que le parti populiste PVV de Wilders occupe la deuxième place avec 19 sièges, à côté de l'appel chrétien-démocrate (CDA) et du parti Démocratie (D66).

Le politicien anti-islam a déjà promis de livrer un Nexit, une version néerlandaise de Brexit de l'UE, et une «révolution patriotique» pour le peuple néerlandais.

La perte a représenté une diminution de neuf sièges pour Rutte et une augmentation de sept sièges pour Wilders.

Je rappellerai à tous que Adolf Hilter est arrivé au pouvoir avec moins de voix que M. Wilders et les Hongrois ont légitimement élu un nationaliste qui, il n'y a pas si longtemps, avait moins de poids dans les élections que M. Widlers.

Geert Wilders est maintenant la voix légitime des Pays-Bas, et les citoyens y apprennent à ne pas subir de lavage de cerveau ni être intimidés en votant pour la nationalité hollandaise. Le monde ne s'est pas terminé avec Brexit. Le monde ne s'est pas terminé avec Donald Trump et les Pays-Bas ne se sont pas terminés avec Geert Wilders paralysant la puissance fasciste aux Pays-Bas.

C'est un désastre absolu pour Mark Rutte et il a été mis en déroute dans sa base de pouvoir de gauche a été brisé dans un Balkanized 32 sièges dans un parlement de 150 sièges. Ce n'est pas le gouvernement, c'est une Rutte Red Light Whore House, où il paye les putes politiques avec de l'argent hollandais pour son pouvoir.

Tels sont les faits en cela dans Geert Wilders, l'ennemi de l'état, persécuté et froissé, et il est maintenant le parti avec l'élan et vous force politique la plus puissante dans les Pays-Bas.

Il faudra seulement une réalité plus islamique de viol, de meurtre, d'invasion et de terrorisme turc pour enseigner aux Hollandais ce qui est à l'intérieur d'eux encore, et Geert Wilders sera légitimement à la tête des Pays-Bas. N'oubliez jamais que ce sont les Hollandais qui ont volé l'île de Manhattan des Indiens et des Hollandais qui scalpaient ces terroristes meurtriers. Les Hollandais ont en eux d'éveiller ce qu'ils sont réellement et d'arrêter d'être squeamish sur être la course ils sont qui ont été une fois torturer des personnes dans les Îles d'épice par l'aquarelle originale en noyant le dans un panier en les faisant boire de l'eau jusqu'à leur tête enfler.

Geert Wilders dirige la ligne de sang qui se battra, et ce n'est qu'une question de temps que les moutons des Pays-Bas bêlent pour un libérateur de Muslim Rape Cock et leurs proxénètes libéraux les prostituant.
Les Hollandais ont juste besoin du bâton pour leur montrer qu'ils ont un maître à obéir à Geert Wilders.

Geert Wilders a été élu le leader légitime des Hollandais.

Nuff Said

Как еще один Lame Cherry эксклюзив в материи против материи.
Если британская пресса права, Ангела Меркель празднует голландское голосование, то, возможно, националисты терпят такие же поражения, которые разрушают социалистическое коммунистическое ядро ​​Европы.

Правый голландский депутат Герт Вилдерс обвинил победного премьер-министра страны Марка Рутте в том, что он относится к своим сторонникам как к полунацистам после того, как его партия потеряла всеобщие выборы.

Партия VVD Рутте победила с предсказанными 32 местами в 150-местном парламенте, а популистская партия PVV Вилдерса занимает второе место с 19 местами, наряду с Христианским Демократическим Обращением (CDA) и Партией Демократии (D66).

Ранее антиисламский политик обещал предоставить голландскую версию Брексита из ЕС, а также «патриотовую революцию» голландскому народу.

Потери составили сокращение на девять мест для Рутте и увеличение на семь мест для Вилдерса.

Я напомню всем, что Адольф Хильтер пришел к власти меньше голосов, чем мистер Вилдерс, и венгры по праву избрали националиста, который не так давно имел меньше влияния на выборах, чем мистер Уидлерс.

Теперь Герт Вилдерс является законным голосом Нидерландов, и граждане там учатся не подвергаться «промыванию мозгов» и запугиванию при голосовании за голландское гражданство. Мир не заканчивался Брекситом. Мир не закончился с Дональдом Трампом, и Нидерланды не закончились тем, что Герт Вилдерс повредил власть фашистов в Нидерландах.

Это абсолютная катастрофа для Марка Рутте, и он был разгромлен на своей левой базе власти, был разбит на Балканизированном 32 месте в 150-местном парламенте. Это не правление, это Рутте-Красный свет шлюха дом, где он платит политические шлюхи с голландскими деньги за его власть.

Таковы факты в этом в Герте Вилдерсе, враге государства, преследуемом и размазанном, и он теперь является партией с импульсом и самой мощной политической силой в Нидерландах.

Для того, чтобы снова научить голландцев тому, что находится внутри них, потребуется больше исламской реальности изнасилования, убийства, вторжения и турецкого терроризма, и Герт Вилдерс по праву будет руководить Нидерландами. Никогда не забывайте, что голландцы украли остров Манхэттен от индейцев и голландцев, которые скальпировали этих убийственных террористов. Голландцы должны пробудить в них то, чем они на самом деле являются, и перестать быть брезгливыми из-за того, что они были той расой, с которой они когда-то пытали людей на Островах Специи с помощью оригинального погружения в воду, утонув в корзине, заставляя их пить воду до тех пор, пока их голова Опухшие.

Герт Вилдерс возглавляет родословную, которая будет сражаться, и только вопрос времени, когда овцы Нидерландов блефуют для избавителя от мусульманского изнасилованного петуха и их либеральных сутенеров, которые их блуждают.
Голландцам просто нужна палочка, чтобы показать им, что у них есть мастер, которому нужно подчиняться в Герте Вилдерсе.

Гертом Вилдерсом был избран законный лидер голландцев.



Mr. President Would You Mail Me Something

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Johnston speculated that Trump might have been the person who mailed the figures to him.
“Donald has a long history of leaking material about himself when he thinks it’s in his interest,” Johnston said. “With Donald, you never know.”

So now we know that lezbo Rachel Maddow and her sheep dog looking leaker DC Dave, are going with the story that President Trump jumped the White House fence, sprinted to a nearby jet, flew to New York, where he ran over to a mail box to mail the front two pages of his tax returns from whenever and then ran back, flew back and jumped back, before the Secret Service knew he was gone.


I have a request for President Trump as I never got a decoder ring and a 6 figure salary for putting him into office, that he might send me something, as image Obama did send me two very well educated, trained and professional Homeland agents to interview me, that maybe President Trump could send me........

I am thinking...........

No, I hate golf......

Hate cities.......

Hate people.........

He can't send me some of the boy's guns as that is illegal in the mail according to BATFE.......

I like I make my own. they would spoil and without poison what good would that be for coyotes in predator control work......

Esther got offered half the don't want no Queendom as probably would have golf, cities and people in it.........and probably coyotes.

Oh I know, I was going to show you the bastard emails I get in how tards think it is funny kicking poor folks around.

Anneke just sent you $3,182.00 USD with Paypal. Paypal recommends to withdraw it now.
Today, 2:50 PMYou Anneke just sent you $3,182.00 USD with Paypal.

Best of luck!

I took the link off in this phishing scheme as I am not John Podesta.......say did anyone ever wonder if John Podesta clicked on that email deliberately to provide himself cover for leaking, as after all he was Hillary's IC handler......and she never fired him, so her owners had her stuck with him.........
And you do not suppose that the pervs who framed him with pedogate pizzagate, might have been the Clinton insiders, pissed that Podesta was working with the Russians to stop Hillary Clinton...........

I like the name Anneke.

No I am not asking for the President to name me Anneke.

Say did you see this:

Pretty good eh, son in law made it to the big times and is famous out of pop in laws shadow, and all his family had to do is pimp out Ivanka. I thought that goy thing disappeared when you converted to the skull cap, but you know that Ivanka might be a left legger and got caught while the Vulcan live long and prosper sign was being shown.
I could see that Donald gets them grandbabies all alone and Baptizes them too with all that laying on of the hands going on with them Preachers. I would like to be Baptized by a Black Preacher, but them nuns got me in the hospital, and gave me a skin disease from their dirty holy water, but got saved anyway by a Lutheran who did the absolution.

Told you, a left legger

You did get that part about Podesta right?

Maybe President Trump is pleased that Ivanka brought in 400 million, Amy Carter can't even get a dick and the Obama girls going blonde and a 60 million dollar book deal, can only suck on roaches, even with them big ole lips.

Ok am thinking, but you know I heard Doc Stanley today on the radio and he said you can't tell the King what you want or you lose your head, although I don't see the President really to the point yet he needs to be in putting the 007 License to Kill directive to get rid of his coup problems, but Doc was saying in the sermon that you have to mope around for awhile, but I do that already...........then again Nehemiah was the cup bearer or something, so the King could actually see the moping, and the President don't see my mopey blog, only heard about it in plagiarism in the big names used the ideas and ended up with the insider jobs.

Where was I..........

Oh yeah I am supposed to wait around for things, and it just occurred to me that the IRS is going to want some collectable the President would send, and make me pay taxes on it, and then I would have to sell it any way...........Nehemiah got put in charge of building the Jerusalem Wall though, kept them invaders out.

I don't know what would fit in my mail box, even though we got the big size,  that the President could send me, that I would really want. That really sucks in being so poor and yet such a wonder that God picks the biggest dud in the clay patch to work through, and I can't think of one thing the President could sprint out of the White House, jump the fence, and mail to me that I want.

I wonder if Tiffany is worth 400 million. Sorry just thinking, but then she did not marry a Jew and only smokes dope or something in recreation. I hope that it does not start a bidding war, but then Tiffany does not have Mrs. Rupe Murdoch forcing Ivanka to become a Jew as that Kushner would not become a Christian, but ole Wendi Deng put it all together again for them.

I still do not know what the President could mail me as I would be disappointed in a picture with something like

To La'me

Thanks for putting me into this crapper job.

Forever your scornful enemy, 
the President of the United States

Come to think of it, if I had a few million dollars, I would love to have an autographed photo like that........big one though in landscape size. That I would enjoy.


Lame Cherry Proven Correct on Pence Coup of President Trump via Wikileaks

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Confirmation has arise from Julian Assange of everything which has been posted in satan kisser Mike Pence is part of an active operation for the impeachment of President Trump.
Mr. Assange noted that two Hillary Clinton intelligence agents who are working with Mike Pence are running this operation.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange alleged Tuesday that Hillary Clinton and two intelligence officials are working to replace President Donald Trump with Vice President Mike Pence.
Assange asserted that Clinton, who views Pence as “predictable hence defeatable,” is pushing for a “Pence takeover” at the White House.

“Clinton stated privately this month that she is quietly pushing for a Pence takeover,” WikiLeaks’ editor-in-chief said. “She stated that Pence is predictable hence defeatable.”
Another tweet also claimed two intelligence officials “close to Pence” were actively planning the “takeover” – although it was unclear if “Pence agrees.”

Assange later added context by stating that the alleged comments specifically concerned attempts to impeach the president.

The Lame Cherry notes that this is serious enough in Julian Assange has engaged in something which he never does, he revealed he has a source who knows exactly what Hillary Clinton is stating and that Clinton's operation centers on two specific intelligence assets who are Pence's moles.

The Lame Cherry again proven absolutely correct in the matter anti matter exclusives posted here.

Just remember you are reading information here that is not becoming public until weeks or months later.

Andrea Thompson, a retired U.S. Army colonel and former national security adviser to the House Homeland Security Committee, will assume the roles of deputy assistant to the president and national security adviser to the vice president.
The White House said Wednesday Thompson, who most recently worked as director of the McChrystal Group Leadership Institute, has more than 25 years of military service with deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq and Bosnia.

Stanley McChrystal Heaps Praise On Hillary Clinton | The ...

Hillary Clinton keeps getting ringing endorsements -- for her temperament, not a hypothetical presidential campaign -- from high-ranking military men. Retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal was the latest to sing the praises of the former secretary of state on Wednesday morning. The ...

Vice President Pence also announced additional members of the Vice President's staff.

Daris Meeks, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Domestic Policy for the Vice President
Sarah Makin, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs for the Vice President
Marc Lotter, Special Assistant to the President and Press Secretary to the Vice President
Andeliz Castillo, Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs for the Vice President
Stephen Ford, Special Assistant to the President and Director of Speechwriting for the Vice President
Jonathan Hiler, Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Legislative Affairs
Mark Paoletta, Assistant to the Vice President and Counsel
Matt Morgan, Deputy Assistant to the Vice President and Deputy Counsel
Lani Czarniecki, Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for External Affairs
Mike Boisvenue, Deputy Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Administration
Robert Peede, Deputy Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Advance
Meghan Patenaude, Deputy Assistant to the Vice President and Director of Scheduling
Kara Brooks, Deputy Assistant to the Vice President and Communications Director to the Second Lady
Sara Egeland, Deputy Assistant to the Vice President and Policy Director to the Second Lady
Zach Bauer, Special Assistant to the Vice President


Lame Cherry: Why is Mike Pence quoting Lucifer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. ... and Mike Pence quotes satan. ... kiss them all lucifer


The Kushner Wars

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a reality as Christians have been cut out of the Trump Administration, that a reality is going to be faced that Jared Kushner is where he is at, was backed by his Ashkenaz faction for the expressed purpose to bring peace to the Mideast.

Trump: Jared Kushner will 'broker Mideast peace' for the ...

Trump: Jared Kushner will 'broker Mideast peace' for the White House ... will work to "broker a Middle East peace deal," the president-elect said over the weekend. ...

Trump Invites Palestinian Leader Abbas to White House

Trump Invites Palestinian Leader Abbas to White House ... White House spokesman Sean Spicer in Washington later confirmed Trump had invited Abbas to a ...

But what kind of peace is a Kushner Peace?

If one pays attention to the press reports of a jubilant Benjamin Netanyahu, PM of the Israeli state was meeting with President Trump and Kushner, to Netanyahu going to Moscow and being rebuffed by President Putin over Iran with the words "We live in the 21st century now", there is movement in this behind the scenes, but before one knows the elephant in the room we have, we need to understand the elephant which was.

The Mideast has been in Soviet and Anglo American relations one of Russia betting on Muslims and Americans stuck with the indefensible sucker bet of the Jews, as Jews do not breed and Muslims breed like rats.
Presidents Bill Clinton and HW Bush misused the trust of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Empire, and in a last retaliation, the old KGB salted the Mideast with some missing nuclear warheads. Iraq was sold one large Satan warhead too big for its Scud batteries, but Iran was sold a mixed assortment of tactical artillery weapons and large ballistic warheads numbering around 12.
Seismic activity in the late 1990's revealed that Iran detonated one of these small warheads in their northern mountainous regions, where the current Iranian production facilities of hydrogen bombs is underway, as Iran has perfected the Dr. Khan or Pakistani designed cone shaped tactical nuclear warhead for atomic bombs.

Iran is Shia, Iraq is Sunni, and Saudi Arabia had no deterrent, so the Saud family funded the Pakistani nuclear project in order to procure nuclear weapons.

Iran has been very active in the nuclear weapons program, joining with the Kim family of North Korea, as both nations exchange their ballistic missile technology and nuclear advancements. Simply put, North Korea has verified miniature nuclear devices so Iran has the same capabilities as the Iranian Obama nuclear deal was simply a bribe of money and assurances of a non US attack.

This is important now as Syria is in the forefront of the "Jewish Wars" which began with Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria, for America to eliminate Jewish threats, as the entire commerce of Obama organized communists under the cover of terrorism ran the entire black market of oil, dope, weapons and the human traffick trade.
In Syria, the Jews are allied with Saudi Arabia and other Muslim Sunni states assisting the John McCain ISIS terrorists, against President Assad, who was supposed to be toppled so Syria would become a terror launch point into the Caucasus against Russia.
Hence Russia and Shia Iran, have allied, with the Turks now against their "enemies" in the Sunni / Jew / McCain terrorists, which brings us to the Kushner Elephant entering the room.

 Riyadh, which sees Shiite Iran as a major regional threat, was one of several Sunni states to join Israel in opposition to the agreement.

For the Jews in the Israeli state they have two major concerns remaining: Iran and Lebanon. Iran is Shia and  Iran supports the Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. As an interesting side note in this, at one time Russia and Iran were feeding false intelligence to President Assad in an attempt to goad Syria into attacking the Israeli state, intended to cripple the American beachhead there and in the region.

The Jews have been busy as of late in new confidence of their Jew in the White House of Jared Kushner, in sowing their own Mockingbird propaganda into the world press, speaking of the fact that Hezbollah and Lebanon are the same chimera now, and when war comes, as attacking Iran will unleash thousands of terror rockets at the Israeli state, the Jewish IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) will carry out scorched earth in all of Lebanon.
The IDF speaks in definitive terms in massive airstrikes on civilian targets as Hezbollah uses Lebanese civilians as shields, and a massive armored sweep of a few weeks, to clean up the operation at which point the UN will cry crocodile tears and take over the "peace" of Lebanon in piles of rubble we will be stuck with the cost of rebuilding.

According to Bennett, if war breaks out anyway, a massive attack on the civilian infrastructure – along with additional air and ground action by the IDF – will speed up international intervention and shorten the campaign. “That will lead them to stop it quickly – and we have an interest in the war being as short as possible,” he said. “I haven’t said these things publicly up until now. But it’s important that we convey the message and prepare to deal with the legal and diplomatic aspects. That is the best way to avoid a war.”
Bennett’s approach is not entirely new. In 2008, the head of the IDF Northern Command (and today IDF chief of staff), Gadi Eisenkot, presented the “Dahiya doctrine.” He spoke of massive damage to buildings in areas identified with Hezbollah – as was done on a smaller scale in Beirut’s Shi’ite Dahiya quarter during the 2006 war – as a means of deterring the organization and shortening the war.

As you can understand, the Jews have this all plotted out as they are a war gaming people, and Americans are once again being gamed into another war in the Mideast which America has absolutely no interest in, but those Ashkenaz and Vatican benefactors who fund and arm the terrorists, when McCain and Obama are not funding and arming them, are accomplishing all of this, so once war comes, they will be the group in complete control of Jerusalem.

 The threat to launch “150,000 or more” missiles was voiced by Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi on Sunday as he was delivering a speech before army volunteers. Earlier Iranian officials threatened retaliation against both Israel and NATO, should an attack on Iran be carried out.

Yes those Iranian missiles are a bit of a problem and Russia supports that problem, because Russia has learned that when Jews and Americans are occupied, then Russia does not have Chechen problems appearing in their Federation.
The key aspects of the Iranian situation are missiles, and given enough missiles, the Iranians could overwhelm the Iron Dome or Patriot system and produce a most interesting scorched earth in the Israeli state.

Flight Distance from Tehran, Iran to Tel Aviv, Israel

Distance from Tehran, Iran to Tel Aviv, Israel. The total distance from Tehran, Iran to Tel Aviv, Israel is 988 miles. This is equivalent to 1 591 kilometers or 859 ...

Iran may not have 150,000 missiles, but it does have an array which will interrupt the Jewish defense as the Jewish state can only prosecute short term wars.

Iranian Missile Inventory

Medium-range (MRBM)

Medium-range missiles are considered to have a range between 1000 and 3000 kilometers.

With the Iranian offense being the problem that the Jews can not strike the Iranians with success, is added to the Iranian defense, where Russia has sold the Iranians the most secure SAM system of the S  300, which would effectively blow most of the Israeli Air Force out of the air as it is this sophisticated.

Attack Iran, and the Jews lose their entire air cover, and lose their ability to defend itself against a ground attack or against Hamas or Hezbollah terror bombardments, and in that insecurity, the Jordanians and Egyptians might be goaded into settling the Mideast situation to Saudi rules.

The sale of the S-300, even if it is an older model that is less advanced, has always been considered by the defense establishment as a move that will severely hinder an Israel Air Force attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, if such an attack were ever decided on, something that is very unlikely.

We now venture into the non erased reports still online from "reputable" sources as in this gem which stated a decade ago, that Iran would have full production of nuclear weapons by 2015.

US intelligence predicted in August 2005 that Iran could have the key ingredients for a nuclear weapon by 2015.

The reality is though that Iran has been aided by its necessity to being a parry to the Americans, Jews and Saudis in the region, to occupy America from other pursuits in Russia, China and North Korea have all been engaged in providing the key assistance and materials for Iran to produce nuclear weapons.

“With the assistance of Russia, China and North Korea, Iran has developed and tested every component needed to develop and deliver a nuclear weapon against Israel.”
WND reported in February that the NCRI, in a Washington, D.C., press conference, added to a series of disclosures it made regarding Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program more than a decade ago. NCRI has claimed Tehran is operating a secret uranium-enrichment site northeast of the capital city that was not disclosed during the recent negotiations to the United States or to the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA.

 Thee most amusing part in all of this is that MI6 installed the Islamocommunists into Iran, overthrowing the American secular ally of the Shah for a wedge against the Soviets, and the reality blossomed that when the British and Americans assisted Pakistan to develop nuclear weapons in the complex mix of deterrence against India and to assist Saudi Arabia against Iran and Iraq, that it was the British educated Dr. Khan of Pakistan who provided the nuclear advancement which Iran achieved for her Shahab missiles.

Iranian scientists have experimented with an advanced nuclear warhead design, the Guardian has learned. The very existence of the technology, known as a "two-point implosion" device, is officially secret in both the US and Britain, but according to previously unpublished documentation in a dossier compiled by the International Atomic Energy Agency 
James Acton, a British nuclear weapons expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said: "It's remarkable that, before perfecting step one, they are going straight to step four or five ... To start with more sophisticated designs speaks of level of technical ambition that is surprising."
Another western specialist with extensive knowledge of the Iranian programme said: "It raises the question of who supplied this to them. Did AQ Khan [a Pakistani scientist who confessed in 2004 to running a nuclear smuggling ring] have access to this, or is it another player?"

In case you missed this reality of several years ago, Iran skipped the normal advancements which America pioneered and simply arrived at miniaturized tactical nuclear weapons and hydrogen bombs, as the Iranians for some reason in chess went for checkmate instead of pawning around.

Iran has a massive nuclear weapon's complex in full operation in Iran. Qum is the home of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Qum the sacred city to Islam is a Muslim shield to deter attacks on this nuclear site buried in a rock mountain as it will require tactical nuclear bunker bombs to attempt to neutralize this nuclear bomb production facility.

Iran Shielding Its Nuclear Efforts in Maze of Tunnels - The New York ...
Jan 5, 2010 - Much of Iran's atomic work is also in tunnels. ... Last September, when Iran's uranium enrichment plant buried inside a mountain near the holy city of Qum ... Even the Israelis concede that solid rock can render bombs useless.

Peace in the Mideast is a fiction of course, as the Bible states, that only a false peace will arise from the anti Christ. I do not state that Jared Kushner is the anti Christ, for the Bible states that entity rules a 10 nation confederation which produces a false peace, to gain control of the region and then invades the Holy Land.
So as the anti Christ is not a slum lord who is the son in law of the man entrusted to the throne of Joseph in America, what we have left is the little Jared who would.

In writing this, Kushner has now become the next target of the Obama Bush coup against President Trump. Interestingly Jared Kuschner and Ivanka, were the duo who joined with satan kisser Mike Pence, DIA officer, Steve Bannon and Bush fam working through Katie Walsh and Big Koch working through Reince Priebus, all for their James Baker carbon tax and female nethers legislations, in wiping out the Loyalists and Christians who God utilized to elect President Trump.
Kushner's slum lord family accepted a 400 million dollar bribe from the Chicoms, which was brilliant Chicom strategy to undermine the Trump Administration before talks take place, and Jared with Ivanka have rented a home from a Minnesota miner who is wanting the Trump Administration to roll back Obama mandates for that mining rapine.

I had suspected the coup plotters would wait until they could blow up the Mideast in blaming Kushner's intrigue, but it looks like these children are too inept to participate in the adult world and have been tainted, so that the coming "Trump advisor and expert on the Mideast" can bring about the building non Christian time line.

It does not make any difference if the Kurshner family which hates Donald Trump deliberately took this Chicom bribe to smear the President and ruin their own family member, if it was just a clever Chinese bargaining chip against President Trump, because the reality is it proves the Kushners will sell their own for a bit more than 30 pieces of silver.

War is coming and being prepared for. The Kushners, deliberate or not, but in absolute lust for power and greed for a holy land ruled by an Ashkenaz master have now ushered in. Weakness breeds wars and the Kushner's are a weak race without any Christian Inspiration.

Jonah changed the Nineveh time line and she still crumbled into dust. This peace has stolen what was only God's to give and the payment for that theft will be continuous war.


The Crack Whore Economy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Economics in America is not about earning money, but instead about how the feudal few can legally steal money from the public Treasury.
- Lame Cherry

 As I type this, it is the first part of this month and the North Dakota is moving through the same cycle that the American regime in DC is moving through in not economic management, but the Crack Whore Economy. I am going to use North Dakota as an example as it is the American example, as much as the Russian example of how to spend money like a crack whore.

North Dakota had the legendary oil boom cycle, which saw their revenues jump 40% in the positive intake of taxes. One must understand though North Dakota's precarious position as it is Russia as much as America.

North Dakota operates under three revenue generating taxes.

1. The farm ranch economy
2. The oil economy
3. The construction economy

For those who understand economic conditions, there is not any manufacturing, nor financial generation, nor "technology" as in the creation of new products which sucks money from the outside world to North Dakota. Instead North Dakota has a non value added production in oil, grain, meat which other states process for increased profit, and construction which is in-state.

The state now has the cyclical problem of boom and bust, in the farm economy is in depression, the oil economy is in depression, and when those two economies are in depression, there is not construction, so that economy is in depression.

How North Dakota gains tax revenue from the above are royalties in oil which is not an acceptable share, income taxes and sales taxes.

What North Dakota has been faced with since the disaster of Governor Byron Dalrymple who now resides in sunny Florida with the crack whore spending of Republicans in Congress, is budgets which are bloated and a constant removing funds from rainy day accounts to make up shortfalls.
This group kept lying to itself that oil would rise again, but the fact is they now understand that oil will not rise and they are stuck with no money coming in to pay for their huge infrastructure and 150,000 more people to deal with.

It was stunning to listen to these pie in the sky leaders there just light up when they thought oil was going to bring back the boom, because if one observes simple economics this is the reality:

Oil goes up 10 dollars to 60 dollars a barrel. Gas in turn goes up 50 cents per gallon for this 10 dollars, of which North Dakota in royalties received only pennies. In the end, North Dakotans were getting a penny back for every gallon of gas which was flowing out of state at 10 dollars more per fill up.
A penny gained by the state and 10 dollars lost from 500,000 people is 5 million dollars per week pouring out of the state. That is not economic sense.

North Dakota was a place I simply wanted to reach out and manage, because in the middle of nowhere Warren Buffett had his rail monopoly, for oil transport, which went to war with the oil pipeline groups, and in the meantime, North Dakota was spending billions in 8 lane highways for trucks to haul oil to rail points, and wasting money on community centers, new hospitals and new schools, which now without oil revenue are sitting there still needing to be heated and cooled, maintained and sucking money out of an economy which is depressed.

The current Governor is a businessman like Donald Trump and is speaking about 20% agency spending cuts. Those cuts should have taken place five years ago, but Republicans like Democrats could not spend money fast enough like crack whores in not preparing for the future. So the situation is, the oil has peaked. The farm economy is not going to rise until another Soros speculation, and construction projects are finished, and yet North Dakotans have their high priced real estate of cactus plains sucking their money from their hard work.

In that North Dakota is a regressive state on taxes, as is Minnesota, as is Missouri and almost all other states rapining Americans. They have both sales and income taxes which penalize production and selling, which is what one needs to engage in to make an economy grow.
It is interesting to drive through Missouri and see very low gas prices, because Missouri did not raise gas tax prices as Minnesota and North Dakota did. So Kansas gas is always higher as they have gas sales tax spikes to generate tax revenue. This is not the case in North Dakota though for the national average, so there is this massive draining on the North Dakota economy as it feeds the infrastructure which has nothing on it now to pay for it, and the jobs are at the stagnant rate, as 150,000 more people in cactus prairie can not generate wealth in producing anything beyond local cupcakes. So it is oil and farm commodities, and their services, and those services are more technology and robotic, so one does not need a threshing crew to harvest wheat where a 350,000 dollar John Deere combine performs all the work and John Deere in Illinois reaps the profits as there are no hayseeds in North Dakota anymore buying beer and brats.

What North Dakota should have done was to insist that any corporation moving into the state for oil, appear with one technology plant. Buffett should have been made to build a plastics facility in North Dakota and not India, but none of that farsighted genius was available in North Dakota as the leaders there never gleaned anything from the bust in the 1980's.

Each of your states or provinces reading this, and nations from Canada, to France, to Slovakia, to Russia understand the above, although most of you have been spared by boom cycles, because your regimes are so socialist communist that the oligarchs have all the money while you are like the people of North Dakota now working for wages twice as hard, and losing ground because the bankers and real estate crooks have driven up housing prices to bleed you dry.

North Dakota was a place one decade ago that 50,000 dollars would have purchased a very nice home. Now that same house is 250,000 dollars and it was from the quick money of the oil and wheat boom, but those prices all dropped, but the costs of living have not.

It is the problem of North Dakota in the current leadership is cutting spending, but too late. Into this, they are not dealing with the massive problem of how to get tax revenue back up, because in 5 years all of those roads and buildings are going to require expensive resurfacing and roofs. Therein lies the problem in if North Dakota does not cut income taxes and sales taxes, they will continue to hinder any semblance of growth, but North Dakota is not going to cut high sales, income or property taxes, and this is their doom, because without cutting taxes and spending, there will not be any economic activity to generate the taxes to pay for all their crack whore lifestyles.
They are a street whore who found 50,000 dollars, purchased a Mercedes, and now do not have the money for bread, gas or a roof over their heads, so the car sits there and rusts out until it is confiscated.

North Dakota will continue to languish and bleed itself dry as it is bled dry by Wall Street of its resources taken by others and value added to them, and sold back to North Dakotans.

This type of mismanagement is something to be castigated as North Dakota should have tens of billions of dollars on deposit, and as creditor made solid loans to other states in order to preserve the wholesome life there in a clean industry, with other manufacturing industries based on oil and agriculture reinvesting those profits inside the state for financial overturn and expansion. Instead, I found this amusing reality of North Dakota.

When Soros drove up wheat prices, North Dakota had a state operated mill, which raised prices along with the national chains. There is a Gold Medal in Minnesota though which dropped its prices fifty cents for 5 pounds of flour, undercutting North Dakota. It took the state of North Dakota another year to cut their price by 50 cents a bag to undercut a Minnesota based industry. The crime in this is wheat prices plunged 5 years ago, so North Dakota was screwing everyone over for five years in charging higher prices.
Think of it if North Dakota had gone out and halved prices on its state flour, and expanded into Walmart and other retail outlets, instead of gouging people?
In this North Dakota would have been importing grain from the region, making value added profits and probably would have had a multi billion dollar grain mill, as the Minnesota mills are, but there was absolutely no foresight nor purpose in a crack whore seeing money and only how to shove it down her knickers and spend it on dope.

Until North Dakota cuts a new deal, and makes the oil companies invest in manufacturing for that oil, and for other agricultural industry to invest in North Dakota to do business there or it will all be Belarus from Russia having a monopoly. Cutting spending is not accomplishing anything but prolonging the death, as North Dakota is not cutting the taxes and the first thing that state should cut in taxes is ridding itself of personal income tax and luring all those industries out of Minnesota with a 10 year income tax freeze providing those businesses either double the jobs in their plants every five years or bring in another clean economic business.

Nuff Said


Electrostatic Generator

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jeff Rense often features a William Tomkins on his radio program who one often has a person scratching their head about his revelations, as he is like the Forest Gump of advanced sciences in he seems to appear in every black operations project America or Gemany had, and if you throw in gorgeous Nordics, it all creates a mystery of making one doubt how authentic it is.
That is until Mr. Rense posts FOIA documents on advanced engines the United States was exploring that literally is Star Trek science.

That is why when other sources confirm sciences of anti gravitational engines, which both Germany and America have, and the science in America began in the 1930's with a Professor Brown, it all begins to make one realize that it is not going to be the Star Trek 23rd century but a Trump 21st century which could bring space travel and abundant resources to all humanity.

What Professor Brown was engaged in, in the 1930's were various applied nature sciences like the great Viktor Schauberger of Austria who created the Nazi Bell. Brown though using his genius and the invention of the day, created a Flame Jet Generator to produce the immense amount of electricity to power his "electronic discs" or what you would call flying saucers.

This part is particularly interesting to me, as a flame jet turbin would be as simple as a particle turbin (Brown discovered a prototype like device in this period, of a electronic tube which he found that moving electricity through it would produce thrust....hence an electronic jet engine without any moving parts.) and how this could progress to particle beam engines or atomic generator engines to produce electricity of immense voltage to power machines to swim through outer space.

While Professor Brown never wrote of this projection, Professor Cherry could visualize a Schauberger vortex engine, creating a vacuum in space in dark matter, pulling a space craft forward and having the miracle of displacing all space debris in front of the vehicle. This is the danger of "Star Trek" type travel as a pebble size object in space, being struck by a space ship would have the dynamic impact of unimaginable energy. For example, an 8 ounce size rock being struck by a space ship moving at 5 times the speed of light is a bit more energy than the displacement of energy of a titanium rod striking the earth at Mach 100, which would produce a nuclear size energy generation.

In Schauberger's vacuum though, a ship would displace all material, like a deflector shield, and the ship and crew would be completely safe, including guarded from gravitational forces.

I digress.

Brown had also formulated a method for generating the required high
voltages for a free-flying disc—the problem that had earlier stymied its
practical  development  into  a  manned  aircraft—by  means  of a  "flame-jet
generator."  This  was  a  jet  engine  modified  to  act  as  an  electrostatic
generator capable  of providing up  to  15  million volts  to the skin  of the
craft.  The Interavia  article,  I  remembered,  had  talked  of trials  involving
3-foot discs run in a 50-foot diameter air course under a charge of 150 kV
"with results so impressive as to be highly classified."
Brown's flying saucer now had a power  source.,0,-103

The point in the above is that just as modern electronic coils have no moving parts, the Brown flame jet could become the Cherry coil, or a device which would literally be self generating electricity to amplify it a billion times or more, in increased "jumps" of the current to form a type of plasma stream.
As the mind of Cherry formulates this, I project out that the Cherry coil would amplify a zero gravity field and vacuum as in the German Bell, and with the Schauberger Vacuum one could move all sorts of interesting objects around like Mars, to bring it closer to the sun, but safe distance from earth to warm the planet. One could heat the interior of Mars as earth through friction movement and add asteroids of atmospheric elements and have an M type planet in a few weeks.

The galaxy is endless as it is spoken of hundreds of millions of earth type planets, but with the Cherry coil, it would not be terraforming planets, but one could literally move planets about to seed them at appropriate distances from stable stars and make designer earths in all of the nearest stars to our system.

As Schauberger had a Bell type device that generated extreme heat or cold, it is possible to transfer earth with her own thermostat to another star if this one ever misbehaved.

Really have to do something about Venus as with her magnetic bursts and hot atmosphere, with a little work, she would polish up to something appropriate too.

This lesson in the electrostatic generator must close as it is not like Hans Klammer is funding my research and I have to be a working girl doing chores with the insights of Solomon.

Someday I will have to do the pyramids.

Nuff Said

