Friday, June 30, 2017


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jeff Rense had on a most interesting creator in Sophia Stewart, the Mother of the Matrix, so to speak. It was her creative mind which produced such film dynasties as Terminator and The Matrix.

The real matrix is another mother of all creation.

I have been tracking events trending and the foundation of coming events appears to be based in the cyberwarefare attacks in Europe. It appears more than cash hiding schemes in previous manifestations. This time the cartel appears to want things to fall from the heavens.

It reads that the Americans will not experience this trojan horse.

Cyber attack could lead to military retaliation, says Fallon


4:50 AM 7 - 1 - 17


8:38 AM 7 - 4 - 17

moved 10:46 PM  7 - 5 - 17


It appears something else is occurring in the time line. Things were settling out in the trending as of last week June. The surges and pulses with this coup and counter coup in America keep resetting events. As the time line has passed June 25, in certain sources pulled assets out of the Sea of Japan ending that situation, the energies have reset. It appears something unique is transpiring like a snakes tongue flicking in it being forked for one purpose. The cyber branch in Europe and another which was the main tracking event.
The grandmasters are not informing the pawns. Due to popularity concerns I am not touching any of this, but only making record of it, as what has been posted concerning the Sea of Japan and other events have reset the time line and I will not interfere as this is none of my concern any more,  and only post from internet links of what others are nattering about.

 It is a point of the dates of the Pur. We will see what is and what will be.

The 2017 Pur

So very many rudders in the pond though deflecting the currents. Under which shell though is the pea.

The Pentagon has finished revising its options against North Korea and will soon present them to President Donald Trump, American officials say.
The package includes a military response and would be handed over to Trump in case of a new missile or nuclear warhead test that indicates the North has made significant progress in developing weapons capable of hitting the US, CNN reported Thursday, citing two officials.
The news came only a day after US National Security Adviser HR McMaster confirmed the preparation of some military options.


A Moment in Hitler and Stalin

There are some images showing Nazis in more light-hearted moments of the campaign - including a cute kitten sat in a German jack boot

Russian kitten preferring the German Jack Boot Occupation


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Daily Mail featured some interesting propaganda from World War II in Russia, during Operation Barbarossa on the Eastern Front. The captions of course blame the Nazi's and include the fiction of millions of Jews being slaughtered by the Germans deliberately. If one bothers though to look at the photos for what they are, one begins to reason and see history for what it is.

Let us begin with this photo of "Russian" prisoners.

Russian prisoners can be seen huddled together in the haunting images, awaiting their fate at the hands of the Nazis

If you look closely at this group one is distinctly east Asian, with numbers being Mideastern, in the products of the Ottoman rape of the Russian borders for centuries, in the cross breed population. These are not Russians, but are in effect the non Russian serf or slave class, which Stalin used as human fodder, in the great crime again humanity.
If you look closely, these people are alive, and had not been executed by the Germans, and were being cared for and fed. That is humane treatment.

Next photo,  is Russian prisoners of war. The photo states that Russians were forced to life in squalid cramped conditions. So were the Germans who survived. The Americans killed off millions of Germans after the war in worse conditions, and the Soviets murdered Germans by the millions and raped the women by millions more.
In addition this photo brings up a completely different subject of 1 million Jews were killed by Germans. If one replaces Jew with the word COMMUNIST, then yes the German Nazi systematically in regions they conquered shot the commissars to the cheers of the people above, and to the delight of the people who were ruled by these  ruthless communists, who had been calling for the genocide of Germans.

The Russian prisoners were forced to live in squalid, cramped conditions. More than a million Soviet Jews were murdered by death squads and gassing as part of the Holocaust

Next photo, is entitled Jews Made To Work, as they were marched through the street by German guards. The problem is there are no guards to be seen, and these Jews if you look at their faces are HAPPY and have absolutely no fear of the Germans. The reason is these Jews were JEWS, and not commissars of the communist regime.
They were delighted to be LIBERATED BY THE GERMANS. Yes that is a fact in numerous areas after being starved, raped, forced to serve in the military in suicide squads and treated like animals, welcomed Germans in setting them free.
These peoples had a history of being subjects from Poland to the Vatican and it was unpleasant for them.

The photograph, entitled 'Jews are led to work', shows the Nazi guards forcing Jewish prisoners to march through the streets before being made to work

Next photo is of Jewish Bolshevik women, who look unhappy, but then they were the Soviet elite, and if you examine several of them, they are military dressed. They also are looking out open windows, are clean, well fed, and not trying to escape or are fearful of  Germans.
Take any ruling elite from their luxury and put them into a dormitory, and you will have a few sullen, but most will be looking out the window and flirting with the Germans.

'Capture of Bolshevik women': Officers told their soldiers to target people who were described as "Jewish Bolshevik subhumans

Next photo, Stalin;s son Yakov, saved by the Nazi's, as all Russian Soldiers were when they surrendered. The Russian was marched out, most to being pleased to not be fodder for Stalin, and in turn existed in camps, waiting for the war to end, so they could go home and live under German rule, which was far better than Stalin's gulags.

'Stalin's son a prisoner': Richthofen's previously unseen snap of Stalin's son Yakov after his capture near Smolensk in July 1941

Did Jews die in World War II? Yes they did, but not in the numbers nor in the ways the propaganda portrays it. Many fought for Germany, some fought for Russia, and died as Soldiers.
The Nazi as a whole treated conquered peoples better than the Romans ever did, and as after the war evidence piled up, better than the Russians or Americans did.

Where there atrocities? Yes on every side, but the Germans did not gang rape entire nations as Russia did, nor did they prostitute women for food as Americans did.
Considering the cesspools that Germany conquered, those people were in many cases better off, as most had not progressed in the least since the Czar's reforms to the Serfs, which got the Czar murdered by Jewish revolutionaries in the 19th century.
It is all a matter of the Truth of history and all it entails in the entire picture.

And with that the final photo of what is the propanda of an entire city bombed out as Germans liberated it, and as Germans were there, because Stalin would have been doing the same things to Germans had he invaded first, is the little island, which contains a Christian Russian Orthodox Church. The Germans too care to not destroy that building of faith, and to the credit of the Russian Soldiers, they did not bastardize it by trying to hide bombs or snipers in it making it a target.

The devastated town of Merkin in Operation Barbarossa - homes and buildings across the town have been completely destroyed as the enemy launched their rampage

People are always lied to, but if you really look at the photos, you start noticing things which are the Truth, and you begin to realize that you are being lied to.

Nuff Said


I think the IQ Test needs an IQ Test

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across these well known people's IQ statistics and as I read them, I began to think that the machine was broken as Old IQ from like the Black Death period and New IQ in Great Tribulation period is like not the same test.

I just do not think that a degree in phy ed and acting really is a degree or words is a degree.

Arnold Schwarzenegger – IQ 135

OK so the guy who ruined California, f*cked up his marriage and destroyed Celebrity Apprentice is intelligent?


Geena Davis – IQ 140

She couldn't stay married to Jeff Goldblum, but that should not have anything to do with IQ.

Tyra Banks – IQ 120

Not on a good day and with Mr. Mo the chimp from Wild Kingdom is she turning out 120.

Mayim Bialik – IQ 163

This is the ugly chick on Big Bang who can't get paid the same as her fag sex partner on screen?


Dave Duchovny – IQ 147

X Files and Californication, obviously his career proves something is wrong with the modern IQ test.

Madonna – IQ 140

Need I say more? Replaced by Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus, two inbreeds who modeled themselves after Cher.


Shaquille O’Neil – IQ 101

Ok if you shave off 50 points this one I will believe.


Stephen Hawking – IQ 160

The genius who says God does not exist, but can not invent a body so he does not have to sit in a chair and have a computer natter on for him.

Quentin Tarantino – IQ 160

Proof something is wrong with this test as he let Mira Sorvino go.

Ashton Kutcher – IQ 160

Seems like that 160 number shows up a lot for social retards.


Nicole Kidman – IQ 132

Not going to pick on Nic. She was decent about Trump.

Tommy Lee Jones – IQ 135

I think there is something wrong with the Harvard IQ scores running high.


Sylvester Stallone – IQ 160

160 again, maybe it has to do with starring in or watching lots of porn.


Natalie Portman – IQ 140

Isn't she the liberal who had her tits out in that Hillary Clinton photo.


Meryl Streep – IQ 143

Meryl must have found the bonus section for people who can mimic Julia Childs getting 140 extra points.



Anderson Cooper – IQ 123

No idea if getting gay thumped in the head lowered the score.


Kevin Spacey – IQ 137

Did not seem to gaytard the Space, but maybe he doesn't tea bag like Cooper and it is oxygen deprived condition that brings on the gaytard.


Jodie Foster – IQ 132 

See maybe it does have something to do with where you put your head during sex.

Robin Williams – IQ 140

See it is where you put your head during sex.....


 Bill Clinton – IQ 137

 Or having syphilis and treating it with a bag of coke up the nose each day


Ron Jeremy – IQ 130

Yup compliment when you tell Ron he thinks with his brains.


Al Gore – IQ 134

Then again maybe it's congenital

Bill Gates – IQ 160

I really think that 160 slot is wore in so it goes to everyone who pays for the Scrib notes.


Dolph Lundgren – IQ 160

See what I mean about that worn slot.






Conan O’Brien – IQ 160

Need I say more about that worn slot. But I like Conan, I would give him 160 just for being Conan.


Steve Martin – IQ 142

Someone who is friends with David Letterman  and can not keep a wife like Victoria Tenent or whatever her poodle name is, does not have a 142 IQ.

Matt Damon – IQ 160

I mean this dude is like the Pele of Afflecktard.


Brad Pitt – IQ 126

His BO rating in stink bomb is probably 126. I mean he married Jolie......monkeys even run from her.


Kate Beckinsale – IQ 160

Kate make a nice vampira, but there is that 160 again. IQ tabulators must get more blows than Ron Jeremy.

Hillary Clinton – IQ 140

140 IQ and not smart enough to run from Bill Clinton, beat Obama, beat Trump, and all she can do is hoover Huma so Anthony Wiener beating off gets all of them into trouble.


Charles Darwin – IQ 165

Relative of mine who saw things and jumped to erroneous conclusions, but on his death bed saw the Light. See the old IQ actually measured IQ.


Leonardo da Vinci – IQ 220

 See what I mean on the old IQ.

James Woods – IQ 180

Woods must have gotten the old IQ test.



Michelle Obama – IQ 115

Yeah I believe this score was Affirmative Action Bell curve in a 30 point handicap for Chicago shemales where lead paint was a food group.


Barack Obama – IQ 130

An IQ of 130 must have been the foreign student aid program test where peeling bananas is the first 27 pages of the test.

Bruce and Not Testicle Bruce Jenner IQ 115

Unless it is the shemale score like Lurch Obama.

Vladimir Putin 134

The Russian version must be like uber harder than the American Affirmative Action one. 


George W. Bush – IQ 125

I mean dude must have had Jeb counting his toes for him and Barbara slipping the test master a little hoover tongue.


Donald Trump – IQ 156

Obviously Mr. Trump was taking the DaVinci test that his German father located especially for his son.


 Nuff Said
