Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Convenience Fee May Apply

Me and the cops support a law where I can 
arrest women and search their buttocks and breasts.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Recently I had to embark on a road trip due to a medical necessity and in the journey I had to cross Minnesota.

I probably should mention at this point that I was just a few hundred yards into the state when the highway patrol, two of them working in tandem, pulled me over.

I had not been speeding. I was driving perfectly safe, but I was stopped due to seat belt violations. For those who read this blog, they know  that I do not wear seat belts as it is not the regime's business what I do in my vehicle. Furthermore my sister was killed because she wore a seat belt, which held her in place so a fence post took the top of her head off. So I got a re education in why I hate Minnesota, now even worse than Iowa, as in Iowa they at least do not pick a drive up until they have been in the state further than 200 yards.

I was not too impressed with the highway patrol person, as I thought afterwards that they must have been thankful that their sex change operation was paid for in Obamacare as this was one petite dude who was phobic of solar rays.

So dude checks everything and then comes back and lies to me. He says, "I had to give you a ticket today as I have given a half dozen other people tickets." Yeah and people go to hell for lying, because you were sitting out there picking up every vehicle which did not have a Minnesota plate. That is what was taking place, and Mark Dayton is clueless why border town Minnesota is imploding in population and no stores. It is because Minnesota runs a robbery racket of legally robbing out of state drivers, just like most states do. It is criminal but as Minnesota metro says it is for protecting life, that is what the lie is.

Yes I was even told a sob story about some people who got killed, and the kids were not in kid seats. My thought was, "Well I wonder if those were Mexicans or Somalian foreigners who were not obeying American laws as they don't give a damn about their kids beyond welfare checks".

Of course, I never said a word as I was not about to end up in cuffs pointing the Truth out to a highwayman who like Mark Dayton is quite content in spewing lies about how wonderful they are.

The thing is, I really wanted to say to this cop, "You know if you would be protecting women in Minnesota instead of extorting money from women on the road, Al Franken would not have been molesting innocent women across the state".

I wanted to say a number of things, but when one is in the American Gulag in Soveitsota one does not antagonize the KGB as they have their illusions. Like the illusion that Mark Dayton did nothing to protect another out of state Minnesota woman who was murdered by a Minneapolis cop last summer. Yes Minnesota police really care about women living and dying, or not being assaulted by Al Franken, who still is not arrested and is still sitting in the US Senate after he resigned.

So I paid for my freedom today along with TL, as nothing is free in America any longer. Money is extorted legally from the Citizen and the Citizen must smile and thank the extorters because that is the way things are in life.

I have a great deal of compassion on the Viking who lives in Minnesota, because he has no idea what it is like to live in a place where for the most part the cops are not popping out of every knot hole to hand out tickets.

The summation of this is Minnesota Nice by a new definition in on the ticket it says a "convenience fee will apply". Yes it would be more convenient if the state of Minnesota did not prey on women on the highway, and it would be more protect and serve to arrest Al Franken from assaulting women and to arrest that Somali terrorist who murdered that woman from Oz, but this is Minnesota illusions, as they are doing you a favor in extorting money from you, so you just smile and say, "God bless you for it".

That is why Al Franken is popular out there in Minnesota and why they vote Clinton and Obama, because they are all the same goddamn frauds who claim superior humanity and are no different than any gutter trash police state operating out of Peking.

Thanks Al, being a woman in Minnesota is now a crime!!!


