Monday, January 1, 2018

Eric Trump Save Your Father and America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to preface this as I like the Trump Boys. Don jr. picked a great Secretary of the Interior who is the best cabinet official his father has, and he does a great job posting pictures of him and his kids to make Robert Mueller look like a Blood Libel Jew if he indicts  Donald Trump jr. D9 is a good man who is loyal.

I like Eric from what  I know of him, he is a good businessman, husband, father and quietly supports his father very well.

Barron does not make problems, dresses like a young gentleman and is a good son.

So I like the Trump boys in they have provided an image of what I supported and voted for in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. They have not caused one problem, and the only problems have come from Jael Ivanka in her Jewism, her husband's selling the White House, and that ditz Tiffany who is liberal as Ivanka and Jared, not being a lady.

That is why when Eric Trump makes a point about  Twitter only putting up liberals for possible contacts to follow, he misses the point that it is not the algorithms but is the employees there terrorizing him, and the trolls coming out and bashing him about feeding the poor or saving would think that funding St. Jude's Children's Hospital would be enough, as it  is more than the liberal trash ever do.

The thing is the list of people Eric Trump should follow are really the political allies of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and that is what his father, President Trump has been cementing into place for all of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord in Obama policies.

Neil Gorsuch of the Supreme Court is a pro sodomite, that cements Obama sodomy forever into America.

The Trump Tax will  rob poor Americans, and by forcing rich Americans to squirrel their money into foundations and trusts, will keep conglomerate control of America and Wall Street funded.

Taking out Judge Roy Moore by John Kelly,  empowers the Al Franenfondle smear against Republicans, as Mr. Trump wanted this competitor gone for 2020, and now Congress does not have to pass any Trump reforms, as Donald Trump promised.

So why should Twitter not have Eric Trump follow this leftwing  treachery, when his father has been getting rid of Christians, Loyalists and Conservatives. Except for Sec. Zinke there is not one Conservative  in the White House inner circle. They are all Junta left wing political minders in  Junta Kelly and Herbert McMaster who voted for Hillary Clinton or are conglomerate shills in Rex Tillerson and Mad Dong Maddis.

Eric Trump can talk Conservative, but there is nothing Conservative about the Trump cabinet in setting any policy. Everything Donald Trump has done has either rewarded communist China as Munchkin and Gary Cohn are protecting over Americans or Donald Trump is shipping American coal and oil out of America, driving up inflation which is the real killer of America.

If Eric Trumps wants Conservative, I would as a Christian be  most willing to help him and Don jr. bring the message to his father. All the boys need to do is read Ronald Reagan's inauguration speech, employ the Reagan Kemp Tax in Trump Tax II Reforms, and stop pouring legals into America, and START forcing South Korea , Taiwan and Japan to import products of rural America in the resources there, which would include a money dump to internet  platforms  for REAL Conservative Christians to put a few thousand dollars into real American hands, which will be spent to get the economy moving, as what the President is engaged in is Conglomerate Keynesianism.

The Boys do not have to contact me, do not have to give me credit, they can have it all. But if they are interested in helping their father, they  need to put more effort into talking to the old man than in tweeting.

Nuff Said

