Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Why Contempt of Congress Charges Matter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a reality brewing which involves Contempt of Congress charges, which no one has bothered to focus on, in the correct explanation of the situation, as Contempt of Congress for a Deputy Attorney General and the FBI Director are charges which do have legal meaning.
The basis of this is, that for the latter part of 2017 AD in the year of our Lord, the leadership of the FBI and the leadership of the DOJ have stonewalled Congress over the Russiagate investigation. Congress IS THEE ONLY check and balance in this, otherwise Justice is policing itself and that was a criminal enterprise under Robert Mueller  and James Comey.

James Comey @Comey
Here’s hoping 2018 brings more ethical leadership, focused on the truth and lasting values. Happy New Year, everybody.
 In all honesty, thee above by James Comey is a former FBI Director actively tampering with a criminal investigation by this tweet, and James Comey just called every member of Congress unethical in representing the Citizens of the United States.
What James Comey just engaged in, was attempting the President to actions which Robert Mueller would exploit as much as the deep state. For this, James Comey should have Contempt of Congress charges filed and a demand from Congress that Attorney General Jeff Sessions immediately open a Grand Jury to hear evidence on James Comey tampering with a federal investigation.
This is a most serious matter which James Comey engaged in.

House intel committee threatens DOJ, FBI with contempt of ...

Dec 03, 2017 · House Republicans could draft a resolution to hold Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress as soon ...

Contempt of Congress is not some charge without teeth. It involves throwing people into prison and this is the criminal part which then sets off a series of mandatory events which will follow and be explained exclusively by the Lame Cherry.

Contempt of Congress - Wikipedia

The criminal offense of "contempt of Congress" sets the penalty at not less than one month nor more than twelve months in jail and a fine of not less than $100 nor ...

The deep state has been attempting to bait the President to fire Robert Mueller in his witch hunt, which has gone Muellerstein in using illegally obtained information, entrapment and petty charges to destroy innocent Americans. There is a vast difference though in outright firing as in James Comey and the firing of government officials who are charged with Contempt of Congress. Criminals thumbing their noses at the United States Congress from prison are a completely different set of circumstances.

Congress must charge Rob Rosenstein, Christoper Wray and Andrew McCabe with contempt, along with all of their working associates involved in this contempt charge. McCabe is as guilty as the rest, and in February he is attempting to retire on FULL GOVERNMENT BENEFITS, which is the rape of the US Justice System in Americans  will be paying this colluder  to live in luxury while 95 million Americans do not have a job.

Charging this swamp den of conspirators with Contempt of Congress, then sets off a chain of events as crooks can not serve in Government. President Trump then has the duty and authority to fire these conspirators by Act of Congress. The President orders Chief of Staff John Kelly to order Attorney General Jeff Sessions to fire these culprits and if Sessions protects these criminals, Jeff Sessions is fire them too by John Kelly.

As an interim director or Attorney Attorney General, the FBI could be placed in a non permanent receivership overseen by Homeland or CIA. There need not be any Congressional hearings on replacements as any cabinet level position can immediately be seated or named on a probationary post, which would force the turning over to Congress the documents Rosenstein, Wray and McCabe are covering up.
Alex Acosta of the Department of Labor would make a fine FBI Director or Attorney General as would Dan Coates who is Director of National Intelligence.

Congress must not be held in contempt as it already is, and their first act must be to hold a dozen criminals at Justice and FBI in contempt, and make certain when the US Marshals take them into custody, that Breitbart and FOX are there to record it all for the public's open government.
Once that is accomplished. John  Kelly is ordered to fire these criminals, and interim replacements takes these departments and agencies into custodial care, with full access provided to Congressional investigators not to have files handed over to them, but for Congressional lawyers to be at the DOJ and FBI going through all the documents themselves.

This is the cover President Trump has once Congress moves and this criminal swamp is drained and turned over to the Congress again for full oversight.

That is why Contempt of Congress matters. It is thee most important matter for the survival of Donald Trump as President.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
