Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Advice for the Trump Ship of State Year Two

Donald Trump with his first born son

As another  Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Last December before Christmas, a story ran about President Trump and his consideration of returning to his loyalists as replacements for the epic failures Trump Trans inflicted upon this presidency, to finally succumb to Junta John Kelly elevating Chief of Staff to Plotting Dictator in ridding the White House of Christians and Blacks like Omarosa Manigault and smearing the innocent Judge Roy Moore.

I stated on this blog in the 3rd week of December to help the President right his administration which is cementing as Hillary Clinton's first term, and what follows is this advice.

Donald Trump, not due to his fault, failed in appointing the correct people, just as Bill Clinton did. It was Mario Cuomo being the fickle politician which threw every appointment off for Bill Clinton. It was not until Richard Nixon and Leon Panetta appeared that Bill Clinton's ship of state began to function.

Mistakes upon mistakes surrounded Donald Trump. His worst direction was appointing sitting members of Congress to his staff. That was proven by Jeff Sessions as Attorney General who has been a disaster and that is what caused the targeting of the innocent Judge Roy Moore for a later attack on President Trump.

I remember a line from Dick Vermeil when he was given the job of the head coach of the NFL Philadelphia Eagles. Vermeil in the draft picked an offensive lineman. He soon learned that was a mistake as was told you could turn any dolt into an offensive lineman.  That is a fact about Presidential staff in you can turn them into staff out of anything. The President though has to save his political base, and then avoid picking the "best" as Mr. Trump has discovered with Rex Tillerson, Herbert McMaster, Katie Walsh that they all think they are President and stop serving the President.

Donald Trump needs people in year two who understand how government works, what his needs are, as they have been through elections, are trustworthy, ambitious for the President as they want success to further their careers, but will put themselves in second place while getting the job done.

What the Lame Cherry advises is that Donald Trump start elevating the hosts of Lt. Governors and former Governors to the White House to lay a political foundation for later in a Trump legacy, but to put this White House on a course for America and not Junta Kelly's favorite bama pedophile promoter.


Attorney General Ken Paxton

My favorite politician is the Attorney General of Texas in Ken Paxton. I know he is not a Lt. Governor, but now that I have you thinking Lt. Governor, you are thinking about picking accomplished politicians who made it on their own, just like Ronald Reagan did.

There are a host of extremely talented and accomplished Republican Conservatives who should be chosen by Donald Trump from former Minnesota Governor Tim PawlentyDan Patrick the current Texas Lt. Governor, then there is Sharon Angle who had the Senate seat stolen from her by Harry Reid in Nevada, John Sanchez the Lt. Governor of New Mexico,  former Governor Pat Quin of Illinois, former Govenor of North Dakota in Ed Schaefer, and my personal favorite who belongs on the national stage in Karyn Polito who is the current Lt. Governor of Massachusetts in being pro gun and pro term limits.

Lt. Governor Karyn Polito

Nothing prepares anyone for the anal exam of Washington DC. There is always going to be someone they hate, someone they never notice and someone they adore. Sarah Huckabee was "just the volunteer daughter" of a former Governor, but proved that she learned well in her State and father's national campaigns.

Donald Trump suffers from a Kelly dictatorship and the Kushner Jewry of favoritism which is excluding the very self starters like Omarosa. If people can not handle Black preacher in Omarosa, how the hell can they be expected to handle Kim Jong Un?

The above is short list, but there is a long list of the trusted leaders in the Christian political movement as much as the NRA in States across America.

That is the promised assistance for President Donald Trump in his second year administration to accomplish the necessary political and legislative agenda  for a successful Presidency.

Donald Trump has not been supported by his military infatuation, his inexperience with politicians and his  business choices are not progressing the Trump Brand. We have gone from the Reince Priebus riot to the John Kelly dictatorship, neither of which serves the President. Donald Trump needed Chris Christie to manage this White House which should have been loaded with Conservatives and Christians, not Jewry in deals and deep state Clinton voters.

That is the correct direction the President must set his ship of state on course. What he does is his what he does.

Nuff Said
