Enjoy your pizza and pop before your SofTouch®
in no fear of shitting on your abortionist
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Where are the safeguards for women in America?
Where is Ivanka Kushner always parading around her protege and spending poor people's money on her abortion industry support when it comes to one of the most ghastly developments in the aborticide industry, which looks like some cheap Chinese knock off of a plastic Star Trek toy?
I first saw a mention of this SOFTOUCH device yesterday and decided to look into it, as on their website there is not any mention of clinical testing or any approval by the FDA. What you are going to learn in the following is that the extermination of babies began with self hating genocidists in England, and progressed into communist China which had a lust to murder babies, and then swung back to a Jew in Canada who relished butchering babies, and then the 'father of aborticide in America' who murdered women and injured their wombs in his SOFTOUCH aborticide method.
As this globalist population reduction industry focused in racism of exterminating minorities and then Christians, arrived with confusing talking points as "fetus" to "a woman's right to choose", the SOFTOUCH is another such talking point, along with the word aspiration device.
Here is a photo of this monstrosity, and it is neither soft, nor does it just magically make life disappear. This is a suction device which pulls babies out in pieces or pulls the child into the syringe where the child lives with heart beating, until the oxygen in the blood supply from the mother is used up, whereby the child suffocates.
The point being a baby the size of a dime or fifty cent piece does not require that much oxygenated blood to live for some time.
All of you reading this, know how big a man's hand is. All of you know how large a tampon is for a woman's body. Compare that now to SOFTOUCH, in where this is forced into, that it is not soft, but rigid plastic, how it would require lubrication, cervical anesthesia, and one still has something 20 times bigger than a tampon which is designed for the same area.
The handle at the bottom is the syringe which is pulled back to suck the baby out of the womb. Note this has to be a tight seal in order to provide the suction to tear the baby from the womb wall and into this tube.
There is absolutely no information as I stated on this device. Who manufactures it, where it is manufactured, if the plastic is safe or toxic, or if this thing looks like what it is, something that comes out of China using recycled ebola syringes.
Now for the fun in the criminals who began all of this, and led to this SOFTOUCH.
No pictures of the Chinamen, as can a half a billion Chinese babies be wrong?
Vacuuming as a means of removing the uterine contents, rather than the previous use of a hard metal curette, was pioneered in 1958 by Drs Wu Yuantai and Wu Xianzhen in China, but their paper was only translated into English on the fiftieth anniversary of the study that "ultimately led to the technique becoming the world’s most common and safest obstetric procedure"
No photos of the English genocidists, but we learned they went to Scotland were it was easier to get away with murdering babies.
Sir Dugald Baird advanced abortion techniques in the less-pressured legal environment of Scotland, and Dorothea Kerslake pioneered vacuum aspiration abortion in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.The Jew though in Canada with Blood Libel, proudly smiled for his pictures. Henry Morg was influenced by the butcher Dorothea Kerslake,and opened shop in Quebec, killing off the French Canadian minorities, where he was immediately arrested.
strongly influencing a Canadian physician, Henry Morgentaler. Practising in Montreal, Morgentaler spoke out against the restrictive abortion law and practice in Canada, and felt conscientiously bound to assist the often desperate, disadvantaged women who then flocked to him for treatment. Not satisfying the demanding conditions of the Canadian Criminal Code, he was prosecuted, but at his trial, in 1973, a jury found him not guilty of unlawful abortion. However, in 1975, the Supreme Court upheld his conviction on the Quebec Court of Appeal's exceptional reversal of the jury's acquittal, and he was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment.
Lastly in this quadcom is perhaps one of thee progenitors of Planned Parenthood, who were butchering babies and selling body parts in a criminal Obama market.
Harvey Karman is so heinous that one has a convulsive reflux of laughter to deal with what this butcher entertained as he was a psychologist who was playing doctor by murdering women.
In 1955, Karman, who at the time was working towards his doctorate in psychology and who was not licensed to practice medicine, used a speculum and a nutcracker to perform an abortion on a woman in a California motel room, who subsequently died. He was convicted of providing abortion, which was illegal in California at the time. He served two-and-a-half years in state prison
Karman was not finished after murdering a woman, as he was just getting started. He invented the Karman Super Coil, which one can think of as a wire whisk for the womb. This gets into Dr. Mengele territory as Planned Parenthood sponsored this murderer to experiment on Bangladeshi rape victims in mass, as this butchery is akin to Bill Gates injecting Indian kids with polio virus and killing them.
Karman was not finished as he brought this back to America where he rounded up Obama mamas to experiment on with horrific results.
Karman also developed the "super coil" abortion technique, which he believed would enable lay practitioners to perform second-trimester abortions with little training or equipment. The coils were inserted into the uterus, where they caused irritation leading to the expulsion of the fetus. The first trial of the super coil method was on Bangladeshi rape victims under the sponsorship of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. These generally resulted in high rates of injury to the patient.
One trial of the super coil method took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May 13 and 14, 1972. Fifteen women in their second trimester traveled from Chicago to Philadelphia, where Kermit Gosnell performed the abortions using Karman's method. A public television crew from a station in New York City filmed the procedures at Karman's invitation. Nine of the 15 had complications, three of those with major complications
This foundation returns us to SOFTOUCH with the rather disturbing disclaimer:
How is it done? SofTouch® is completed with a small device called an aspirator which fits in the palm of a doctor’s hand. One of our physicians gently inserts a soft, flexible tube through the natural opening of your cervix and applies light pressure, releasing the pregnancy. The procedure lasts about 3-5 minutes with minimal discomfort, and most women feel capable of resuming their normal activities within 15 minutes.
This is butchering children with a glorified turkey baster and the turkey baster apparently has more regulations governing the manufacture and exposure to the public.
The selling points of SOFTOUCH make murdering babies sound just like birthing babies, except for the GENTLE HAND HELD DEVICE. Apparently telling women that the baby sucker is just like holding their hand, so they should pay no attention to what is being sucked out down below, nor that huge cramping action in their womb.
SofTouch® at Early Options
- Gentle hand-held device
- Private exam room
- Companion by your side
- Recover privately
- Eat and drink normally
- Resume normal activities immediately
- No sedation needed
In reviewing the above, it should be pointed out that if something can suck a child out of a womb pulling the syringe out, that it could also inject air into the womb in a reverse motion, which is a real problem for women, as air injected into blood flow areas, can produce a stroke.
This once again comes down to where is Jael Ivanka Trump Kushner in all of this endangering of women and children?
For that matter where is the Vatican mistress, the Marionette worshipper in First Lady Melania Trump? She could not pose with darkie children for Christmas often enough, so what about those Black women being targeted by this SOFTOUCH which is almost 100% effective.
SofTouch® is nearly 100% effective,
And what happens to the inconsequential women and babies where SOFTOUCH is not effective? What effect do they have to deal with then?
This though is Harvard trained and educated, super inventor of SOFTOUCH, with a staff that seems to resemble Muslim minorities, Asian minorities and Black minorities all with as soft sell as this is such an inviting experience like a cup of warm cocoa, a hug from your mum or a back rub from the lesbo you pretend you love.

Cleo's Clinic
You rape em, we'll scrape em
You fuck em, we'll suck um
No fetus, can beat us