Thursday, January 4, 2018

GAO on Line One America, Have you been tested in being law abiding today?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a report from the GAO and I had to check to make sure that GAO did stand for General Accountability Office, because what they were engaged in was entrapment of Citizens, and worse yet, the GAO is not even law enforcement.

The GAO sent out it's what kind of badge to they have and do they arrest people? They sent out agents who 72 time tried to purchase firearms illegally online. The results were that no one would sell them an illegal firearm, after they attempted to get them to do it illegally, in stating they were a felon or  attempting to get them to ship a firearm across state lines.
What is interesting is, that in two "tests" GAO sent your tax money to frauds who sent them nothing, and in 11 tests they found people who were scamming them. Short version, GAO apparently did not alert the FBI to arrest these crooks, as the GAO only creates crimes and tries to entrap innocent Americans.

This is just stunning to me, as one expects the FBI to investigate crimes, but America under Donald Trump is just out of control as it was under Obama who had BLM agents keeping kill books of people they so terrorized that the Citizen killed themselves, and now Donald Trump had an agency which out trying to buy illegal guns and entrap Americans.

What the Lame Cherry desires for a Congressional investigation to discover, is the GAO is doing this, then what it the GAO doing besides this online?
I mean are they ordering up pizza in Washington and asking for a child as the topping to investigate pedophiles? That is a serious question, because is GAO just going after gun owners or are they sending their agents out to find little children to molest too?
Does the GAO phone up California pot growers and see if they can get a ton of pot shipped to Nebraska, or is it just guns?

Did the GAO phone up Donald Trump jr and ask if he had any Hillary Clinton dossiers for sale? Did the GAO phone up Bill Clinton and ask about if he knew any women in DC who liked being raped? Did the GAO phone up Obama and ask if he could provide them with a good forger as this birth abstract passed him off as an American?

This is all legitimate questions in a most illegitimate regime. When I thought of the GAO I think of accounting, like scoring budgets for Trump, not that the GAO is out trying to score guns......or children, or whores, or dope, or does the GAO phone up Russian Americans and ask if they have any Huma Abedin emails they hacked and would be willing to sell, as James Comey was shelling out 50,000 dollar to the Brits over documents.

I am hoping that the FBI which has been destroyed under Obama, gets cleaned up, because I want certain agencies like CIA, FBI, Federal Marshals, Border Patrol to have guns, investigate real crimes and uphold the law. I want this, because I do not want US Fish and Wildlife armed, BLM armed the Post Office armed and only satan knows what else is armed in these agencies and now are sending out their staff to entice Americans to commit crimes. Seriously, Blacks are dying in the thousands in Chicago and America is the most jailed people on the planet. I know that we do not need the GAO to be out creating crimes.

This DC government like all state governments is too big. They have people not doing their job, because there is not a job to do, so they dream up ways to find ways to criminalize people, so that justifies their jobs and they create this police state.

I mean what comes next in this, Health and Human Services starts phoning up Chuck Schumer to see if he wants a nuclear bomb to help out bombing Iran? Is the USDA going to phone up Mad Dong Mattis and ask if he has any anthrax as they were thinking about a plague to drive up the price of meat.

We had a Treasury Department and things went just fine. We had a US Marshal and things went fine. We had the FBI and things went fine, but now things are not fine as now entrapment is being engaged in, and the hint of this is, is that forum owners on these sites are going to be targeted if they do not monitor things closely and ban people from posting things which the GAO or whatever agency is lurking around trying to throw people into jail.

U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO)

GAO provides fact-based, nonpartisan information to Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog," GAO investigates federal spending and performance.

See how in the hell does an office which is supposed to be watching crooks in Congress like Al Franken, end up buying guns online and trying to entrap Citizens?

This entire office needs to be shut down and whoever is running it, needs to face charges for abuse of power and sending money to crooks who are scamming people. This is just one more ridiculous reality of the swamp Donald Trump says he wants to drain, and instead Mr. Trump sabotages Judge Roy Moore and is sending out Cease and Desist orders against Steve Bannon in going after Free Speech.

 Ronald Reagan once said the government in the problem. That is not the reality now, as the problem are these political officers who all think they are J Edgar Hoover and have a right to spy on, jail or murder everyone.

Nuff Said
