Monday, January 8, 2018

Seeing New Years Inside Ivanka

I never kiss and tell......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In case you missed this, Nancy Pelosi's little boy had his hands on New Year's Eve all over Donald Trump's little girl.


See you make my Mar Largo's perky....

And Ivanka Kushner liked the company she was keeping as she advertised in the bare flesh at a drunken party at Mar Largo.


Is that your cell or are you happy to see me....

This was such a fleshy moment that Ivanka allowed herself to be squirreled away from the other 750 dollar guests to this rather secluded location, without any security and to stand posing for pictures.

Then again, as Mr. President bashes Steve Bannon in WWE theater, there is the question in this, "Did Ivanka Kushner send a free ticket to this California liberal, as how did the Californicator get to Florida..........did Ivanka also sent a government jet to pick up her ride for a few moments to see the new year in with Paul Pelosi, who is obviously dateless, so who was his date really?"

Jael Ivanka, likes him, leans into him, and odd in this was the only photos Paul Pelosi shared......

So did your boy get any on New Years?
