Wednesday, February 7, 2018


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been considering this remedy for the Christian  and Nice People of Canada and America who loathe the corruption of DC and Ottawa, that they should form their own Union.

I am about to make their flag to show you our new Republic.

See pretty nice eh?

Here is the new country, Yukon, NWT, BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and parts of Ontario for the Canadian input.

On the Yank side, there is Texas, Nevada, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Kansas,  Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico and parts of California, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota and Michigan.
I am taking western Minnesota for the Viking, so hence that requires Ontario in part and Michigan for security.

I would be open to the Confederate South if they promise to hand over those who stole the election from Judge Roy Moore.

Anyway here are the pluses. The Republic of Canmerica has more oil than the rest of the world combined,  enough Natural gas fora hundred years and coal for again that long.
Diamonds, gold, silver and future fuels to power our new nation.

It will be a nice place as only laws from before 1790 apply.

Basically you keep your money, you have guns like a Christmas trees have lights and you aren't dying for terrorists and there are no police to spy on you.

So we will all be rich, free and at peace, while Ottawa and DC will be at war, in debt and overflowing with those foreign rape cock.

That is about it.

No one more thing, the capitol will be only tents. No shitters, politicians have to dig them. I figure that if it is hot and cold and smells like shit the politicians will not stick around long and cause much problem for the Citizen.

More to be said.

