Saturday, March 31, 2018

Saturday, last day in the Easter Grave

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was just thinking as a group of more old people here died in how much more I can take in the weather we have been having before it gets me, how people are missing a reality in this world.

When TL was in the metro, the area TL lived was secure from crime, but it was mostly for retired people. It was nice as it was quiet for the most part until the blacks moved in with their 50 relatives to watch movies of the beaners were trying to start motorcycles. There were nice people there, one old gal I helped do things, but she was moving out as her ground level was having the rent raised from 1000 bucks a month and she could not afford it, even with working part time.

I was talking to a snow bird who went to Texas and said that the small towns there were still not rebuilt from the hurricane. She said all the rents were raised in the RV parks as everyone was cashing in.

David kindly shared this observation from where he lives.

 One short story, two owners of the senior mobile home park, inherited it, are not allowed to sell per the inheritance papers, both elderly ladies living in fancy houses driving fancy cars in fancy million dollar neighborhoods, every two years, like clockwork, raise the rent and the increase is always 5 to 10 times what Social Security raises each year, so every so many years, certain elderly start dropping out, commiting suicide, being thrown out and their old trailers condemned so the park can put in new ones to sell to someone with more money, so they can raise the rent across the board thanks to changing the composition of the neighborhood. And of course they have a hired hand with free rent and a salary to do all the dirty work for them, so they can sit back in their finery and enjoy the endless money flow they receive from the ones enslaved into the senior mobile home park way of life. When you talk about feudalism, take a look into senior mobile home parks and you will usually find that is the case and in our case, it's pretty dramatic, the level between the two big have's and everyone else forced to cut to the bone, eat pet food and other cost savings just to meet the ever increasing ritualistic rent increases of large percentages. It is not like the provide fancy pools or clubhouses or much else, they do a cheap clubhouse and plant some grassy areas, brag about it and then you know that will be the excuse for the next year's huge rent increase. Be lucky if you are not stuck in a senior mobile home park come older age because it is a definite feudal system of landlords and everyone else the serfs who even have to pay for all their own maintenance and get yelled at for not decorating the front yard to impress the owners when they drive through for inspection. That is my short story of the day, nothing else quite comes to mind just now other than that. Happy Easter and keep up the good work.

 My brother after his divorce moved into a trailer park. He still lives there. He owns his trailer, but jeez louise I think what the hell good is that as he gets rent jacked up regular and his neighbors are Indians and Mexicans. I mean what kind of world do we live in now in we pay money to live by vermin and have nowhere else to go as there is nowhere else to go.

I often think about the crabbed old hunters that Teddy Roosevelt wrote about, existing in the North Dakota badlands, living in a dug out, shooting antelope and all alone. Those people had a life which has been take from everyone now. I drive around our town as I watch that bastard cop sit on the main highway coming into town and pick up "speeders". People coming to town to shop and the cops are robbing people driving away customers. Same town that they raised the property taxes so high to drive all the poor people out to other smaller towns. So the little shacks got torn down and all that is left is government apartments or rich homes.
I actually grinned last week in seeing house for sale for around 40,000. See that house would  be around 29,000 a few years ago, and recently it would be 90,000. Those bastard real estate crooks drove up prices and with the bankers put the idiots in debt. I am not an idiot who will go into debt, just a miserable bitch who thinks dead people really do have the better deal now.

Rich people are just gouging the hell out of everyone. I remember the stories of my childhood in how Wall Street suckered people to go into debt and then foreclosed on everyone in the 1970's. They pulled the same deal on South Americans after Reagan built them up. Did the same thing to homeowners, farmers and any other dork that would not say no, because they bank put money into their pockets the past decade and they thought prices would stay the same.

Mom could not make it if I were no here. TL is a gem for dealing with things, but I know numbers of people who are old and have it rough. A guy I knew when I was a child lives in a damn chicken coup and can't walk because of bad knees.

People rightly talk about butchered babies in the womb, but there is out of the womb too in this American Genocide. I watch our local papers and see this winter killing off the old people. Unlike the good old dug out days, the cowboys would ride by, pick up the rifles and traps, bury the dead and ride off.
Now it is 200 bucks for cremation or 10,000 dollars to bury them.

I should be thankful it seems in I sit here sick, but am not terminal. I am not in debt as most people are. I have been sufficiently disappointed by Mr. President that I am no longer deluded to ever hoping for anything from this government ever again and being so weaned look only for Christ.

They call the above the forgotten men and women. Well 15 months of this wonder has vanquished them. I keep weighing the options of the benefits of an anti Christ and nuclear war.

Well on that contemplation the Puntz is auditioning to be fed. That involves purring at me first followed by claws. I am well trained. Now if the Puntz was a billionaire I would have it all.
