Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Blue Division

Spanish Blue Division

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In all things historical, there are amusing things as much as catastrophes, and  the certains of both are often censored from history due to embarrassment or disgust.

In World War II, Francisco Franco deployed a military division called Blue to assist Adolf Hitler in ridding the Continent of Russian Bolshevik Communists, and in this division he placed into command General Muoz Grandes.

General Munoz Grandes
Commander The Blue Division

 The Germans were horrified as the Spaniards appeared on the lines, because in their discipline, they were the absolute antithesis of discipline. Literally as one examines how Mexico became a people of mongrel Spanish Indians, that is what the Spanish were in 1941 on the Eastern Front, and how they produced the Latin peoples of South America with thee worst traits of their race.

Field Marshal Fedor von Bock

The Spanish view grooming of horse as a bother, feeding them unnecessary. Belts and suspenders are cut from new harnesses. Gas mask containers  are often used as coffee pots. Dust and driving glasses are cut from the gas masks themselves. If a Spaniard has corns, he cuts holes in his shoes and boots to keep them from chafing. Rifles are often sold. New bicycles are thrown away as they fin tire repair too boring. The MG 34 machine gun is often assembled with the help of a hammer. Parts leftover during assembly are buried. They consider all women fair game. In Grondo there were orgies with Jewesses, who were also taken along in their vehicles.

Field Marshal Fedor von Bock
Commander Army Group Centre

The Blue Division was assigned to Field Marshal Kluge of the Fourth Army in Group Center, and his observations caused him to reject the Spaniards for the disaster they were. He summed it up in a simple statement.

 Field Marshal Gunther von Kluge
"Are these soldiers or gypsies?"

Field Marshal Gunther von Kluge
German Fourth Army

Kluge wanted nothing to do with these Spaniards and refused to allow them anywhere near his disciplined army as did no one who became aware of what this Blue Division was. The historical record has been wiped from Holocaust Propaganda, but once again there was evidence of the Jews of eastern Europe, especially the women would attach themselves to anyone for sex.  They were a prostitute race who freely traded and when one notes in America the deluge of these pompous poltroons all ranting loudly how everyone else always has it wrong, it is discovered that all of them from Jared Kushner to Ben Shapiro, all appeared from "eastern Europe" and in that Gram ma ma, was a woman entertained the oldest profession in the world of "making bread on you back".
Oddly enough, these Ashkenaz elite converted to Jewry, and the one lesson the women learned was in Judah who hired his daughter in law as a whore and fathered a child with her.

The German political leadership was aghast as reports came to them in what these Spaniards were.
Joseph Goebbels defined the Blue Division as a mixture of soldiers and unbelievable criminal types.

 When battle with the Soviets though ensued, the Germans discovered something of interest.
 The German reports found this as the Blue Division appeared with General Adolf Strauss' North Army.

"The Spaniards performed well in front of the enemy; they held on to their defensive areas in spite of heavy losses."

The Spaniards were a race which could f*ck Jews and fight Russians with effect.


We will warm your bed tu amigo

One wonders how many Mexicans are alive in eastern Europe, and how many of these swarthy Jewish Americans who appeared out Eastern Europe like Ben Shapiro are Mediterranean in appearance in not being Sephardic Jews, but because they are Spanish Ashkenaz, because Gram ma ma was nightly servicing as many Spaniards as time allowed.

See real history is always more interesting than the fiction you are told of. Jewesses of the east welcoming all males of Hitler's Crusade without reserve or remorse.

The 250th Infantry Division, the Blue Division, had 18,000 soldiers. That is a large number of whores to fill those ranks and prospered in the war, until they could flee to America as refugees as victims in another holocaust story.

Nuff Said
