Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Russia Rape Cock

Comrade, let's eat that one for dinner tonight


As another  Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The ignorance of the left which embarks upon National Suicide in assuming that all humans are like them, is the ignorance of the reality of the primate condition. When the world smears the Nazi German for acts against Russians, the assumption is always that the Russian was civilized like the German, but the history reveals the fact that the Russian serf was liberated from slavery about the same time that the American Negro was, without the benefit of American Christianity and education to bring the Negroid to a place of training where they were functional.
In Russia, the White Russian was still the primate existing in huts and ignorant, a wild eyed animal of primal fear as Stalin threatened to murder all their family if they surrendered and the serf who believed the Bolshevik Jew propaganda that the German would destroy them like livestock.

The Germans after suffering under the Russian murder and abuse of their people, devolved  to the judgment that these were not people, but beasts. That is best explained by this example of a far worse  "serf" existed who Stalin would utilize to rape it's way across Germany in the rape holocaust of Europe in the "mongol" of the Stalin army.

The Germans one evening heard a horrible ruckus in one of the transportation cars which the Soviet troops captured were being housed. It was a severe fight and they opened up the car to assess what was taking place. The best description was is was a wolf pack on a feeding frenzy.
The reality is the Germans did not have enough to feed themselves. Stalin had poured in several million troops to the front and food was non existent, so the prisoners got some food once a day and watered in a trough like livestock.  These prisoners had absolutely no semblance of human civilization in them, in they rushed water troughs and food always  in a frenzy.
Compare this to the American Caucasian on Japanese ships, who were not given water, in the majority of them behaved, and only a few tried to murder each other to drink the blood in their thirst. The Christianized American primate simply was superior to other races, and they shared common German Anglo Saxon heritage.

There was a massive fight taking place in the  transport car and as it sorted out, the Germans ascertained that one of the Asians  had died, and the other Asians  were eating the dead body. The problem arose when some of the Soviets concluded they were being cheated out of their pound of flesh and a war among the pack erupted.
The Germans noted that gnawed of bones had been shoved  through open slots in the  cars and had dropped to the ground.

This is not unique as rumors persisted in China that when Mao of Peking was starving his people, that the Chinese were eating each other. It is an apparent pattern among the northern Asian in not allowing food to go to waste.

Consider for a moment, you in your Christianized, now deteriorating societies, what it would be like in  your sensibilities to see humans fighting over human bones in the raw flesh. You would naturally be filled with revulsion as the Germans were and deem the people sub human.
The Russian serf existed in rat infested, louse crawling huts, and slept on mud  stoves. They neither could read nor write. Their entire existence was burning down a  forest as the ash provided fertilizer for gardens planted there and then moving on. The  Russia serf was one step above the African Negroid in 1860, but by 1940 the Negroid of America had  by association with advanced America, elevated their position, while the Russian  was being exploited by a new slave master in the Bolshevik Jew of communism.

None of this is about judging classes  of people on Nazi scales, which is operating in every person reading this in trying to rank this in who was bad in making excuses for one group over another. It is the point that Stalin introduced Asians to Europe, much like the Ashkenaz financiers now led by George Soros, are introducing Africa, Muslim, Asian and Latins to the Christian West where rape and riot are the results in the dehumanizing of Christian societies by these societal vermin who are reactionary primate than their Western Caucasian superior evolved groups.

What the Nazi and the Communist came down to, was the Nazi by prejudice of individuals building their own lives, looked upon the Jewish guilds of ghettos with elders who in organized community became communists, witnessed their clean race of morals to an immoral primate of disease and parasites, which could not control their genital urges.
The Nazi  propaganda of terming people as rodents, did not resonate with the Germans until they arrived in Russia and were aghast at the beasts they were coming into contact with. When pressed in warfare the stereotypes became foundations and realities spread the more contact was made, especially in Soviets eating each other.

There is a story of a serf girl who survived the war, in how terrified she was of the Russian soldiers she would come across in the forest. They looked like animals with beards. She had no idea who they survived the winters, but they did, because they were animals.

The purpose of these posts is make you examine the modern situation as it will become more pressed upon the Western peoples now  that the  millions threshold is become the hundred million threshold in what your degradation will become as the police state protects the vermin. As you gain a friction understanding of your nation petting foreigners, perhaps  you gain insights into why there was a terror of Europeans of these uncivilized hordes, as they remembered the Muslims and they remembered the Russian serfs in their nations in war, and those who made contact with these ignorant primates knew they had nothing in common with them as the intelligence level was not there in an appreciation of civilized arts.

Humanity is not one large group of civilized peoples. In the West, one witnesses the left's embrace of the pet dark skins, while seeks to dehumanize the White Christian of flyover country, whether it is Trudeau in Canada or Pelosi in America. There is still the intellectual prejudice of  ranking people as desireables and deplorables.

It becomes uncomfortable to judge the Nazi for having disgust over Soviets eating each other, when the American and Canadian left are condemning a civilized White Christian culture to genocide in their own Visa Vermin  Holocaust.

Nuff Said
