Come on...sell your soul for just one bite!
The New Testament, and to a very large extent the Old, is the soul of man. You cannot criticize it. It criticizes you.
Awhile back I gave a glowing review of the Evercrisp apple and praised the work of independents producing a new apple which was better than the "tastes like basement" apples which litter the grocery produce section. The following though was forwarded to me to take a look at, and I was absolutely stunned what this group behind Evercrisp apple are involved in. For where the University of Minnesota licensed an apple like Honeycrisp, it was made available to the public for purchase in trees. That is not the case with the Evercrisp, in fact in examining their mission statement and the reality of what they are engaged in, one almost has to sell their soul to get one of these trees. The Evercrisp is not an apple of the people, but one of the monopoly conglomerates exploiting the public.
For openers in real Big Brother invasion of privacy, one has to be a member of this group BEFORE you can even gain access to the Evercrisp.

What comes next is the mandate that you put onto a piece of paper your Social Security Number, as you must be numbered to get an Evercrisp apple.
Next comes the sticker shock of they charge 100 DOLLARS a year to be a member of this group.

Before you think this is not so bad in Kremlin Soviet guild control of everything, it came to may attention that these people have a SLIDING ROYALTY FEE rate which goes on for like 20 years. So if you sell an Evercrisp apple, you have to kickback money to the community organized growers at different percentages.
So you get this, if they sell 100 million dollars in apples, that would be tens of millions of dollars for this association, which of course is nothing but an Excise tax which you will be paying at the store as growers will pass along that fee to consumers.
It gets better though as you probably missed this in that is 100 dollars per year, and that is 20 years. That is 2000 dollars. Sounds like a great deal of money does it not? Well the point of this is, if you wanted to grow an Evercrisp apple in your yard, it would cost you over 2000 dollars for that tree.
See why I call this apple EverCON now and from this point on I will point this out, point it out at my grocer so they stop giving space to this apple so they can rot on the ground.
This kind of New York Wall Street rapine is the chit of Bill Gates putting out operating systems that degrade so you have to buy new ones to Apple not updating phones so you have to purchase a new one. This is an un Thomas Jefferson as it comes as Americans used to expand markets and not create monopolies to exploit the masses.
Connel Red / Fireside Apple
The Lame Cherry has some suggestions then as what to do. There is a far superior apple than Evercrisp on the market, and it is available all over in it comes from Minnesota in the FIRESIDE or a red sport of it called CONNEL RED. These apples are super sweet, crisp, keep in storage and are huge. You also do not have to sell your kidneys to get one in they do not cost 2000 dollars a piece nor do you have to turn in your Social Security Number to get one.
I have a great fondness for Haralsons which is another Zone 3 apple, and if you are in Zone 5, the Fuji's I have been eating are sweet and crisp. I also enjoy the Honeygold apple, although they have disease problems as does the far superior to Evercrisp in Thomas Jefferson's favorite apple, Esopus Spitzenburg.
The Royal Family of our "Democratic" Fruit: Thomas Jefferson ...
The Royal Family of our "Democratic" Fruit: Thomas Jefferson's ... Thomas Jefferson's first documented ... Jefferson's four favorite apples are a regal assembly ...
I also am going to start sprouting Evercrisp seed, all that I can as that is not a true genetic type of the tree and is my property as I purchased those seeds. Somewhere in that mix will be a superior apple to Evercrisp which I will then give away in the myriads. If some rich person donates so we can get squared away, part of what I intend to do is a Christian project then to provide one free apple tree to anyone who wants one as I have had it with the gouging of the masses. That of course would cost a fortune, but I suspect that there would be a foundation set up and as a non profit there would be a way to put thousands of trees into the hands of Americans each year, and this exploitative industry could be on the outside looking in.
Johnny Appleseed sought to make America bloom and he did, all from apple seeds. There was not a 2000 dollar tree, taking your personal information or acting like the KGB, because it was for the health of America and the dream of an American to accomplish something good without exploiting Americans.
On and one more thing, in the above application, it says the dues are CURRENTLY 100 dollars per year. Does that mean it will be a 1000 dollars a year, as once you get those trees, you are under contract and can not sell them or break that contract?
Perhaps this group needs to be investigated by a Congressional Committee as this type of exploitation is something Congress has a history of regulating.
Pray as you can, not as you can't.