I had a vision of law enforcement reflecting my life.......
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Rep. Mark Meadows unmasked two of the unidentified FBI officials in the IG report.
The unnamed FBI officials “Agent 1” and “Agent 5” were involved in the FBI Clinton investigation and were also engaged in a romantic relationship just like fellow FBI lovebirds Strzok and Page.
One of the FBI lawyers is Sally Moyer, the other is Kevin Kleinsman (sp).
Apparently the FBI under James Comey stood not for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but instead stood for Female Body Inspector, as everyone involved in the Clinton cover up and Trump frame up, were either fornicating or involved in adultery. Apparently investigating Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin in lezbo sex, Anthony Wiener masturbating to young girls and Bill Clinton raping women, just was too much for these FBI agents to emotionally deal with, and they just started tearing each other's clothes off in ways they had absolutely no control over.
It all began apparently completely innocent in Lisa Page was on her knees, meditating wholesome thoughts, completely faithful to her husband and seeking ways to end global warming, when Peter Strzok asked her how the weather was and if she was expecting a warm front.
I was just checking the extended forecast when that man's penis
touched my power button.
Next thing you know is Peter Strzok had his cock out in the office and was swinging it around as he texted how innocent Hillary Clinton was.

I just wanted a Wiener fling..........
From that the innocent Lisa Page was debauched, deflowered and denuded of her innocence as she was caught up in the whirlpool of lust as Obama jogged by with his body man Reggie Love.
I tried to stop, but I was possessed by the ghost of Hillary future.
I just could not stop.
It became worse as Peter Strzok started buying Nancy Pelosi masks and demanding the innocent Lisa Page to wear them, as he called her Madam Speaker and demanded that she call him Mr. Macho.

So I got a thing for botox granny. It started back in Minnesota in watching Lawrence Welk reruns on public television. I popped that Norma Zimmer cork every Saturday night at 5 pm.
It all came to a head when Peter Strzok stated demanding that Lisa Page do what Agent 5 and Agent 1 were doing in number 46, 33 and 4 in sex acts in What Michelle Obama saw behind the Green Door.
I was an FBI slut and I loved it!
Suddenly sex broke out and Robert Mueller was getting blow jobs in the US Capitol in exhibition in public.
Mr. Mueller try not to die while ejaculating.....
James Comey and Andrew McCabe got into a slap fight over me!
Agent 5 was puddy in Agent 1's hands as she like being sweated on by an FBI, Fat Bastard Investigator.
Yes I did what you said in I stuck James Comey's phone down
my panties and I hit vibrate......
It became more lewd with each sex act in the B section.
Yes I had all of Rod Rosenstein's pens up my love tunnel
as I read your texts........
It was never enough, as Teddy Kennedy had debauched more debauchery than Sodom and Gomorrah.
I propped my feet up on Comey's desk
and spanked the monkey with a banana he was having for lunch!
It became rampant and spread to the Obama White House.
Why yes Agent 1, I am on the red phone to Moscow. Who cares if
nuclear war breaks out as I just made a man out of Michelle Obama!
The worst of it came in the sexting of spouses sleeping innocently in bed, while their FBI sex agents on genital rampage were causing brown outs in DC in their voracious battery usage.
Yes he's laying right here, now show me your wife's titties
so I can masturbate!!!
Now you can understand why IG Horowitz, AG Sessions. Deputy AG Rosenstein, Director Wray are stonewalling Congress as none of us could resist this kind of sex talk, as you know Mitch McConnell would be tearing off Lindsey Graham's panties and Stenny Hoyer would be making a ho out of Heidi Heitkamp as thee entire 435 member Congress would probably end up fossilized in being deprived of body fluids.
Who honestly knew this would happen? Yet it seems the perfect storm of bi sexual Birther Hussein, his manly wife, the large breasted surrogate lesbian mum Val-erie Jarrett, all those sexual deviants at 1600 Penn, and then the spice of Bill and Hillary Clinton with Huma and Anthony, just was too much temptation to resist.
These agents are all innocents obviously as all of this was too much and that is the reason the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress as they know that America would not be able to resist the temptation of the Secret Sex Files of the Hillary 2016 campaign.
Nuff Said