Saturday, August 18, 2018
I have not yet begun to Mayo
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Look I can't help it that you were born an ignorant sod and have sodded all your life in ignorance of mayonnaise. I mean, come on sister, you got the internet and all you do is text and steal things from this blog. You don't do anything to alleviate the burden you are on society in your mayo ignorance.
See I too was ignorant, until God killed some old woman with worthless children who threw away here Kitchenaid 4 C, which I in turn purchased, without of course the manual, as why would any woman keep instructions in how to use something.
So I did not just sit there, I looked online in what is called a search engine which numbers of you do not seem to be bright enough to use. I downloaded a manual PDF and in reading it, found few worthless recipes, but discovered hidden away, was the key to France. Yes you too can be Julia Child without being an obnoxious liberal or listen to Meryl Steep as a faux whatever that thing is.
Yes pictured above is a may recipe and instructions. That is how you actually make something, instead of just open a jar and ladle things out.
It amazes me in how all of you like being mayo hostage. That Spin Blend has you by the balls and that Kraft has your ovaries in a carton all over mayo.
Most people do not know that Patrick Henry Cherry yelled during the American Revolution, GIVE ME MAYO OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!.
Then there was Betsy Ross Cherry who sewed a flag with may on it, that almost became the flag of America, but George Washington opted for Betsy Ross' flag as Martha had problems with curdled mayo.
As America moved on, it was Abraham Lincoln Cherry who penned, Four score egg yolks and 7 gallons ago, my forefather brought forth mayonnaise for the American People.........
All through history the Cherry kindred have liberated Americans from mayo hostage. They even took it to space on Apollo 18, it was Neil Armstrong Cherry who said on the moon, "One small scoop for man, one giant spread for mankind".
Unfortunately like mayo recipes the history of the Cherry family has been censored from the public's knowledge.
As I said, I can't help it that you were born ignorant, but I can haul you to knowledge and put it before you in a real mayo recipe. It is the life calling of the Cherry kindred to bring mayo formulas to all mankind to release their suffering and to benefit their lives.
I have done my part, as your women and men folk from a generation before did not give you the precious knowledge how to make mayo as Ronald Reagan Cherry said, "Well there the mayo goes again".
Nuff Said