With lips like that you know he sucked cock....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Hollywood celebrity is a plague upon political campaigns as it involves the attention whore who is bored with money, fame, sex, perversion and seeks to morph themselves onto some Clinton or Obama to actually become that political power, before their 15 minute performance bores them and they need to snort a line of coke during the commercial break.
Wow this is just like the monkeys at the zoo tossing me a banana, but you give medals.
Edgar Berman in his Hubert Humphrey memoirs was rightly disgusted by celebrities who appeared who were vacuous. Some like Jimmy Durante would do a comedy act with Hubert Humphrey and were of great political benefit, but others as in this story about Paul Newman which Berman was saddled with, reflected the Barbara Streisand idiocy joined at the hip with Bill Clinton.
Newman appeared with the Humphrey democratic campaign, and Hubert asked his friend in Dr. Berman to sit in on the "get acquainted meeting" which Newman was to have with Muriel Humphrey, wife of the Vice President. Newman's lone job was to introduce Muriel at a campaign rally to see how things went.
Things started degrading from the start though as Muriel Humphrey attempted to brief Newman on some points he should be making to help the Vice President. Berman termed Newman Hollywood's political savant, but left off the idiot part.
Mrs. Humphrey mentioned in passing how important the 1948 Democratic National Convention was to Hubert's career when Harry Truman won the nomination. Newman just sat there stupefied as Muriel was in disbelief that Newman had no idea that this is where the Civil Rights movement began in the Democratic Party and it was Hubert who gave the speech. Nemwan had no idea that Strom Thurman led a walk out and this convention began the Dixiecrats in the Democratic party.
Muriel finally exclaimed, "You mean you are not aware of this being one of the first important Civil Rights Speeches ever given?"
Newman sat there with his big blue eyes in absolutely not a trace of a thought or a reference to reality behind them. The Vice President's wife then had to brief Newman on American history before he could introduce her.
As Edgar Berman later noted, in 1978 AD in the year of our Lord, President Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Newman to the United Nations committee on Disarmament, where o a world stage at the UN, Paul Newman proved he knew less about arms than he did about Hubert Humphrey.
Stories like this should not be lost to history as they are important insights, as important as Lee Marvin noting in a walk in New York with Paul Newman that he was going off to have sex with a little girl as he was a pedophile, or that in Hollywood Paul Newman was part of the fag crowd who was taking it up the ass from James Dean or cocksucking what ever dripped off a foreskin.
It is though what politics attracts in the worst form of attention whores.
Nuff Said