I died 30 years ago, but Hologram Roy lives on forever.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I came across this post on Censored News from WND which said that Roy Orbison was going to perform in Toronto.
The problem is Orbison is dead.
Roy Orbison to perform in Toronto
Artist died 30 years ago but will sing in November ... as a hologram
(CBC) Roy Orbison hasn’t appeared on a concert stage in 30 years, but a hologram version of the iconic American singer will soon tour North America and make a stop at Toronto’s Sony Centre this fall.
Tickets for the Live Nation concert on Nov. 4 went on sale Friday. The very best seats will cost more than $400.
I guess that is ok as World Net Daily is dead and they are still taking up space online too.
The thing is I see in this great hope for the dying from friendly cancer, John the hero McCain, because if he ever does die, that plumper daughter Megs can tour America with Hologram John, just like Roy Orbison is touring America.
I see great prospects in this in Arizona's GOP can run Hologram Hero McCain in the next election, if John McCain is dead by then. See the GOP no longer has to waste time corrupting and blackmailing Tea Party people, and they can just run dead people who are not dead, but holograms, and I am sure some Bush appointed judge will call them a life form, and we will never have to worry about politicians again, because John McCain will rule forever from the Senate as the Hologram who would not die.
That is Arnold J. Rimmer
So for all of you who have been deeply depressed this now over a year that John McCain was dying from friendly cancer, take heart as John McCain will be with us forever and when the GOP figures this out, John McCain will be Senator Hologram from Arizona in the next election again. We can count on him promoting terrorists in the Mideast, Nazis in the Ukraine and voting to eradicate Americans from America in favor of Trump Visa Vermin.
That should really give some peace of mind to those who have been in mourning now, for this over a year that John McCain has been dying of friendly cancer as now John the hero McCain is eternal, as Hologram John.
Hologram John for President 2020!!!
It would assist in this if Mike Adams would stop using National Socialist German symbols for Google as Google is not National Socialist, but is part of the Fascist Conglomerate structure of the NSA CIA funded police state.
Sort of anti Semitic to be lumping Google secular Jewry as German Nazi.
Anyway Hologram John McCain will fix all of this, but he should probably die first as what would we do with John the hero McCain and John the hologram McCain both running for President.......who would we choose?
Nuff Said