Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Large Comforting Breasts of Russiagate

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have great admiration for the  Defense Intelligence Agency in picking Sara Carter as their propagadtrix to convey to the world the criminal coup against the Government of the United States, as she is pretty, has nice pipes, and most importantly she has large comforting breasts which is mandatory for a proper reception of the public for a story.

I wonder though in reading the posts of Sara Carter just why she reports things only part way, and leaves out the most damning of revelations.

In the latest post, she focuses on Peter Strzok and the person Carter calls a paramour in Lisa Page. Why the DIA propaganda has chosen  to brand Lisa Page with the Scarlet Letter is both interesting and unfair, because if you read these texts, EVERY TEXT is Strzok playing Page in a honeypot operation. Strzok I am certain was shown Page's psychological profile and she was set up and played to the hilt. Page was the Strzok' echo chamber.
This is not to state that Lisa Page was anyone who would ever agree with anything this blog writes and she would disdain everything about Christian me. I simply will not allow anyone who was treated unfairly continue to be smeared. Focusing on Page is salacious, where the real story is in the following revelations by Strzok again.

I have highlighted the pertinent parts.

The text messages suggest that Strzok, along with his paramour, former FBI Attorney Lisa Page, had been in contact with reporters from both newspapers. Strzok specifically mentioned two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times writer Michael Schmidt his text message to Page.
Strzok wrote, “Also, apparently Times is angry with us about the WP (Washington Post) scoop and earlier discussion we had about the Schmidt piece that had so many inaccuracies. Too much to detail here, but I told Mike (redacted) and Andy they need to understand we were absolutely dealing in good faith with them,” Strzok texted to Page on April 14, 2017. “The FISA one, coupled with the Guardian piece from yesterday.”

There are damning points in this Strzok admission.

First, how did the New York Times know that there were inaccuracies in the Strzok and Page information which was printed? Remember this was a finite group who had this information. It means there was the mentioned second source who was planting stories which Strzok and Page were nervous about. That source is the one who told the CIA New York Times their entire story was bogus.

Second, Mike Kortan and Andrew McCabe are the Mike and Andy mentioned. Kortan was director of Public Affairs.  What Strzok is revealing is the New York Times contacted Andrew McCabe and Mike Kortan, not Director James Comey. The Times raised holy hell with McCabe and Kortan, who then challenged Strzok on the false information planted. This goes into the third point.

Third, Strzok assures Mike Kortan and Andrew McCabe that both Page and himself were dealing in good faith in planting information which they thought was factual. This is important as McCabe and Kortan had apparently not any idea of what Strzok had for information.
Think about that in the very people who were supposed to be informed and in the loop, did not even have access to what Strzok had. That is beyond compartmentalization. That is a willing conspirator farming out the FBI to control of John Brennan's CIA.
This is absolute proof that individuals like Director Comey were willingly allowing this operation to be run out of FBI by the CIA, in they had turned over control of the internal working of the FBI to the political corruption of the White House to be managed by the CIA.

I desire to take you back to Dan Rather in Forgegate against Bush43. Remember Rather's words, in the people who told him the story was true were unimpeachable, as even if the evidence was fake, Rather trusted the sources implicitly. Notice in this how the CIA New York Time and Washington Post had both signed on to Strzok's briefings as absolute fact. The reason for this was that someone had vouched out of CIA for that information, but then this second source started feeding information to the Time and Post, convincing them of the lie.

Look at Strzok's words again to Lisa Page in we were dealing with them absolutely in good faith. Strzok thought his information was legitimate, and this time it was about framing Carter Page.

When the Carter Page link first surfaced in the Times, it was the Russians who were dismissing Page as a nobody.

In Russia’s Parliament, Leonid E. Slutsky of the international affairs committee dismissed talk of Mr. Page as a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Trump, even though the American president-elect told the Washington Post editorial board in March that he was.
“He is not Mr. Trump’s adviser. He is an impostor who likes to make a lot of media noise about himself,” Mr. Slutsky said.

What we have in this is the reality that the Pissgate dossier creation was accepted as fact by it being MI6 vouched for, as it fed back into the FBI and CIA. It was later dismissed by the FBI in part, but other parts of the FBI utilized this fraud for FISA warrants, as once again appears the Dan Rather syndrome, that Rod Rosenstein to James Comey all took this fake information to continue their case, because someone was telling them that Donald Trump was a Russian agent.

The only person who keeps popping up, that even James Clapper termed operated in hyperbole, is John Brennan of the CIA. From this source numbers of fellow travelers were duped. Some with common sense like Evelyn Farkas and Lisa Page have backed off in concluding they had been played with disastrous results for their reputations and careers.

It is necessary in Sara Carter to keep posting the DIA narrative of the planting of false information to frame innocent people in the press. The question in this which is not being asked is who was the DIA asset who it appears was at FBI or CIA, who was feeding information and was there another CIA asset who was feeding information to point the finger at Strzok and Page as scapegoats.

This blog was the first to point to the Control in an operation to take back American intelligence from the Obama 'group', and how Julian Assange to Edward Snowden were assets to this operation, which has been building and generating to this point for years. This blog first informed the world that Donald Trump was part of this operation by the DIA.
I have never mentioned this specifically, but this is old school. This is Edward Lansdale nuance in a most complicated process of diversion so people never look at what is really taking place. I honestly believe that for all of this Russiagate, there was a group which knew from the start that Russiagate was going to be weaponized by them against a branch of the deep state.

That is the dimension in this which is missing until now. It would fit why Sara Carter never asks the questions pointing to who was it that vouched for this information and who it was that was informing the press that their information from Strzok was bogus.

Who was it that had the large comforting penis vouching for Peter Strzok to the New York Times and Washington Post and who alerted  those CIA fronts their source was bogus, and yet they continued with the frame up, trusting the story was really true? You need to ask the questions, because those large comforting breasts you have trusted  to vouch for the information being given you, has you acting like the New York Times.
