Thursday, September 13, 2018

From the Secret KGB Files on Donald John Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 There are some amazing revelations in the FSB, or KGB files on Donald Trump, including photos of Donald Trump making dates with prostitutes and things.........Fortunately I speak fluent Russian and am able to translate these files. The first is from the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.

Dah Comrade Pimp at KGB, this is Johnald, I mean Donald Trump, American billionaire and host Miss Universe pageant owner. Please send over two of your best prostitutes to the Obama suite, and tell them to drink lots of vodka, as I want them to piss on the bed........

There was an additional file at the KGB operational house in the United States which really did not make a great deal of sense.


Yes Barry, it was easy framing Trump. I just called up the KGB and ordered up
 a pair of whores to piss on the sheets in the bed you slept in when Michelle was in bed with Val-erie Jarrett next door.

Hello Vladimir Putin, this is Donald John Trump. How about sending out Russian hackers to bot up Facebook to get me installed into the White House. I will be your man in the White House, a real traitor to America and talk about fake news and say nice things about you Vladimir.


Comrade room service, this is Donald Trump. About 10 years ago you had some piss soaked sheets that prostitutes made for me and the KGB told you to keep them. I ah would like them back. Would you send them to:
White House
1600 Penn Avenue
Washington DC
Ah can you have some male prostitutes maybe freshen them up with a bit of a golden shower.

Hello Michael Cohen, this is billionaire Donald Trump. I had Hugh Hefner send me over Stormy Daniel and that Karen McDougal, and after having sex, they are now blackmailing me, so I agree that you took it upon yourself to pay them off, but please to not record this as a Special Counsel might get the FBI to raid your office to make this all pubic.......I mean public.

Goddamn it Barry! Was that you who was getting piss soaked sheets sent to the White House? NSA picked up a phone call to a hotel in Moscow asking for those sheets back.


Hello Hugh Hefner, this is Baronald, I mean Donald Trump. Do you have any real boyfriend experience guys you can send over? I mean like guys who are legal and all, but look like something from Pee Wee Herman art.........I mean real young, but legal you know, but like someone would say, "Wow you look like you are not 18".

John, we caught Barry again ordering take out. Look I got my hands full with Lisa Page in distracting her. You got to put that sambo on a leash. 


Goddamn it Barry, MI6 just sent me an intercept from the KGB that was you asking for little boys again. I mean Mahdi M. Muhammed boy, I'm trying to frame Donald Trump and you are off pretending to be him looking to hook up with boy butt!!!!


Yes John, you tell Hillary that your phone calls were sourced to Christopher Steele and I will have them to you through John McCain in a few weeks to sink Trump.

Mr. Director sir, could you please be more specific in your denials
 in not ordering up Russian whores pretending to be Donald Trump.....
