Thursday, September 13, 2018

Masturbator McCartney

Michael Jackson used to jack me off just like that Barry......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has always been that odd reality that Paul McCartney died long ago and was replaced with a stand in. Whatever is now though called Paul McCartney has provided too much information on what he is.

The worst of it is that a bunch of English fags were sitting around with Paul and John in the dark, and one of them started masturbating, so they all did to Bridget Bardot.
Yes before LSD, apparently the high was sitting around with sober English teenagers jacking off in the dark.

Bridget Bardot
'And instead of just getting roaring drunk and partying — I don't even know if we were staying over or anything — we were all just in these chairs, and the lights were out, and somebody started masturbating, so we all did.'

'We were just, "Brigitte Bardot! Whoo!" And then everyone would thrash a bit more'.


 Paul is that ejaculation fluid I feel.....

And who does not want to read about Paul McCartney ordering up whores in Las Vegas. But have no fear, Sir Paul is quite the man as he ordered up two whores. I guess they sat around in the dark as he masturbated calling out Bridget Bardot.

 'There was once when we were in Vegas where the tour guy, a fixer, said, "You're going to Vegas, guys—you want a hooker?" We were all, "Yeah!" And I requested two. And I had them, and it was a wonderful experience. But that's the closest I ever came to an orgy.'

Well now we know where the Beatles got their name from, beating off in the dark. We know where the inspiration came from in I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND, was from beating off in the dark, and  A HARD DAYS NIGHT was from beating off in the dark.

Honestly, some people just live too long. It is like Sulu ruining Star Trek. John McCain offing himself after fake cancer. It simply would have been better if they had not been around to destroy themselves. No one needs to know from old folks McCartney that he was jacking off with teenagers and thought he was man enough to handle two Vegas whores, because we all know McCartney would have been drained of all body fluids in 2 hours with one Vegas prostie.

Odd how in time that pedo Michael Jackson looks like the man in this picture and Paul McCartney looks soy boy Obama.


Just Beat It

