Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Make Mamaries Great Again

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is really distraught as why can't we all just get along? I mean here is Susan Sarandon trying to be satirical in praising Donald Trump as a bumbler who by his MAGA is driving women and non whites to run for office and inject some life into the Democratic party which succubus Obama sucked the dick life out of and incubus Hillary sucked the labia out of........

The Lame Cherry whispers that the problem of democrats is Newt Gingrich's problem for the GOP in the contract with America. Once Gingrich passed these reforms it sucked the life out of the GOP. When Obama unleashed the legalization of feces penis, Obama sucked the life out of the Democratic party. Obama was the worst thing that could have ever happened to liberals, as all they have left are hating white people and being communists.

...........and into this Debra Messing appeared, after being in quiet lust for Donald Trump, to get into a cat fight with Susan Sarandon.

“STFU SUSAN,” Messing tweeted. “Oh yes, PLEASE let’s give Trump CREDIT. I mean how else are you able to walk out on the street. Convince yourself that that this CATASTROPHE of a President who you said was better that HRC IS NOT ripping children away from parents seeking asylum, holding children.”

The problem in this is that Susan Sarandon is intelligent by her slap own of Debra Messing who is not intelligent, and only loud.

We all know that intelligence is connected to breast size. Here is the scientific proof in look at the gonzangas that Susan Sarandon has.

Susan cow tits Sarandon

Now look at the no shows of Debra Messing.

Debra no tits Messing

The Lame Cherry does not like to see low intelligence not breasted women being beat up by large breasted intelligent women as we need party unity with liberals, otherwise all we have is a party of stupid women with boy chests and a part which thinks  it is smart as it has large breasted women, when the problem with democrats is Obama's sodomy and Hilary's warmed over death look.

The Lame Cherry moves to rectify this in we must all take the lead from Alyssa Milano. As you can see she has large comforting breasts, and knows enough not to pick on other large breasted women of high IQ and all small breasted low intelligence women know enough not to pick a fight with Alyssa, as she would crush them.

Alyssa i let my tits do the talking for me Milano

We must all join together and model ourselves in the #NeverTrumper and #TrumpDerangementSyndrome on the fine tits of Alssa Milano as no one dares challenge her with small tits and low IQ and other large breasted women who say things against Donald Trump are never challenged by Alyssa as her tits have the right to be silent.

In that silence, shall we now all agree that only those women with large breasts should be allowed to speak out on the left to stop this interparty bickering. I mean watching Susan and Debra spar is like watching the special ed kids playing with flat dodge balls. We should protect women with low IQ's as all of this infighting is not in the true values of liberalism as we must Make Mammaries Great Again.
