Sunday, October 14, 2018

and now a Supreme Court lottey to fix all........

Trust me, Trust the hair

- Mark Weston

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is amazing to me that the problem always with Americans is the Constitution which of course needs to be changed, and  that the problem is not Americans who get the goddamned police state regime they deserve, because they are too pussy to be Thomas Jefferson "a little revolution" and to Cassius in willing to destroy good people for power.

The new fix for what ails America is the Constitution must be fixed in Justices on the Supreme Court are now to not be lifetime  appointments, but instead appointed two by two for 18 years and then have retirement, instead of finding out who is blackmailing John Robert's fag cock for Obama rulings and having a Congress terrified of voters in their not impeaching Sharia trolls like Steven Brier.
It is an amazing thing if Americans just did their jobs, that the Constitution would operate perfectly as it does, but it is a fact that no laws will fix anything when you have nothing but crooks and scoundrels in charge of everything and cowards saying Aye and Amen to every criminal thing the American regime comes up with for the ruling  elite.

Ending the judicial Wheel of Fortune: The need for 18-year Supreme Court terms

The genius above is named Mark Weston, but he doesn't touch on when democrats refuse to confirm every Republican nominee, so the next democratic dictator gets to appoint 4 tyrants to the Supreme Court. Then what happens, do the tyrants get to serve 18 years from their appointed date, which is what the genius has left out, which means that is a few years of this roulette that a democrat would be appointing all 9 tyrants to the court in their rotation of taking power.

Then there is the matter of an 18 year appointment. A tyrant would have to look to their future, so imagine the bribes they would be taking on rulings to benefit their retirement in being without a paycheck. Look when John Roberts is a stooge, as are most of those frauds on the court now, are you going to tell me in these high crimes, that an 18 year term is not going to have these judges pocketing millions of dollars in bribes just because it says it is illegal?

The Lame Cherry will define this in the Constitution is not broken. It has never been broken. What is broken is morality and honesty inside the United States. People get the regime they deserve and Americans have gotten what they deserved, because after World War II, those great patriots came home and took the GI Bill bribe and sold out America. They did nothing in that greatest generation to protect America from the enemies within while exterminating Germans and Japanese who were fighting against their own holocaust.
I just shake my head at these heroes who wear  their little gold braid hats looking for attention because they served in the military. Yeah a military which refused like Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to protect America from traitors, and took their Pentagon billions, while criminalizing draftees who had better thing to do than go nuts fighting for the world order.

America is a gulag and America has absolutely nothing but corrupt and immoral deviants in power, appointed and owned by those billionaire factions whose Nazi conglomerate concerns are how to weed out White Christian America and replace it with swarthy skinned Jesuits and their Muslim run by the Vatican for  Jewish enterprise as those vermin in low mentality will not fight back, but make wonderful welfare economic wealth concentration for the feudal few as they use terrorism to fund their police state to control it all.

Yes term limits on geezer tyrants will fix all of this, as 18 years will be a protective wall to never legalizing butchering babies or ass raping a culture.

Chief Justice Warren Burger was appointed in 1969 and by 1973, he had legalized Roe vs. Wade baby butchering. Four damned years, not 18 years. Yes great protection there, and the fact is Earl Warren only served on the court 17 years........ooppss all that damage and he self term limited before that magic 18 years.

Warren E. Burger - Wikipedia

Warren Earl Burger (September 17, 1907 - June 25, 1995) was the 15th Chief Justice of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1986.Born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Burger graduated from the St. Paul College of Law in 1931.

Oh and what about that wonder John Roberts?

John Roberts under another Republican socialist in Bush43 was appointed Chief Justice in 2005 and wonder of wonders, it only took him until 2015 to make rationed death in Obamacare the crypt of the land, and by 2017 Roberts legalized ass rape. That is 10 years and 12 year. Sorry Nancy  that is not those 18 years, and shit snacks these are all Republican appointed tyrants shredding the Constitution.

John Roberts - Wikipedia

John Glover Roberts Jr. (born January 27, 1955) is an American lawyer serving as the 17th and current Chief Justice of the United States since 2005. He was nominated by President George W. Bush after the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist and has been described as having a conservative judicial philosophy in his jurisprudence.

....and for those who wonder about feces scented penis Anthony Kennedy, well he was appointed in 1988 by Ronald Reagan, and would have been term limited in 2016, so Obama would have put his sodomite replacement onto the court which are those two lezbos. If you review the appointments, they would have been the same damned frauds, in the same number of HW Bush, Clinton, Bush43 and Obama. All of this overthrow of the Constitution would have been the same vote. Once again, the Constitution is not broken, it is degenerate America which is broken.

So for all of you looking to saviors Gorsuch and Kavanaugh who are both up your ass faggot, you are not going to get your precious Roe vs Wade overturned as this is already rigged. I warned you of this exclusively and revealed how all of you are going to have the rug pulled out from under you as all of this chit from term limits to Trump appointments is a diversion to sucker you to wait for another election to fix all what is wrong.

Here is another gem from genius Mark Weston:

The Electoral College has to go — here's how we do it | TheHill

Mark Weston is the author of "The Runner-Up Presidency - The Elections that Defied America's Popular Will (and How Our Democracy Remains in Danger)" ... The Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite ...

Wow Mark Weston's fixing the Constitution would have made Al Gore and Hillary Clinton as president. Gee I wonder how the guy who look like he has hair from some other human  is getting to publish all of these great ideas which only benefit the oligarchs and the ruling mob.

Mockingbird diversion. Take one Constitution and call me in the morning.

The Lame Cherry in another exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
