Saturday, December 1, 2018

So Russia meddling in US elections is bad?

Yes Dr. Noel, the Russians stuck this ibex antler into Capt. Kirk's
communicator and hacked the Federation elections
where America just elected Muhammed Taco by a 100% vote
on a Bush plank to exterminate all Americans.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So let me get this straight in Mad Dong Mattis, says the Russians tried to mess around in our 2018 midterms.

So let me get this right in the 2018 midterms handed 40 seats over to democrats by the Romney RNC.

So let me understand this, in Mad Dong says Mr. Putin is a slow learner, when it appears that Donald Trump after the 2016 elections in which Hillary Clinton tried to steal the presidency, after Obama did twice, after democrats stole elections from Tea Party women, and 10 million GOP voters disappeared for Obama, and Mr. Trump cancelled the election fraud commission, did not shut down the illegals flowing into America, that it appears that Mr. Trump is the slow learner.

So let me figure this out, that the democrats and republicans were successful in overthrowing the 2018 midterms, but if Russia had been successful, Americans would have elected the leaders they actually voted for.

Kind of makes you wonder when Russia is going to save the United States from enemies within, as Russia seems intent on being a friend without, in backing Americans who want peace with Russia, and not nuclear war.

Nuff Said
