The Game is afoot my dear Cherry
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So like TL downloaded the entire Sherlock Holmes, Jeremy Brett, Sherlock Holmes series to the last one from James Hardy starring in that wonderful two hours and that monkey man horny for a woman, swinging from the trees, and I forget it all, but it was one of the best Christmas presents ever.
I relish the performances of Sherlock Holmes and the masterful creations which were true to the era on Mystery PBS. I can still remember the day Jeremy Brett died, in I was driving north on a grey day, and the radio DJ said Jeremy Brett had died. I was sad then and still am sad as he was one of the best English actors ever, and one of the most unnoticed.
It is like this mystery which just does not make much sense in how jumbled it all is, in what it is all about. It reads something like Nostradamus who is not of course English, but French, and performed scrying to see what he saw, and of course wrote in quatrains so the authorities would not cut his head off.
It all starts with:
It was moved by sail the first week of May
To set waves of the skies in nineteen more day.
Seven days in June will the cargo come
At 10:19 it all will be done.
I never could make out Nostradamus even with the experts telling you what it was and it never came true. I would think that an expert should always be right, or at least like Qanon claim to be right on things there is no way of checking things out.
Holmes would have solved Nostradamus in one riddle.
The land traded for beads and Dutch trinkets
Is where from the sky the two times fifty equals 100 met.
There will 1 million there disappear
With 100,000 thousand less in the very near.
When I write poetry, it is like, you can get it in words rhyme and you do not need a college educated teacher telling you that you are wrong in what the poem meant. I would have liked to have told teach, "Teach, I hate this dung. It is boring and poetry sucks."
It goes on with:
Beginning in Elam and then far west Indianstan
Came the parting of the Red Sea plan.
Onto Romulus and the sons of Greece
By first of June the gates of Gibraltar are breached.
That Nostradamus was French you know and why he talked like he did.
Not much poetry in the last one in:
Two day delay, the weather, the heat
The sun burns hotter on the shores of Crete.
That Nostradamus wrote like he was using a pointy stick.
As I said, it is not much poetry and not much quatrain, but what can you expect when it is something that Sir Art Conan Doyle might write like The Hooters of the Hootervilles.
I think Conan Doyle is an ale, Kipling is a lager and Nostradamus comes with the chicken.
Any way I have a pretty Sherlock Holmes collection in the original serial version and the guy looks like Jeremy Brett. That is pleasing to me, but it probably would take Sherlock Holmes to unravel this mystery, but what is really the point as the rich eat drink and be merry or was it in American Pie where Don sang, Drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry".
That song was too long, like 8 miles high and falling fast or whatever Don McClean was singing. Here you can listen to it, as there is allot of code in that song which people debate about like Nostradamus, and it is a good thing that things are always clear here.
It started out fifth of June
But by the heat of the day
Five became seven by the purr of heaven
As it all changed in the two May days.
I solve the complex not the elementary my dear Cherry.
I do miss Jeremy Brett.