Friday, December 31, 2021

The Universal Pagan Religion.


Five million search results for sexy Nun on Yandex.
Guess we know what the right leggers are lusting about in the mass eh

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is not a secret in I pick up tools of the devil often, study them and burn them. Free books in stores from the Jehovah's Witnesses to the Catholics are confiscated by me every opportunity the opportunity arises.

My latest prize is the Catholic Prayer Book from 2002 AD in the year of our Lord by a right legger named Jacquelyn Lindsey. It 's a little book of 2 by 3 inches, and has lots of things in it which are not prayers, like mass, and I have not reached the end, but I did go over the queen of heaven part of this universal religion which is one part christian and 7 parts pagan devilry. 

The Virgin Mary is not the queen of heaven. Jesus never stated that nor the Apostles. The queen of heaven is an old pagan demon which those now in hell worshiped for favor.

As I was finger surfing over the 'saints' part, the Holy Ghost whispered to me, that all of these ritual necrophile worship of the dead is not just idolatry,  not just the worship of the dead, but is instead a transfer of the shamanism or if you remember St. Paul speaking to the men of Athens, who were very religious, had set up on pedistals numbers of gods to be worshiped. In the anti God order, people had lots of demons to bribe and sell their souls to. Easter was the demonness of fertility so you bribed her in the spring for a crop. Christmas is the dead sun day. People bribed that demon so the days would get longer.

There is no such thing as a patron saint. Nowhere in the Bible does the Holy Ghost instruct people to pray to the dead or that the dead are feverishly influencing God so you do not get  a hangnail as that is all that saint does.

The few descriptions of the dead in Heaven, are lots of Saints, Saints as Martyrs under the altar pleading with God to avenge them on the Vatican, and otherwise there is Saul getting the witch of Endor to conjure up Samuel who was displeased in being disturbed in his Peace to Jesus seeing Lazarus in Abraham's bossom while the Rich Man thirsted in hell, pleading for someone to warn his rich relatives what awaited them too.

In fact, Jesus says Moses accuses the Jews constantly as Jesus was talking to Jews and the YOU He was talking to was Jews.

We have One Advocate with the Father, that is Jesus the Christ alone.

That is it. Jesus does not need help. The Vatican with their stations of the crucifixion though have it as Jesus could not have made it if people had not helped that weakling along. If I was Jesus I would fume at Catholics to scorched earth for turning my Virgin Mother into a demonic whore as queen of heaven an turning my Church into the Whore of Babylon.

There will be a reckoning for the Catholic, but it will first come from the Pater Pope's anti Christ which the Pater as the false prophet is in fornication with in bending the Vatican over for power attached to another world regime, or the beast. The Revelation Of Jesus the Christ makes it clear that the anti Christ hates the Whore of Babylon and turns on that whore to persecute her. That would be the confessor Catholics who just get wet in the nethers over their Vatican government and all the power they have on this earth, as Catholics all know they are the only ones going to Heaven and the Protestants would be at the stake again if they could just get the power to do it again.

The worship of the dead is full of nuance. Joseph the husband of Mary, is the patron of workers and having a good death. I do not quite understand who decided which dead person got the shit job, but there are all kinds of patron. It seems though the saints that came lately, like St. Patrick, doomed entire nations like Ireland to hell, like Miguel Pro doomed Mexico to hell.

Otherwise if you start some nifty profit making order in the New World, you get to be a Catholic saint. Those ones that bring in the cash though apparently do not have to be listening to Catholic beggars looking for a better job or to die nicely as Joseph got stuck with.

All this Catholic saint blasphemy is nothing but a transfer of bribing something in paganism to get what you want. None of that is in the Bible and it is the thing that gets you wiped out by God.

The thing that galls me most about Catholics is how full of themselves they are. This author was thanking her grandparents who shared their devotion to the Catholic faith. That is what it always boils down to, the Catholic is superior like the Jew of all other two legged beasts and God loves them most.

When a Catholic has devotion of the Catholic faith, and not Faith in Jesus the Christ as their sole focus, that Catholic will be Judged for their anti Christ choice. Jesus comes first and last. There is no religion in this at all. You are either Christ and a Christian or you are  a Catholic, a Jew, a Muslim and none of them paid for your sins as only Christ could.

I would like to keep this satanic tool as a reference, but the thought comes to me, that if I was not around, then someday the devil is going to have some poor unfortunate pick it up and that will begin the process of sending them to hell. It is not like this is a best seller as the one I have has a bar code on the back crossed out, so no one even wanted to buy that thing with the padre waving it around as a sure cure to get your dead mama out of purgatory.

"What the father said," No you have one Father in Heaven, not in the Catholic buildings getting in the way of your life with Christ.

So this book will be burned after it is studied so I know what the enemy of Christ is up to. Rituals, rites and vain repeated chants do not move God to anything. Hearing God, believing God, confessing Jesus is your only Savior as Thee only begotten Son of God, and showing your Faith in obeying God and caring for others, in God comes first always, that is Christianity.

The rest is the Whore of Babylon.

Nuff Said\
