As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After the days I have had, this was so nice to hear that things are going well for this part of the LC family.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Thanks for all you do. I finally got a job! after 18months, the Lord has provided. I pray for you and your work. I enjoy the tractor talk, and I am praying for my own w/ a tiller. God Bless you, please carry on.
Am praying and preparing for storm and cold. There are two lessons in keeping this house warm. You have real problems with an east wind and snow. Until I get great draft I get a smoke that looks like something satan coughed up with cancer. Hard to breathe that stuff, but am thinking I will refrain from fires and east winds. Problem is we tend to get east winds before it gets cold, and I like to get the thermal mass warm beforehand.
Second lesson I learned and is now a rule, in wood is different outside, in the shed and in the house in how it burns. Was burning really well, too well. So I shut the door.
Here is the thing with this barrel stove is you have to keep the door cracked or it does not burn. Now I knew that, but the fire was burning really good, so I checked it, and went to join TL for a movie in those X men things. I realize now that X men are funded conditioning of the synforms, hybrids and the immortals which are with us now. That is something for another post. The thing is I said to TL about smelling smoke. Was like smoke you could see after a few minutes. I thought the damper fell shut........nope.
See that wood from outside was not burning real great, so without the additional oxygen it started smoldering. Hence the smoke, So the windows open, I lose the heat, have the fan on and the smoke clears, and on cue I am smelling the wiffs of smoke as I have the door open a crack and the damper open all the way. Things are now behaving as they always did before.
TL says that someone is really having a bad time of it. Probably satatn is not pleased with the headway in God taking back what is His.
Odd thing is, in X men the starters are hotter than the X men Wolverine stuff. Just noticing that.
So am still praying for God to deliver us from cold and to warm up Canada.
On to happier things in giving God all Glory for the better life for part of the Lame Cherry family. I would love to have a tractor with a tiller. Think with our rocks things would not last long, but it would be lovely to have dirt that tilled.
I'm not looking forward to this coming week as it will be hard if God does not deliver us from what is coming. Someone is having a bad time of it in the things bearing down upon us. Break the curve and the curve is broken.
Got to focus now. My heart is uplifted by good news for God's children. Thank God for good news.