Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Survival Week

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I bought Libby too many years ago, I thought if I bought her, that God would provide, as I had grand dreams for her.

She was a beautiful red roan, but had been mistreated and was a rescue horse. Her lines are the best in the world in Go Man Go and Poco Bueno. She was an ornery horse who upset me often in her slights, was impossible to give horse worming medicine to and was jealous of me to others like the plague.

She mothers baby calves and once when I was tending a cut on another horse in the rain, she squealed and raised her ass up, and would have killed me if she had kicked. She was just jealous.

I had plans to breed her, but God never provided the land or resources. Had lots of dreams on that horse and that is what hurts.

When I went to do chores in 5 degree weather, our nice day, I noticed she was covered in snow and had been rolling. When I discovered out pipe to the water tank had frozen, I noticed that Libby was on her side on an incline and that is trouble. She could not get up, I tried pulling her, and went to get a come along to winch her over, but when I got back she had figured out how to roll over and saved herself.

It was then I knew she was sick. She was sweating, she had a fever, was pawing and rolling. Whether it was colic as Americans horse are shit for finding ways to get sick, or she had some gut problem or virus, it did not matter, as all I could do is pray.
Vets suck shit. They were pet killers before but did it cheap enough that you at least tried. Now it is 300 to 5000 for their remedies in which the animal just suffers and dies anyway.

Libs was moving around yet when the state trapper was here. I warned him I had a sick horse, and I thought she might have died as she had moved out by herself and was laying flat. Nope when I checked on her a few hours later, she was by the water tank and this time puffing and seemed to not be able to get up.

I'm torn in this as I do not want to shoot that horse. Life has been hell enough for me these past months and years that in the middle of a Goddamn HAARP bomb so the 1% can get 30 more pieces of silver out of the poor, that I do not want my last memory of this horse to my putting a bullet in her brain.
What is a Christian but hope, and the coward's excuse in not putting down an animal that only has a chance in God.

I shot my pet cow when she went down this past June. She was not going to get up as she had that kick spot they wear with their hooves.

This is just peachy though in I do not want to see this horse die and she is right there and in pure satanic and your vicious evil torture, if she dies where she is laying, she will be by the well where I pump water every day, so I will get to see her dead and can't do a damn thing about it, as all of you rich people in your pomp just take what appears here and have never done a thing to make a difference. No I take that back, there was one person, but I'm waiting for the other 99 and my horse is stuck out in snow and cold struggling with life as you sit in your luxury.

So that will be my torture, Same torture when that bitch and her family from Mississippi with satan murdered my dog and I had to keep her in the freezer to spring to bury her. Same shit with my setter Ruby, had to keep her in the shed in feed sacks waiting for spring to bury her.

Libby won't get that, as she is too big. Whenever my neighbor gets back here with his tractor, I will beg him to move her at least out of direct sight and I will smell her for a few months this spring if those Goddamn coyotes don't eat her as the government is good at raising predators and all you green sons of bitches won't wear fur so those fucking murderous predators slaughter animals which bring any joy to a human.

Goddamn I hate this world and all that is in it. Crushes every fucking dream to a reality after I struggle to keep up a hope. Of course my brother who just died of the vax, he was here when I first got Libby and he said something about that "Goddamn horse" and I trusted him of course, and Libby from that hurt her shoulder and almost expired in the heat laying there, but that time I got her water, poured water on her to cool her off and God got her going again. Yeah I prayed that son of a bitch brother into Heaven by loosing his sins. Do not think you people who caused this are going to have your sins loosed, as they are bound in Jesus Name forever.

Worst part of this is the waiting for someone to die. Billy Dixon said that when death comes, it wraps warm arms around you, and you calmly slip off. If God is not going to cure this horse, I prayed He takes her quickly.  I'm at the point again that I do not want any more pets.

Have had so many things I loved destroyed these past years. I know what the Bible says, and there is trouble coming. I can only figure that God is taking out those lives as they would not make it. This ain't easy but it would be worse having some Goddamn regime asshole shooting Libby to make horse steaks for some son of a bitch in the regime.

God's Will be accomplished. Bless I the Name of the Lord God, Whose Mercy and Grace endure forever. Blessed be the Lord. Amen and Amen

