Meanwhile, evidence continues to mount suggesting that the Omicron variant is affecting vaccinated individuals disproportionately, including triple vaccinated individuals.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is disappointing to watch the depths that Donald Trump has prostituted himself to. From the glorious American of 2016, devolved a political animal who sold out MAGA to save himself as president and in Jan6 sold out thee American majority to save himself from prison.
Donald Trump appeared with Candace Owens recently, and she did herself no favor in that interview in allowing Donald Trump to spread disinformation on the Covid vaxes.
The ex president took credit for 3 vaxes. It is assumed he meant, the Moderna which used aborted babies, the Pfizer which used worm cells and the Johnson and Johnson which used the adeno virus as a carrier.
All three focused on using spike proteins of the Coronavirus, but in their vaxed form they were prions.
It has now been established that the Trump vaxes protected no one, just as much as the Trump test kits were worthless in diagnosing Coronavirus. All has been muddled as the people behind the virus and the vax both started using the term COVID for a disease, not a virus, in the way HIV produced the disease AIDS.
As Donald Trump wants to own the mRNA gene therapy vaccine, the Lame Cherry will not dispute this as he spent billions of American debt on these vaxes and the Covid side effects which appeared in all were:
Heart damage in sudden heart attack.
Blood clots
Personality changes
Those are the major issues of the Trump vaxes and all the vaxes.
What appears to be at the source of numbers of these dead and injured people is they had actually survived the Wuhan virus, and were vaxed, then that group had their bodies attacked and suffered from the prion injection. There appears also to be certain genetic groups which did not respond well, as in dead from this vax in the Neanderthal genetic group.
There were also issues for those who were not vaxed in coming into contact with those who were vaxed. The vax had a feature to speed up replication of the mRNA prion for immunity. This spread very well in the host, but at a point, the prions started shedding. I have personal experience with this in a neighbor I was working with touched my arm in the afternoon, and by 2 AM I had a golf ball sized welt on my lower arm, which felt like a rug burn. For the next week, my lower arm was black in deep bruising over most of my lower arm.
It took almost 2 weeks to recover from this as I had fatigue and intestinal issues. In normal shopping contact I had a second round of this and without bruising, as I had ingested the prions apparently I had the intestinal issues and fatigue for about 2 weeks.
“I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines,” Trump told Owens. “All are very, very good. Came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five to 12 years.”
This is Trump's legacy he claims. As Candace Owens attempted to make the point that more people died of Covid this year, the ex president cut her off, with an answer which made zero sense.
The Lame Cherry addresses what the ex president did not, either in ignorance or deliberate diversion. The evidence is that both vaxed and unvaxed were becoming ill from something. There are non biological weapon flus out there. The problem is numbers of people do have pneumonia like symptoms each year, and this group when at hospital, because government policy pays hospitals tens of thousands of dollars to list people as Covid, that a daisy chain takes place in the government then pays hospitals to IV drip Remdesvir into people as the Fauci treatment. The reality is Remdesivir was killing homosexuals who had HIV and causing AIDS. The same symptoms are appearing in Covid, so this is the "Covid" on record. Lastly the government pays tens of thousands of dollars to put people on ventilators. A hospital lists one patient as Covid, and the government provides almost a 70,000 dollar bonus. Add that to the hundreds of thousands in intensive care, and Covid was a ghoul moneymaker for hospitals and this is Trump policy.
Owens responded, explaining that more people died from COVID-19 in 2020, prior to the hundreds of millions of people getting vaccinated, than have in 2021. “More people have taken the vaccine this year, so people are questioning how-” Candace said, with Trump cutting her off to add, “Oh no, the vaccines work, but some people aren’t the ones.”
Donald Trump then lied in a response that it was the unvaxed who were the ones who were Covid sick. There is more than enough evidence now to prove that the most vaxed areas had the highest outbreaks and mortality problems than the non vaxed peoples. The Jewish state was experiencing immense difficulties with their 100% vaxed, as much as states on the east coast of America and European states, all had severe outbreaks after people were max vaxed.
This indicates that the vax did not protect anyone and in fact indicates it weakened the immune systems of the vaxed. Again, I have a friend whose son was vaxed. He was contracting a cold or flu every month since being vaxed. The solution for him was vitamins to rebuild his immune system. Many people had this problem and still are having these issues.
At the center of his is my personal example. I was deliberately infected by some connected people who wanted me around. I have natural immunity to several strains. It was trying but I did recover, along with the shedding.
I did not contract a flu which was odd that was going around here in October, but we did have a few mild cases of types of flu this past autumn. My immune system fought them all off easily and we have enjoyed not being plagued like those who were given the QuadVax for the seasonal flu shot which was making numbers of people very ill this year in causing the flu season.
All of these people were vaxed and their conditions did not respond well. The point is, the unvaxed have not had the issues which the vaxed have. The unvaxed are a healthier group by the evidence. The only thing that makes the unvaxed group terminal is if they take the vaxes. Then the case as my brother, his body broke down in multiple issues of heat attack, stroke, lung damage and cancer, in being dead in 2 weeks.
So Donald Trump is stating misinformation.
“The ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine. But it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you’re protected.”
As related by my brother's medical case, whether the 1% targeted him as they could not terminate me, perhaps is the reason he was so dead so quick, but people die from this vax for reasons which are genetic or having had immunity from contracting the bioweapon. The ex president is wrong in what he stated to Candace Owens.
The vax results have weakened the strength of those who have been given this mRNA. They continue to get quite sick in cancelling family gatherings being fully vaxed. There is nothing minor about their symptoms as they are quite ill for quite a long time. The vax is not protecting people, but the point is mute in the vax has zero protection for the new Omicron "variant", which is basically a slight headache for most people they soon recover from if not vaxed.
This gene therapy has harmed people. It has aged them. It has infected their fat cells and antigens there. It has changed their personalities. It has killed numbers of people as the vax does have gene suppression additives in it, one of which is for cancer, and cancers have become more prominent in killing the vaxed, again as my brother's case proves.
“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get it, it’s a very minor form,” Trump continued. “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”
As my brother is a person and quite human, he like numbers of "died suddenly at home" are the vaxed and not being listed on death certificates as vax deaths. The ex president gave all the pharm billions and complete immunity to damages, so even that point is mute. The reality is people are dying, the projections are that more people will die, will become changed psychologically in not being able to control their anger and the projections indicate that those with heart damage will continue to die over the years to come like those with Rheumatic Fever did a decade later. So there is no point in debate in this or censorship, as the issue is dead and will die out when the population which has been harmed dies out.
What is at issue is Donald Trump and his misinformation. The facts refute what he is stating. As the ex president wants to own the Fauci vax, and seriously, this mRNA technology has been around for a genderation and rejected as it harmed people in gene therapy. This though is the Trump legacy and his ridiculous propaganda will end as America moves on past the 45th president.
For those on the Right, Donald Trump was all there was unless there was JEB! or Hillary. The 45th president was incapable of governance, saved himself and now as the homosexual advocate with his Vatican promoting wife, there is nothing to support him for again, as Donald Trump was the preparation for Barack Obama's 3rd term.
Trump's base is unvaxed and he is lying to them and belittling them. He abandoned the rest of the party in the Jan6 issue, so he has no political traction and Trump brand can have the election stolen for him in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, but Donald Trump has proven like Joe Biden, that who is in that White House does not matter any more. What does matter is that people have been harmed and died from this vax, and that is the Truth which prevails and is why the information is posted here as a record for those who survive to examine the facts of how the 45th president killed off his political base with the vax and with Jan6.
That is the legacy of the 45th president. It is in the course of human events to move on as the propaganda which Donald Trump offers is too much let them eat cake for a people hungry for honesty.
He and his wife received the formerly “one and done” Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection that day in Wichita, Kansas. Mr. Tejada apparently suffered no immediate adverse effects from the injection, or he simply did not publicly talk about it. And then came the booster.
Very sudden death and aftermath
Mr. Tejada posted his final Instagram update on December 17. He received a Moderna mRNA injection for his booster shot, mixing it with the J&J adenovirus vector. Granted all of the injections are equally lethal. But we’re slowly collecting data that show very unfavorable outcomes when you mix brands.
Mr. Tejada captioned the photo with a quip about Omicron. His booster injection also continued a very disturbing global trend. He received the injection at Myeongdong (Catholic) Cathedral in Seoul.
Nuff Said