Friday, December 31, 2021

The Human Tide

Yes Cheetah, you should read Shakespeare too,
then you could quote him too.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My Bible reading was Esther Chapter 8, and it deals with the pur, or the decree that the Persian king sent out, for the Jews to kill all of their enemies.

8:10 And he wrote in the king Ahasuerus' name, and sealed it with the king's ring, and sent letters by posts on horseback, and riders on mules, camels, and young dromedaries: 8:11 Wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would assault them, both little ones and women, and to take the spoil of them for a prey, 8:12 Upon one day in all the provinces of king Ahasuerus, namely, upon the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar.

This is still a national holiday for Jews, they observe it with a passion.

That got me thinking as Donald Trump abandoned his followers on Jan6, that the FBI had their own pur they engaged in, but they only got like 600 people in dungeons being tortured. That really is lackluster compared to the Jews, as the Jews in Persia, they had a real holocaust on the Amorites or whatever that people were that Saul had trouble with.
Lots of things get confusing as the star of ths show, Esther, she wasn't a Jew. She was a Benjaminite like her Uncle. The Jew thing just is sort of a blanket name as in this the Jews were the Amorites and led by Haman who got hung on his own gallows. It was a real genocide of a race.

Tides of battle turn, that comes from Tarzan cartoons, as Tarzan quoted that, and I always remembered that as tides of battle turn. So maybe the American police state is not up to hunting down Americans. The military is dishorable discharge for not vaxing and it seems you just get paid leave in other government areas. It is obvious that Dictator Biden needs to crack the whip, and as we all know the Jews are the Fruit of God's Eye and can do no wrong, maybe American and West needs to side step the police state and just make a decree, an executive order, that Jews can go out and clean up all the problems in the world.

Now you have to understand the Persian Jews were really honorable in this blood bath, Not like the Nazis on Kirstalnacht in making profit on insurance claims. No the Jews never looted nor stole the property of anyone they killed. It would be tempting for other races to go after some billionaire and take all the billionaire had, but not the Jews, as they would not touch the lucre. No sister, they just picked up a knife and cut out their problems like a cancer.

The new Jews with their Ashkenaz banking seem a bit more lustful of the coin, so I don't know what would happen now, but it is obvious that the police state is too humane and tolerant to accomplish what is necessary, so the correct solution would be to make it legal and let the Jews handle it all out in the open.

Now granted in Esther it took two go rounds in slaughtering the masses. The king was astonished how it all was going when the second inning took place, but by then it was game over. Was an amazing thing in people were converting to being Jews, and it was sort of the reverse of the Catholics converting Jews into Catholics in Europe in the Dark Ages and not so dark long ago.

It worked out great in Nazi Germany as numbers of Jews were Nazis, like numbers of Jews were Marxists in the Soviet Union, like numbers of Jews owned lots of America. The Ashkenaz are a very gifted and adapt people as you get Capitalists, Nazis and Marxists all in the same family.

So Dictator Biden should consider handing out licenses to Jews. He has lots of Jews in his White House, and we all saw how ruthless Adam Schiff was in Congress in facts did not get in the way of his investigations. He just gave it 1000 percent and the majority who hated Trump, just loved this, so there comes a time in mob rule, that the mob ruling just needs to stop pussy footing around and empower democracy as the final solution.

It just seems if it worked for the Jews back in the day, it would work now to clean things up. After all, the tides of  battle turn, and Donald Trump says the GOP is going to win big in 2022 AD and who knows, maybe Mitch McConnell will be like a great dictator handing out his own licenses for the Purim to the Jews. Thing is Biden and McConnell, Thune and Pelosi all detest the Jan6ers and Christians and ReVaxNiks and basically agree on what the problem is in Ameirca, so maybe when the GOP has their purr, that Dictator Biden could have his pur. Divide it up as they are old White guys and it would probably be too much to handle, as all them cross dressing sex pervert parties going on take up a great deal of a day.

Some people say Tel Aviv runs America and London runs Tel Aviv, so how about we just have the Queen rule the land and the Jews get the licenses to clean up the problems so we will have a one world order where everyone thinks and thinks the same. It seems imperative that something is done before the hunted down start being given power back by the 1% and they probably will start cracking down like the Jews did so well long ago.

Me, I'm all about forgiveness and turning the other cheek. Yes obey the laws and pay your taxes, but there is something else going on, as Tarzan cartoons could not be wrong. It is just obvious what is going on now is not working, so the solution is to look to history for those in power now, in what they can do, to make this all peace and harmony now.

Or lose our ventures. Brutus and Cassius are discussing the final phase of their civil war with the forces of Octavian and Marcus Antonius. Cassius has been ...

Nuff Said

