Ex-Playboy model and 'Baywatch' 'Karen' faces assault charge in spat with foul-mouthed old man on Delta flight
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry only took interest in the Karen event of a woman beating up an old man on a commercial flight when this reality of a comment was added to the story.
I fly for business almost every week - can attest to this. What I am seeing now compared to just two years ago is a complete lapse of social mores and basic human kindness. Don't get me wrong - still the vast majority of people are good and kind - but there is a growing number of people out there bent on causing mayhem on so many levels.
We know that Karen was DUI not long ago, she was supposed to be on meds. These issues are not about mental issues and drug treatments, but the reality that Karen was most likely vaxed. The old man was probably vaxed too. The reality is we have numbers of vaxed people having psychological issues.
The reason this is of interest is Vladimir Putin and his Sputnik V was making him more world war aggressive as all Russians have become with this mRNA gene therapy. While Americans have not received the Sputnik, the reality is most Americans have become happy go lucky or reclusive from their mRNA vaxes.
The above states that the group who is flying is a group which is becoming more belligerent. Belligerent is the key in this as the normal social order is going away with the nasty triggering which people have had in lacking human compassion based in Chritianity.
The mRNA has enhanced the bad misbehavior which people have, like a brain injury, their curbs on bad actions have been negated. There is most likely going to be not just driver crashes and accidents, but more violent assaults upon others, which the above comment notes.
These people are not in their right mind. They are mRNA psychopaths. A psychopath is that way due to part of their brain function does not operate. The humane part is not functioning. This vax does on different people affect them differently. As stated some are happy, some reclusive morose and others are prone to violence. The violent groups by Karen appears to be those who have drug and alcohol problems. This is an important medical observation as people should be able to at least in their close groups to give more space to those people they know who have a habitual problem with drugs or booze. That tracking is just surfacing and we do not know how this mRNA is going to keep manifesting in people's emotions.
Perhaps if there is enough time, patterns will be able to be formed and studied. The problem is there will be more upheaval and wars which will disrupt any study of this and make all the data mute.
More of this is probably going to manifest. It is a warning to the people out there to be aware of what is a potential problem in being among the human population.
Nuff Said