As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm wondering in who crapper the weather is on every holiday that God has no problem with HAARP. Not that I ever boozed it up on New Years Eve or New Years. Now that I look back, my bad gut made me sick drinking beer, so I was not much into booze that kids were.
They did lots of Peppermint Schapps, but puke that up and you never want to puke up peppy again, like puking up Pepto Bismol. I once got sick eating, well it was twice, in German Kruellers and pork sausage and I loved them, but it took years to want to eat them again.
I really only got sick drinking three times. Well 4 and my brother was involved in 3 of the events. He was not much help.
As always, thank you for your light. Wishing you, TL, and all the critters well. I'm hunkered down and hope to be ready for what ever comes. Never feel ready though. Still have to venture out into the world more often than I want. All glory to god!
Odd in sequels suck in movies in most cases, but God keeps doing sequel years. Apparently God has Faith in Alien II or Rooster Cogburn and the Lady, as Dead Pool really dragged. Goddamn X men shit is all ugly Mexican mutants. Don't know what the message is in that.
It is cold here. Am still learning barrel stove sex. Hey I open the door, insert things, things get hot and it is pleasure. I thought I had reached the end of big logs, but today I got a log in there as she was running hot from 24 hours of dumping in a load and I had blue flames coming out of that log. Burned four hours and I would love to have a thousand of them to make my life more restful.
Last night was up to 3 AM, in bed, listening to radio to keep awake. Have to feed the barrel stove about every hour and a half or it is restarting her. Thing is the wind gets the burn going too good and I do all my heating of the great outdoors. Burned up like 3 weeks of wood in 24 hours.
Sucks to see all that hard work disappear. I was hopeful figuring that we saved about 100 gallons of propane already, so at 2.10 a gallon that is worth the effort, but no a good paycheck.
As dark as it gets, the Light of God is something I'm pleased to see shining through each of you. You are doing good. You listened and you are growing more resolute. You will need that focus and you get through to the next day, and sometimes it is going to be the next month before you get to somewhere better.
May God bless the Good in each of you and may you bless God, the Lord of this Life in you.
Time to go recycle some wood into the air, so that some of it can rain, some of it can make new plants, new shells, as you can't build unless you release what has been assembled.
Happy New Year.
Nuff Said