Friday, January 28, 2022

Are you ready to die yet?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jeff Rense on his program of Grey inclusions relates that a 1% ruler informed him 3 years ago that all of what we are going through was predicted, even the virus. Why a 1%er would tell him the secret stuff, I don't know, unless it was the all knowing Webster Griffin Tarpley who liked to say things he knew.

In any case, the gist of this was, this was "off world generated" and if you prepared, it would be tough, but you would survive. So the question is, two years into this, are you wanting to die as this is all so overwhelming, or is this not all that bad.

Granted we are just starting in this, but I would lay odds that everyone of you reading this, is ignoring Athony Fauci and not bothered by that "variant" nonsense and are living a normal life in a world of abnormal people and staged events.

My concerns are that CDC vax tracking, the event which seems to be projected for March which sets up the other events, for the simple reason they may move for currency control, but all the same it seems that the future holds these fraud GOPliters being handed power to convince the zombies on the right that they are really going to be saved again, and probably some GOPliter will replace Biden and then pass all the same Obama laws that Trump did to take all you have. That though is 3 years out and lots of Russian and Chinese fun can happen between now and then, to make you less of a target.
You give ground and move if you have to, but you keep giving ground as that is how you survive.

If the Rense 1%er is not running a scam, that means those who have prepared and not gone fetal position as they are sad, lonely and want to be a whore for the Frank Roosevelt police state, you have a life ahead of you.

Now what is a tough future?

You may have your plastic money frozen and all you have might have to go to a regime crypto which rations you things. So you still get things, that is not so bad.

What would be bad is to get to keep your home, your things, you have to get injected. Is that so bad though as there is not one of you reading this, who does not have great or great great grandparents who left all they had behind in Eurasia and came to America, a land where they did not speak the language, were exploited for their labor and yet somehow they lived long enough to produce the sperm and eggs to bring you into this world.

I will not submit.

That does not mean I'm going to fight as the 1% desires and I'm not going to sell my soul for existing in a cage without bars where I have guns as an illusion of my freedom. It means I'm going to survive in the most comfortable way possible.

It is a tragedy that all the Hobos died in the first part of the 20th century riding trains. All those bodies grease for the train wheels............. No the Hobo did not die, and they lived in box cars, Hobo camps, had Hobo stoves, wiped their buttts with grass and washed their asses in water so they did not stink. They went on to live when the world adjusted and were  the better for it.

Kyle Rittehouse. Tough time for that kid, but he is going to become an attorney. That sound like a shitty future or a future where he will not be wiping his ass with grass?

Tough times are relative to the person.

Most Americans lived in sod or dirt dug outs in coming to America. They adapted as there wear not trees Libby Custer adored her dugout, as she shivered in her officer's quarters in Dakota Territory.

So there are ways of surviving as she grew up in civilized Michigan and adapted with joy to the wilderness where everything was deprived of her, in she was hunted by the terrorist Indians and food is what they had brought with them.

So if you are a 1%er like a Buffett, I'm sure not having a maid wipe your butt and a butler spoon feed you caviar is a hardship. I imagine having to build a fire instead of order a servant to turn up the thermostat is a great change and it is hard. For most people they wipe their own asses, feed themselves and ca turn a dial.

So what is hardship?

For me, I have to be warm and dry. That means shelter. I have to not sleep on the cold hard floor or earth. That means a bed. I have to have good food, so that means I cook and have access to fire.I have prepared for these things, including light as sitting around in the dark really is a miserable thing.

I know what brings me comfort.

Again, what is hardship which your ancestors once called their daily lives and it never killed them and they never whined about it, as they thought it was luxury to have a bar of soap.

I really do not see anything in what is coming, if you have prepared in what gives you normal comforts to not stress you, is going to be that trying.  I imagine what it would be like to not have to decipher information and do this blog being plugged into it 16 hours a day. I could actually recharge my Spirit and have more time with God in prayer, and shake all this bad frequency from me. I do this  to survive waiting for the wealthy people to figure out that I have saved their lives by God's Grace a doze times over and they owe me.

I have not had time to just sit for years. I have not had time to sit and weed in my garden, sit with a pet and pet them as we both snooze. I have not had time to do normal things which most of you do, so you have so much energy that you get yourselves into trouble all the time. I have to budget each minute and always be on the move as it gets dark most days before I can sit down. I'm saving you and making it look easy in your lives and it is so easy that you have no idea what God has me doing. Most likely you are going to be rudely educated in the future what a time without me will be like, and as you sulk in not knowing what to do, you will realize, "Shit that is what LC was talking about".

I'm actually looking forward to my playtime in what people call hardship. I will be like Libby Custer, Osa the lion killer, Billy Dixon and others who met life and enjoyed the situation.

I would that Jeff Rense's informant was more precise, but being prepared means being prepared. I'm prepared in prayer in this Spiritual fight and prepared for the physical giving ground and moving on to the next day when this time line runs out. I'm honing all I do and I'm still not done resupplying as I look at what I have and think, "What if", so it is back to figuring out more ways in God.

As I just have a cat seeking shelter from me from being stalked by a loving dog, it is time to close this out as I will keep moving and looking for the answers God provides.

As you are prepared, prepare some more. Prove you are the stuff of your ancestors who survived for thousands of years with less than you think is necessary.

I will see this past the end in Christ.

You are not going to survive with cell phones and selfies.

Nuff Said

