Sunday, January 2, 2022

The 3rd World Final Solution


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is growing evidence in the projections of the serum's affect on humans who have been injected that two types of mass deaths are to take place.

For the peoples of the west, the prognosis is heart attacks and cancers.

For the peoples of the east, meaning the Negroid and Mongoloid, deaths will come in the form of tuberculosis according to the projections of Dr. Bhakdii which seem reasonable as those who were vaccinated for TB were protected from the bioweapon in having lessened effects.

An Enraged Dr Sucharit Bhakdii's Final Warning
Shocking Results Of 70 Autopsies On Vaxed People
...You Must Watch This Video

Radiologist Reports 360x Increase In Adenopathy
(Swollen Glands) Post Covid-19 Kill Shots

When the Lame Cherry specifies the peoples of the West, it does not include the LatinX population, because their 3rd world status carries with it parasites and germs like tuberculosis which  runs rampant.

Oct 14, 2021 ... Tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people each year. ... In late May in Mexico, as coronavirus infections climbed, ... The global surge.

Apr 6, 2021 ... Background Immigration is a determinant of tuberculosis (TB) epidemiology. ... Given the recent increase in migration within Mexico due to ...

Jan 19, 2001 ... Low socioeconomic status, crowded living conditions, and limited access to health care increase the risk for TB transmission on both sides of ...

Oct 19, 2021 ... Tuberculosis in Hispanics/Latinos. ... medical conditions may increase the risk that latent TB infection will progress to TB disease.

When the Dictator poured invaders into America, it was factored in that numbers of them would succumb when injected with the serum. This is why numbers of them were set free and never injected. The Mexican would have developed a TB which could never be cured and perish coughing up their blood.  The chamber of commerce can not get Auschwitz work out of the sick. It is better to wait and get the labor and then have them perish. Get enough dead and they will chemical bury them and turn them into fertilizer.

So you understand this, the 'roids'  are not being given a free ride. You can do the math in running the numbers in this. So many have TB, so many get vaxed, so many spread the prion to each other, and so many succumb to the vax at 100% projections.

TB is a nasty germ that can lie dormant like anthrax spores, until the body is run down and then the infection progresses. The vaxed will wear down due to the properties of the vax in synforming the human as it requires a great deal of energy to evolve a human in mRNA.

What we have seen in real data is a progression that athletic people die of heart attacks in these clots. People have immune suppression and get sick from common colds and die. Others die of the vax stroke "unexpected" at home. What follows in that wake are the cancer developments in those who got the real vax. The boosters seem to cause lymphatic swelling. As of this writing, the recovery for any of the above is not permanent. All like with TB are lingering on the edge until the prion and mRNA manipulations so overwhelm the body that they succumb.

What appears to be reality is that the booster is the final addition in this. There do not appear to be any saline injections in the booster series. That is the full combo and the next phase are the children being introduced to this level and they are being injured it seems as troubling as the adults groups who are targeted in this series.

The door closed on the tuberculosis carriers entering America as of October. The invaders may indeed have been shown the golden road, but the end of that road is going to be paying with being vaxed for the services rendered.  You were informed above that the 1% will get it's days labor before they get the 30 pieces of silver in vaxing their new herd.

Sep 15, 2021 ... Beginning Oct. 1, new immigrants to the United States must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ...

The point being in this that not all Mexicans carry TB, but it is latent in numbers of them. Mexicans wil not be immune to other side effects in personality changes, heart attacks, strokes and cancers connected with this mRNA adjustment.

In running the numbers of 2 + million Americans perished from side effects and more have been injured by this serum, based on perhaps 1 in 3 have been vaxed in 100 million, that is 2% who have been terminal. The Dictator brought in 2 million invaders, so that factors out at a higher rate of death in 10% as they are disease carriers. It would leave 1.8 million serviceable bodies, but that number includes women and children and they too will be vaxed from this point on for regime services and they will get the cocktail booster.

As a Protestant Christian I simply can not look at humans a commodities to factor in like buying chicks to raise that 4% will probably die in the original batch so you must order in 4% more, but that is what the 1% runs their  tallies like.

In Africa and Asia the numbers will be amplified as some nations are nothing but TB infested carriers and the reductions in populations will be impressive in culling the surplus with this serum. I'm certain there is some white coat explaining in meeting that this will be better for the herd, more services, less regime costs and the increasing of quality of life by getting rid of the lungers.

So those are the realities of the projections. If you are European or American, you will die of heart attacks or cancers. If you are and African or Asian, you will die of tuberculosis in major numbers. That is not to state that cancers and heart attacks will not be prevailing in the "roids". They will just have more tuberculosis deaths than in the civilized West.

Nuff Said
